Quote Originally Posted by KurtW95 View Post
Terrible. Not every show need to be Invinciblified. We may be adults here, but it is pretty selfish to shut the door behind you and make a property that should be okay to let kids watch to get into comics into a bloodfest. TAS was great because it was mature enough to be enjoyed no matter your age but was safe to show children to get them into comics and the characters. And changing almost all of the costumes is a bad move. Rogue's UA outfit is awful and every character already had their best costumes already save Storm. I do like the Cockrum look on her. Morph's powers make no sense at all. He should not get the powers of his shifted personas. Magneto going full villain again was annoying regression. And Rogue going with him makes no sense at all. And they are completely ignoring continuity in having Charles need them to remove the helmet to get inside his mind, as that was not a concept until the movies and he made Magnus relive his childhood with the helmet on in the first series. Why oh why could they have not just let the people who did the first series handle it.
It's not her UA costume though. This is Rogue's original costume which she always comes back to in pretty much every era. She wore this as part of the Brotherhood before defecting to the X-Men. Didn't come back to it until the late 90s during the Alan Davis run. Then wore it again in the return to AoA in the mid-2000s with a cloak, around the same time she wore a cloak version in the 616 universe when she was leading her own X-Men team. Then she wore a variation with a skirt in UA.