On the topic of movies and tv shows affecting comic sales. It can to a certain extent, but not by a huge margin. For example, the Doctor Strange comic was selling well digitally from the start, but after the trailer came out, it started charting better than comics than used to chart better than it. This wasn't a massive jump though, because it only moved up around 2 or so places.

The Walking Dead does very well digitally, and that's got to have something to do with the tv show.

Quote Originally Posted by DragonPiece View Post
where do you get the 3002 from?
I explained this in the first post. It's based on how much a comic would have to sell in order to be at a certain position on the best sellers list. If the last comic on the list sells 1 copy, then the one ahead of it has to sell 2 copies, etc. Based on Superman Rebirth #1 having been number 4 on the list for one day, and then number 3 ever since, it has to have sold at least 3002 copies so far.