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  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadFacedKid View Post
    Arion lord of Atlantis as Aquaman
    Hermes as Flash

    In keeping with the "Gods" and "Monsters" theme?
    I was thinking maybe Mera as Aquawoman (get her water control powers in) but Arion's a great pic. Hermes is a logical "God" pic for Flash, but I was thinking either a version of Zoom or someone from the Quick family. I keep thinking flash should be reliant on a formula or something in this world, it would seem to fit.

    I saw someone somewhere suggest Sinestro as Green Lantern, which would be awesome, though the teaser artwork doesn't seem to fit that.
    They look the way engines might dream of themselves. - Grant Morrison on Kirby machines

  2. #77
    A Wearied Madness Vakanai's Avatar
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    I don't know what they have planned for the future...but I kind of like the idea of Black Manta as Aquaman.

  3. #78
    Incredible Member Nix Uotan's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=kingkasara;1390238]I was thinking maybe Mera as Aquawoman (get her water control powers in) but Arion's a great pic. Hermes is a logical "God" pic for Flash, but I was thinking either a version of Zoom or someone from the Quick family. I keep thinking flash should be reliant on a formula or something in this world, it would seem to fit.[/quite]

    Hmmm Mera might be interesting as it adds another female character to the crew. Though with the exception of Bekka, the other two Leaguers are villains behaving as heroes kind of so it does make me wonder if they would seek out an Aquaman rogue and 'invert' them in a way. Arion would be a complete unknown for them if they went down that route though I could see Orm or maybe Black Manta taking the role. Orm or Arion would make sense as an 'Aquaman', not sure why Manta would call himself that but there's always a way to do it.

    Personally, I would go for Professor Zoom as perhaps a speedster from the future who comes back to the past to ensure his timeline occurs. So, he's only a hero in the sense that he wants his time to actually happen which I think could work. But that's just me.

    I saw someone somewhere suggest Sinestro as Green Lantern, which would be awesome, though the teaser artwork doesn't seem to fit that.
    That's me and yeah you are right. I kind of liked the idea of Sinestro remaining a Green Lantern. Like he never got caught and still operated where he skirted the line in law enforcement. Might have led to some good drama even where he works on a team and pushes for the authoritarian view. But anyway, at least it's an alien Lantern they seem to be going for. Hopefully, it leads to an interesting character

    God, now I want 2016 to come to see the new web series...

    Also, if they want to do a Hawkman for this world why not have Zauriel? It would be different and he was made as a replacement Hawkman when they couldn't use the character so....
    Quote Originally Posted by t hedge coke View Post
    Darkseid doesn't invade with a fleet of ships. Darkseid chills on your couch, embarrasses and humiliates you, and won't leave. And he drinks everything in your fridge.

  4. #79
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    Reason I said Arion is cause he's a hardly mentioned character in the DC Universe he'd take another role not being the tech guy, the warrior (even though he does have skill), or powerhouse but provide the team with magic. Not to mention he's normally as morally gray as these characters if not more so meaning it wouldn't be unlike him to take drastic measures. And is the son of two sea gods. A brown haired Aquaman would be new for me also.

    I wouldnt mind Mera though like you said she would add another female to the team but the point in picking Arion was to keep the name title "Aquaman" as well as keeping in the formula of using obscure characters from his myths though Bekka isnt part of Diana's mythos and Hernan is completely new. I just thought Arion would be a cool fit cause of his powers not to mention Mera would be another red head and wheres the diversity in that and she also plays a prominent role in Arthur's myths while I was going for minor.

    They could always create a Flash like character? Think it would work best with him. And a Green Lantern like character? Make one of them a female? Personally I always wanted a Jamaican Flash based off Usain Bolt which would add the status quo for token black guy that these things usually like and GL could be Jessica Cruz or maybe even Simon Baz's sister who still isnt really that prominent.

