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  1. #91
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burning Eyes View Post
    Got to see it a few hours ago. I liked it a lot.

    So if they decide to do more films set in this continuity, I think I'd like to see Solovar as the Flash.
    Come on people, you all laughed at me when I said I hope we get to see Gorilla Grodd in the Live-Action Flash TV Show, so what say you to an animated film featuring a Hyper-Intelligent Super-Fast Gorilla as a good guy?
    There is a series in the works.
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  2. #92
    Astonishing Member BatmanJones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlashEarthOne View Post
    I was looking forward to this when it was announced. After seeing this trailer and more recent interviews about it... not so much anymore.
    I had no interest in it whatsoever until I rented it out of boredom. Turns out it's awesome. One of my favorite DC cartoons ever.

  3. #93
    Queen Mob Magda's Avatar
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    Recently, much has been accused quality animated films stamped DC Entertainment to decline in quality. It is true that the most recent of these features are not among the best (although some are still very watchable) and it is right that we get worried. However, hope was quickly returned when Justice League: Gods and Monsters was announced, not only because of its very original pitch, but above all thanks to the name of a man attached to this project. Bruce Timm. It is obvious that this simple statement was enough to trust many of DC fans, who remember all the golden age of the DC Animated Universe. It's that legendary author who takes care of the script, with Alan Burnett, who also contributed to the success of Batman The Animated Series. The film is directed by Sam Liu, a regular feature animated films from Warner Bros. All conditions are met to produce quality work, and the least we can say is that the disappointment is not with go.

    The universe is presented to us in Justice League: Gods and Monsters is very different from that to which we are accustomed. Indeed, the League of Justice is composed of only three heroes, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. However, it is not of the Trinity as we all know. The first is actually Kirk Langstrom, become a kind of vampire, the second is the son of General Zod, who was raised by a family of Mexican immigrants and the last is the daughter of the High Father, leader of the planet New Genesis . Therefore, our new hero does not have the same aura as their traditional versions, and suffer harsh criticism from the media, because of their more radical methods that. Obviously, this controversy will grow following a series of murders committed by mysterious characters to close although powers of those members of the superhero team. The authorities will quickly accuse the protagonists, who will conduct the investigation in order to prove their innocence. The scenario is very original, and we plunged into a dark and fascinating world, a surprising maturity. All three members of the league has developed, and has its own personality, quite different from their respective models. One is entitled to the exposure of their personal tragedies, and we must admit that the writing of the film is particularly clever.

    Each sub-plot is finely built and can crawl an entire section of this new universe. I especially liked the story of Wonder Woman, which is an interesting reinterpretation of Fourth World of Jack Kirby, expensive to implement Bruce Timm, who had mentioned several times in his animated series. The main plot is not left out, and reveals new versions of key characters like a Lex Luthor-esque very Stephen Hawking, a Lois Lane determined to prove that superheroes are like a dangerous J.Jonah Jameson feminine, an intriguing Will Magnus and a new version of the Metal Men (particularly found, this is one of the best ideas of the film) and Amanda Waller Ah ... no, actually it remains completely true to itself even.

    If the script is successful, the animation is not far behind and it was right to the big show. The graphics do justice to good character design inspired by Bruce Timm, whose angular and minimalist style is renowned, and scenery are not far behind. The environments are perfect and each has its own atmosphere, one feels that the film was carefully thought and every detail seems to have been taken into account. It is a real pleasure to find this graphic style that made the heyday of the 90s and it is nice to see the characters in action in this film worked very aesthetic, marked by a well assumed violence. Dubbing work as it enjoys special care, and the work of the main actors is remarkable. Michael C. Hall, as we have seen in the (disappointing, yes I venture) series Dexter, portrays a totally creepy Kirk Langstrom certainly will mark the spectators, Benjamin Bratt finds the right tone to play its Superman strict and stoic, though deeply human and Tamara Taylor (who is best known for her role in the series Bones, I sometimes indeed watching bad TV, do not judge me) ensures fully to Wonder Woman both strong and fragile, making it perhaps the most interesting character of the trio. The music of Frederik Wiedmann, who worked on the series Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Beware The Batman, is also quite good, and perfectly matches the tone of the feature, being both dark and inspiring. But this is unfortunately not a musical score to par with the best collection of animated films produced by the same box.

    Justice League: Gods and Monsters is clearly the masterpiece that we were promised and I was surprised at the quality of the feature film, as I already expected a more than acceptable film is saying how Bruce Timm and Alan Burnett have won their bet by offering us much more than a "dark" version of the Justice League. New versions of the iconic heroes of the DC Comics stable are very interesting, and it is with pleasure that we discover their origins, while following a well-crafted plot. Warner Bros. Animation held here a work that comes raise the level of its productions and we can say that Timm Burnett and offer us a kind of story that is DCAU what Watchmen is the DC Universe, ie it is imperative to throw on the DVD / Blu-Ray / Digital Copy (delete as appropriate) of the thing.
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  4. #94
    Incredible Member Nix Uotan's Avatar
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    Been thinking about a possible Martian Manhunter for this world and I do wonder... maybe they should make Matrix into the equivalent of that char on the world? She's got the same powerset somewhat and might be interesting if she's left behind creation of Luthor like in the comics? It wouldn't be J'onn I know but it would be something different as with a possible Green Lantern alien, we might have that viewset already on the team. Just a thought as I do like thinking of alternate Leaguers on this world.
    Quote Originally Posted by t hedge coke View Post
    Darkseid doesn't invade with a fleet of ships. Darkseid chills on your couch, embarrasses and humiliates you, and won't leave. And he drinks everything in your fridge.

