Quote Originally Posted by DUSt View Post
Shuri shoudn't have died.
I like the idea of there being more than one school for mutants.
The All-New X-Men shouldn't be exclusive to one side (I.E, they should be neutral in the conflicts between the two institutions).
I like Star-Lord's charecterisation in the movie more than in thhe comics.
Gamora's current costume is better than her previous ones.
I like Venom post-Mac Gargan (Agent Venom-present) more than I do for his previous incarnations after his initial storylines, so I wouldn't like to see him become a villain ir villainous anti-hero again.
Spawn should be acknowledged at least once.
The Black Vortex is an interesting plot device, though currently nothing more than a macguffin.
I liked Age of Ultron.
On The Shuri death thing, with Secret Wars, Marvel can kill off as many characters as possible before May 2015, and it not really mean that much. Wolverine was killed, and so was Daken. They could just kill the FF in issue #645, but what does it matter? They are all going to die when TRO comes around. In fact Marvel have the ideal opportunity for all Nemisis' to kill their super hero, but I suppose that would have been too gaulish.