Quote Originally Posted by SuperCrab View Post
Disappointing to see it selling well. Let's hope the numbers drop quick or we'll be stuck with SuperDad and SuperJon for a long time. If sales figures do well, Jon might even stick around through reboots and become part of the long-term Superman cast (Barf). But since this was just the first issue, there could be a strong curiosity factor from past readers who drifted away and new readers, both of whom might jump as/when they see whats actually going on.

I disagree with the idea that good sales are good news for everyone who cares about Superman. Its not like if sales plummet, we'll never see a Superman comic again. They'd just be forced to retool or reboot and take a different tact- and probably a better one than this.
Yeah, sorry I have to agree that is childish. It's just as bad as some of the people who were rooting for Nuperman's failure sales wise 5 years ago because hr wasn't wearing the trunks.if you don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that.

Oh and don't be so sure If sales tank DC will still publish Superman comics. I really do think the character and franchise is at the point that if we end up with bad sales for much longer you just might see the Superman line drastically cut down or just canceled outright for a time.

Case in point, Fantastic Four at marvel. It has been one of Marvel's poorest selling of their main franchises and everyone just assumed because of its status as Marvels flagship book that started the modern marvel universe it would always be published regardless of sales. If it can happen there it can happen with Superman.