  5. #95
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    It was an excellent show. In fact, it was better plotted than most of the DC live action movies. Supes being a kid of Zod and raised by poor immigrants is a nice touch. Seeing Darkseid get bamboozled and killed - was nicely done.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nix Uotan View Post
    Been thinking about a possible Martian Manhunter for this world and I do wonder... maybe they should make Matrix into the equivalent of that char on the world? She's got the same powerset somewhat and might be interesting if she's left behind creation of Luthor like in the comics? It wouldn't be J'onn I know but it would be something different as with a possible Green Lantern alien, we might have that viewset already on the team. Just a thought as I do like thinking of alternate Leaguers on this world.
    Matrix is a great idea to include, even if not under the name Martian Manhunter. I keep thinking a Martian Manhunter should either be more tied to the Manhunter robots, or some sort of Earth character who hunts Martians. The latter seems like it would fit the feel of the series, I think. Though I'd prefer a more straightforwardly heroic character.
    They look the way engines might dream of themselves. - Grant Morrison on Kirby machines

  7. #97
    Ultimate Member Robotman's Avatar
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    Finally got around to watching it. Pretty good. The quality of this movie was far superior to the recent DC animated flicks. I really hope Bruce Timm is back for good. I know he's doing the Killing Joke but I'd like him to once again guide the whole animated universe. I liked the Batman character a lot more than I thought I would. Figured the vampire Batman had been done a lot already but this was a slightly different take. My only big grip is the lack of world building. I know this Trinity were the stars but I wanted to see glimpses of other alternate version of the DC heroes.
    The New Gods pulling a reverse Red Wedding was pretty shocking. I think Darkseid went down way too easy. I know Highfather is powerful but he's the god of freakin evil. Should've been more of a struggle. Also, Darkseid doesn't clap! Even at his son's wedding.

  8. #98
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    There were a lot of others alternate version of the DC heroes, only not in their costumed identities. ANd nice to see Palmer and Choi together.
    Also, in this universe, Darkseid seemed to be a lot less dark than others versions. I mean, everyone was expecting a "red wedding", but I suppose nobody was expecting the twist.
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  9. #99
    Ultimate Member Robotman's Avatar
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    i meant like "alternate" versions of heroes. Black Manta as Aquaman, William Hand as Green Lantern, etc.

    just hints that there could eventually be a full Justice League roster of characters from the Gods and Monsters universe. thats one of the most fun parts of the alternate reality stories, in my opinion at least, is seeing all the different takes on classic characters. it was interesting seeing the other characters in this world but they were just regular people. hopefully there's a sequel and they expand the roster.

  10. #100
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    Oh, right.
    I suppose the Machinima's Chronicles series will be for that and there are other three characters to know later and who knows which surprises they will have. But we will have to wait until next year. Maybe another characters also would made a debut.
    I'm personally interested in the alien GL. And work for an alien police force doesn-t guarantee than he would work to help mankind. Or than the guardian are as kind as the ones from the DCAU.
    "Never assign to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity or ignorance."

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  11. #101
    Extraordinary Member HsssH's Avatar
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    Finally got around to watch it. Was pretty enjoyable I'd say. Obvious sequel could focus on Highfather and New Gods.

    I also read comics that were released and thought that Justice League one was a bit too similar to the movie with some similar themes.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
    I would give it a 3.75. The only problem I had with it are the origins of Batman and Wonder Woman did not do anything to advance the story. Just some filler to make the movie a little longer.
    I'd say Batman's origins were central to the plot. As for Wonder Womanspoilers:
    her story provide an important red herring to keep us guessing
    end of spoilers All in all, I was deeply impressed. I don't know if I'd want it to be an ongoing, but it was very good. I just wish WB would do another Justice League series of this quality of writing instead of inferior condensations of the book arcs.

  13. #103
    Yahtzee! quinnzel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HsssH View Post
    Finally got around to watch it. Was pretty enjoyable I'd say. Obvious sequel could focus on Highfather and New Gods.
    Totally seconding this. I think that'd make a great sequel.

    I finally got around to watching this the other night. Right after it was over, I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it. I didn't dislike it, but I think I needed to sit with it a while. Since then, I can honestly say I did enjoy this movie quite a bit and I wouldn't be at all opposed to seeing a sequel.

    I was most interested in Batman's story. I think they did a very good job of laying out a lot of backstory for him and really making you care about this Elseworlds Batman. I'm also interested to learn more about Wonder Woman's background and was disappointed we didn't get as much about her story, but there's also only so much time you can devote to one thing, so I'd definitely like to see a sequel where this JLA has to confront Highfather and co.

    My only real complaint with this movie was that I was really, really disinterested in Superman's story. I don't think it was necessarily through any fault of the story itself or the writers or what Bruce Timm was trying to do. Maybe I just thought that Batman and Wonder Woman outshined him in this.
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