  5. #80
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    The Zauriel as Hawkman thing sounds cool and isnt really far fetched considering a New God is Wonder Woman so why not have a Angel as Hawkman.

    I think Sinestro, Black Manta and Orm are a bit to prominent though and if familiar faces are shown thunk it would be best to put less prominent characters in the positions. I wouldn't mind seeing Sinestro though as some rogue alien, or Orm as king of Atlantis, and Manta as a Artifact hunter.

  6. #81
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Good ideas on the alternates leaguers. About Sinestro, we don't know if that alien could be Sinestro isn't? We only know is a more alien looking Green lantern but perfecty could be Sinestro, Abin Sur or another character, maybe J'onn J'onz even. We are talking about an alternate universe here. So the desing also could be different.

    For the Flash, personally I would like to see Zolomon Hunter as this world Flash. But the time traveler angle is a good one too. But also as we are seeing there are Steel (who seems to be an amalgam of both Steels) and Mary Marvel (would she invoke the same gods as Billy?), so why not instead Aquaman another character? As in Forever Evil he was replaced by Deathstorm (fire) and in the DCUA he was replaced by Hawkgirl (air), why not use Terra or Geo-Force in the universe of G&M?

    But how they will be in the end,who knows? The changes in the origins of the Trinity still keep certain parallels with the prime characters and also keeps the origin of the analog characters: Superman, last son of Krypton but of Zod; Batman, a bat-inspired vigilante but with physiological bat characteristics; Wonder Woman, a goddess from a secret land, but from from the New Gods instead the greek gods. I like how Dini conceived the analogies so I would wait to see how is the movie. But Dini never had dissapointed me.
    "Never assign to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity or ignorance."

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  7. #82
    The Son of Suns Clairaudient Freedom Soldier's Avatar
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    Yes, I want Arion as Aquaman in the G+M universe!!
    Take a couple of minutes and check out this new comic book, friends:

  8. #83
    Incredible Member Nix Uotan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor-Ul View Post
    Good ideas on the alternates leaguers. About Sinestro, we don't know if that alien could be Sinestro isn't? We only know is a more alien looking Green lantern but perfecty could be Sinestro, Abin Sur or another character, maybe J'onn J'onz even. We are talking about an alternate universe here. So the desing also could be different.
    He looks pretty alien, I initially thought maybe Abin Sur but he looks kind of far from Ungaran or Korugarian unless either species looks quite different in this world. Mind you, SpacecSectorv2814 is a big region of space so it's possible it's just a brand new character even. Or J'onn as you said. Though I must admit, I'm struggling to think of a new way to do J'onn over. He's not exactly got a huge list of rogues unless they make him Malefic, some random White Martian or perhaps Fernus the Burning Martian?

    For the Flash, personally I would like to see Zolomon Hunter as this world Flash. But the time traveler angle is a good one too.
    Hunter would be interesting as well as the time manipulation would make him a different Flash as he's a time manipulator instead of a speedster. But Thawne just seems to have such potential as a 'hero'. I could see him only helping to ensure his own timeline comes to pass

    But also as we are seeing there are Steel (who seems to be an amalgam of both Steels) and Mary Marvel (would she invoke the same gods as Billy?), so why not instead Aquaman another character?
    Hmmm, good point. I would think she might summon the same gods but necessarily.

    As in Forever Evil he was replaced by Deathstorm (fire) and in the DCUA he was replaced by Hawkgirl (air), why not use Terra or Geo-Force in the universe of G&M?
    Well, we did have Sea King as Earth-3 Aquaman but he wasn't prominent really as he was replaced with Deathstorm as you said. If they did go for Orm as Aquaman though they could perhaps him him a bit like Namor? Like the arrogant superhero? Or maybe make a water elemental as Aquaman/Aquawoman?

    Though I do wonder how they could do Firestorm different if they wanted to make a version on this Earth.

