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  1. #16
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    Rogue looks awful in this book. I bought #3. I just can't bring myself to buy #4.

  2. #17
    Extraordinary Member vitruvian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emma's Midriff View Post
    Remender's Quicksilver is just awful to read.
    I will agree here, it's like he got a partial dialogue transplant from Peter Parker, but it didn't go well even for that. Really not how Pietro has ever spoken under any writer.

  3. #18
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    I'm sorry for bringing my negativity in here, but this whole storyline has been very disappointing.
    First of all, I never liked the retcon of the Maximoff's origins, but with all the buildup it had, it kind of fell flat. You had random characters calling them gene-trash, tumors, etc...I was kind of expecting a more fantastic origin to the twins given the name-calling they've endured. For them to just be regular human babies is a let down, although I will concede that having the Maximoffs be their parents is the least "offensive" alternative. But whatever, I still don't like it for reasons I won't bother you with.
    Many parts of this story feel rushed. Two issues ago, Vision meets a female android, by the third issue, he's making babies with her (mind you, they've had minimal on panel interaction, so why Vision suddenly decides to get robot-freaky when he's always been a very aloof fellow makes no sense to me), and this issue he's thinking if ditching her. Then there's Sabretooth brushing off his brainwashing like nothing and inferring who the good guys are because the good guys have young soldiers??
    I just don't see how this is supposed to come to a satisfying conclusion by next issue. I expect a lot of rushed development...and in the case of Dr Voodoo and Captain America, I expect no development at all as they've barely done anything...Heck, I don't even know why they decided to join the team on this excursion anyway as they've had minimal interaction withe the Maximoff twins.
    Also, I'm really hating how Quicksilver is written. He sounds like Spiderman.

  4. #19
    Mighty Member Moriarty's Avatar
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    i'm not really crazy about this volume of UA. i like the characters, i just don't find the story very compelling.

  5. #20
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    Every story in Marvel this year has felt like just killing time until Secret Wars, but this story feels like it's marking time more than any other, even Thor (which had to drag out the "who is Thor?" mystery until it was time for SW to start). Even the book seems to acknowledge that this isn't really a new team, just a pickup group Rogue got together to find Wanda and Pietro. And then everybody just kinda... does stuff, and Remender gets to throw in scenes he finds fun: Dr. Voodoo scenes, mad-scientist stuff, Vision artificial-intelligence angst. It's entertaining if you approach it as a collection of vignettes, but it's almost more like a spinoff 5-issue miniseries than a new volume.

  6. #21
    Mighty Member Greg's Avatar
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    Besides Mighty Avengers, I haven't actually been reading much Marvel or DC books at all. I'm more of an indie dude and I picked this series up for Doctor Voodoo but I've found myself actually enjoying this book as a whole. I just caught up reading both 3 and 4 together back to back and it reads well. I find it to be pretty fun and I'm losing the usage of each character and giving them different situations to test themselves. My one critique is the Vision development with Eve happening rather fast and out of the blue but it wasn't enough to pull me out of the story.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by gurkle View Post
    Every story in Marvel this year has felt like just killing time until Secret Wars, but this story feels like it's marking time more than any other, even Thor (which had to drag out the "who is Thor?" mystery until it was time for SW to start). Even the book seems to acknowledge that this isn't really a new team, just a pickup group Rogue got together to find Wanda and Pietro. And then everybody just kinda... does stuff, and Remender gets to throw in scenes he finds fun: Dr. Voodoo scenes, mad-scientist stuff, Vision artificial-intelligence angst. It's entertaining if you approach it as a collection of vignettes, but it's almost more like a spinoff 5-issue miniseries than a new volume.
    Maybe that's been the plan for this volume all along; to hash out the twins' origin and for Remender to just tell some stories with the others to establish any ideas that
    might be used after Secret Wars. Maybe there isn't a larger plot this time. It might seem like killing time until SW, but if the individual stories are entertaining, does
    it really matter?

  8. #23
    All-New Member kolaida's Avatar
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    I love that Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Rogue are all together considering they are all my faves. I'm not loving that it sounds boring and Pietro is impersonating Spiderman.

    I hope the twins at least learn of some extreme genetic testing. So does this actually make them Ana and Mateo? I think I'm as confused as them and everyone else.

  9. #24
    Full sauced... klinton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Byakko View Post
    You know he does technically have two sons, but those two sons don't actually need him so whatever (would be nice if he actually thought of them as his children during the whole offpsring rant)
    He doesn't actually know what to think of Billy and Tommy, having believed for so long that they weren't actually real (after they were stolen by Mephisto). It was addressed in an annual a couple of years ago. He has reached out to them though, so they have some sort of relationship.

    Vision's been a bit lost since re-awakening from his death in Dissassembled. He's spent most of his on panel time moving further away from his 'humanity' and becoming invested more in virtual persons, more akin to himself. This is actually his second 'romance' with an AI woman since his return.

    He's kind of on the inverse path he was on prior to Dissassembled, where his goal was always to be more comfortable among mankind.
    Freedom is the ability to live without fear of persecution.

  10. #25
    "Emma is STILL right! Vegeta's Avatar
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    This was a really mediocre read, other than a rivalry with the High Evolutionary (and his "daughter" who is so bland I can't even bother to remember or look up her name) I can't really see what great new story ideas will come out of this retcon.

  11. #26
    All-New Member kolaida's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegeta View Post
    This was a really mediocre read, other than a rivalry with the High Evolutionary (and his "daughter" who is so bland I can't even bother to remember or look up her name) I can't really see what great new story ideas will come out of this retcon.
    That's so disappointing. I was really hoping for some extreme genetic experiments, maybe even some shots of some mutants' DNA and some crazy magic spell stuff. Why retcon it if it's just going to be boring?

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emma's Midriff View Post
    Remender's Quicksilver is just awful to read.
    Agreed 100% I am with the posters who loved Remender's xforce and first uncanny avengers volume.

    But as a long time Avengers fan I cannot stanf Quicksilver 's dialogue. Is he like totally spider man now or Iceman? Does Rick even read anything with Pietro in it? He's just going generic speedster lingo. Has nothing to do with the character. Where is the editor here?

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