    But how they will be in the end,who knows? The changes in the origins of the Trinity still keep certain parallels with the prime characters and also keeps the origin of the analog characters: Superman, last son of Krypton but of Zod; Batman, a bat-inspired vigilante but with physiological bat characteristics; Wonder Woman, a goddess from a secret land, but from from the New Gods instead the greek gods. I like how Dini conceived the analogies so I would wait to see how is the movie. But Dini never had dissapointed me.
    Indeed, I'm quite excited for the development of this verse
    Quote Originally Posted by t hedge coke View Post
    Darkseid doesn't invade with a fleet of ships. Darkseid chills on your couch, embarrasses and humiliates you, and won't leave. And he drinks everything in your fridge.

  9. #84
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    Did anyone else catch that Orion was referred to only as a Son of Darkseid and that Scott Free was among the Gods of New Genesis? Thus implying that the fabled swap of sons never happened? I've seen people in other places complaining about Highfather's treachery but in a world where the war with Apokolips dragged on into his son's adulthood...I can see it.

    Overall, I freakin' loved the movie. It really seemed like a lot of thought and care went into crafting an alternate universe, rather than the "Ok like normal but different" approach too many Elseworlds tales - even good ones - take.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nix Uotan View Post
    He looks pretty alien, I initially thought maybe Abin Sur but he looks kind of far from Ungaran or Korugarian unless either species looks quite different in this world. Mind you, SpacecSectorv2814 is a big region of space so it's possible it's just a brand new character even. Or J'onn as you said. Though I must admit, I'm struggling to think of a new way to do J'onn over. He's not exactly got a huge list of rogues unless they make him Malefic, some random White Martian or perhaps Fernus the Burning Martian?
    I keep thinking it's probably a different look for Abin Sur. The 'verse is different enough that aliens might just look less human. After all, making him look more alien fits the "Monsters" theme (though who knows how deep Timm is running with that theme?), while his powers will obviously fit the idea of "Gods."

    And each character doesn't have to be from their rogues gallery. Batman and Superman were, sure, but Wonder Woman wasn't. Even the original concept they had, which was to make Diana the daughter of Zeus (until the comics did that and they changed gears) didn't really fit her being one of her enemies (unless you want to say they were making her a female Ares, which I suppose they could have been...). If they were to do J'onn, I could see him either being a lot more alien himself, or a White Martian. But I think the biggest change for him would be if he wasn't the last of his people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nix Uotan View Post
    Hunter would be interesting as well as the time manipulation would make him a different Flash as he's a time manipulator instead of a speedster. But Thawne just seems to have such potential as a 'hero'. I could see him only helping to ensure his own timeline comes to pass
    The time manipulator think could be fun, since it provides more heroes with similar but still different power sets. Superman was pretty much the same, but Batman and Wonder Woman (minus her super-strength) had different capabilities than the baseline.

    I still like the idea of a Flash who is dependent on some sort of chemical though, because it gives him a chance to have interesting interactions with Batman, who has a "dependency" but of a very different kind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nix Uotan View Post
    Indeed, I'm quite excited for the development of this verse
    Same. I wonder if Steel and Mary Marvel seem to indicate that they're not going to fill the rest of the Justice League with the traditional lineup, though. Or they could play different roles.
    They look the way engines might dream of themselves. - Grant Morrison on Kirby machines

  11. #86
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    What if Flash became an abbreviation like Shazam every letter of the word Flash stood for something and Martian Manhunter was the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 or what if some other corps had dominion over the sectors?

    Characters like Flash, Aquaman, GL, Cyborg should appear in some form given they could use all the more exposure being that there going to be in movies soon. Why not go crazy with it. Im a bit confused on how they could do Cyborg why not combine Manhunter and Cyborg? Be ironic given the fan complaints at the start of the New52. I did like then idea of Flash using drugs to use his super speed it fits into the idea of a not so perfect world. Why not get stereotypical though we have an Alien Superman raised by Hispanics. Why not a Black Flash or Asian Cyborg?

    As to having an elemental spot vacant for Aquaman as interesting as that sounds I disagree Hawkgirl was there to add another female character and Deathstorm wasn't a replacement spot for Aquaman, Sea King just happened to past. Still would rather see Arion as Aquaman and Orm as a political antagonist having to deal with Arion. Black Manta a Artifact hunter who steals stolen artifacts of Arion.

    I would like to see Geo-Force get exposure it would be cool for his powers to be explicitly stated as given by Gaea and maybe Jeff could have gotten his by Zues forming a Outsiders group to oppose this JL.

  12. #87
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    So, I saw it at last and I liked. There were some interesting twists and surprises appearances. Must confess I had an hypothesis for the villians which was wrong. But if there will appear others league members, they are going to be far different.

    With John Henry Irons and Victor Stone dead, I can't guess which will be the origins and identity of the G&M Steel, who seems to be an amalgam of John Henry Steel and Hank Heywood Steel. Maybe it will be more in the line of the second.
    And on the movie spoils properly, Luthor metaphorically was a Superman: he was beyond good and evil.
    end of spoilers
    "Never assign to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity or ignorance."

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    "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart; for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." James Baldwin

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor-Ul View Post
    So, I saw it at last and I liked. There were some interesting twists and surprises appearances. Must confess I had an hypothesis for the villians which was wrong.
    Mind sharing, perhaps in spoilers, what your theory was? I always enjoy even the counter-factuals for the counter-factuals.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thor-Ul View Post
    With John Henry Irons and Victor Stone dead...
    end of spoilers

    Did Irons die too? I didn't see him in the movie. Was he in the mansion massacre?
    end of spoilers
    They look the way engines might dream of themselves. - Grant Morrison on Kirby machines

  14. #89
    Burn Baby Burn Burning Eyes's Avatar
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    Got to see it a few hours ago. I liked it a lot.


    Finally. Bruce Timm has finally figured out how Superman's Invulnerability works: when the Bullet hits, the slug ricochets while the Last Son of Krypton remains standing where he was. I've been waiting since 1996 for him to finally get it right.

    This interpretation of Superman was very well done. His upbringing has harsher, and his methods more ruthless and frustrated, but there was also an undertone of sorrow to his character. I liked how it was this sorrow that enabled him to take a hard look at himself and become both a better person, and a true Superhero.

    Wonder Woman as a New God was the best backstory of the Trinity.

    Batman as a vampire with Roy Mustang's (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) voice actor? Good.

    Interesting Foreshadow: by never creating Gold, Magnus "lost" his nobility, and thus his own humanity.

    I've always enjoyed the Metal Men, so to see these guys be total badasses was incredible. To see Platinum give Wonder Woman a run for her money was nothing short of amazing.
    end of spoilers

    So if they decide to do more films set in this continuity, I think I'd like to see Solovar as the Flash.
    Come on people, you all laughed at me when I said I hope we get to see Gorilla Grodd in the Live-Action Flash TV Show, so what say you to an animated film featuring a Hyper-Intelligent Super-Fast Gorilla as a good guy?
    Man of Steel, Batman v. Superman, Justice League.

    My favorite film trilogy.

  15. #90
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingkasara View Post
    Mind sharing, perhaps in spoilers, what your theory was? I always enjoy even the counter-factuals for the counter-factuals.
    Well, I thought...

    That the robot were another version of AMAZO. It reminds me from the JL Animated series. I didn't catch there were several at the beginig but just one. The Magnus twist was an unexpected twist, even with the Obvious reference.
    end of spoilers


    Did Irons die too? I didn't see him in the movie. Was he in the mansion massacre?
    end of spoilers
    Yep, he was. So let's see what would mean this to the next wave of characters.
    "Never assign to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity or ignorance."

    "Great stories will always return to their original forms"

    "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart; for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." James Baldwin

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