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  1. #31


    Morrison and Claremont are vastly different writers/personalities, which is why I praise them for what they brought to the franchise. I think Morrison's work was largely a deconstruction of Claremont's, while also a love letter(and also, unfortunately, incorporating(editorially mandated I am sure) Singer's film-verse elements; though I will say he did the huge school with tons of students and the X-Men as teachers far better than Singer or the later comic writers who used that same idea). That said, I actually thought Claremont did a really good and respectful job of integrating a lot of Morrison's ideas into his X-Treme/Uncanny/The End work, which I consider as part of the Morrison era.
    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Nopozyzy View Post
    My opinions:

    -Maggott was pretty cool and interesting

    -Mike Carey's Rogue and Mystique are awful

    -Joss Whedon's run was just plain bad
    I agree with all those emphatically!

    I will not address most of your other ideas which I do disagree with, except for the overpowered one.

    I loved The Authority! It may be my favorite superhero comic ever in a way, in that block-buster, change the world, type of superheroics. And almost every character on that team was uber-powerful(especially someone like the Doctor). There is a great logistical challenge in structuring stories around uber powerful characters, but the payoff is even more substantial!

    I think the Extinction team under Gillen(who compared it to The Authority in interviews going in) was a huge wasted opportunity to tell stories with characters of that magnitude. It was probably not his fault(entirely), in that I'm sure Marvel wouldn't let him rock the boat too much, but if you put people like Storm, Magneto, Namor, Danger, and Magik on a team together, there should be almost nothing that could stand in their way and that makes for huge storytelling potential.

    The biggest problem is the serial nature of the franchise, and the reticence to actually change or develop the landscape of that world/the status quo(also a huge problem with Morrison's run, since they basically had to undo everything he had done to preserve the Marvel Universe in a way that the other characters' status quo could continue, hence, No More Mutants, etc).
    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  3. #33
    Fantastic Member Nopozyzy's Avatar
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    I think the problem I have with overpowered characters on a team book is that the other characters seem useless and unbalanced. The villian usually has the weaker ones beat, then Phoenix or someone shows up and easily saves the day. A team with only heavy hitters probably wouldn't bother me as much.

  4. #34
    Astonishing Member Tazpocalapse's Avatar
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    The Movies have not done the X-men justice and are second rate. Fox knows that the fandom could watch a 2-hour blank screen and still call it greatness as long as it is titled X-men.

    Decimation was the precursor for the bland uneventful books that we have today.

  5. #35
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    I want the 90's X-men costumes to never be referred to as their best costumes, they aren't.

    TAS has NOT aged well at all.

    Not all X-men need to be hand to hand combat Gods. Most never get into combat close enough to matter anyway.

    Kitty Prydes is a much better Ninja than Elizabeth.

    Elizabeth should NEVER wear that silly ass costume again, in any universe.

    X-men books need a total retooling, and get back to super heroics. There is literally no difference between Cap and Cyclops as far as beating up badguys go.
    Skip the survival, a super hero is a super hero period. Mutants aren't known as mutants unless you tell somebody or they scan you.

    Telepaths should stop getting weird ass secondary mutations.

    Movie universe needs better writers, and directors, and people who give a damn about the heroes and consistency.

    X-men books need people who care about progressing the X-men forward.

    Omega level anything needs to die a quick death. (Because omega doesn't mean what fanboys/girls thinks it means.)

    Storm needs to go away for awhile and learn to be like old Storm and be a better leader.

    Psylocke needs to be reunited with her brother and put back in her proper body, retaining her powers and abilities.

    Kwannon needs to come back and be a proper representative of Asian culture on the X-men. be a fully developed character.

    A certain Artist named La---n-- should not draw X-books ever again.

  6. #36
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    616 Logan should stay dead, if not for good, then at least for a good decade or so. As a result of his overuse and being pulled in so many directions by so many different writers, he's now an untangleable mess of wildly conflicting characterizations that's best to leave buried. These inconsistencies can then be handwaved away as myth and urban legend that has been exaggerated in the telling in-universe.

    Also, Laura as Wolverine is more compelling than Logan himself has been since at LEAST the early-2000s, if not the 90s.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Tazpocalapse View Post
    The Movies have not done the X-men justice and are second rate. Fox knows that the fandom could watch a 2-hour blank screen and still call it greatness as long as it is titled X-men.

    Decimation was the precursor for the bland uneventful books that we have today.

    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  8. #38


    I can't stand X23. She doesn't embody the same archetypes that Logan did, and never can. I also didn't like Evolution, where she came from.
    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  9. #39
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    People in North America are tired of the X-Men movies. XFC and Apocalypse have both failed to recoup their budget. The Wolverine barely scraped by in NA. The best movie in the franchise XDOFP couldn't even beat out Last Stand in America. Which came out with higher ticket prices. That's pathetic.

    The only saving grace is Deadpool, but he can't star in every single franchise spinoff.

    Like a few posters have said there is a wealth of great X-Men stories and if this franchise was done right X-Men movies should be making a hell of a lot more than they currently are. Fox has undermined the X-Men franchise by taking it in this direction.

    The fresh new faces in Apocalypse has generated little to no buzz outside of fandom. They will bury the next X-Men movie. Only China is saving this decaying movie franchise. Reboot the underachieving Fox movies.

    People praise Singer but only the first two movies made a lot of money in North America. That's not a great accomplishment considering his next two had one lose money while the other had a gigantic cast with a great storyline but still couldn't overtake Last Stand.

    Hugh Jackman on his own can't carry a movie. He needs a lot of other mutants to guest star. Origins made a hell of a lot more than that extremely boring The Wolverine because it had a lot of starring muties. The Last Wolverine will probably even make less than The Wolverine, which goes to show how interested NA fans really are.
    Last edited by Colossus1980; 06-25-2016 at 02:19 PM.

  10. #40
    Astonishing Member Tazpocalapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yogaflame View Post

    Your GIFs like your posts are spot on.

  11. #41
    Astonishing Member DurararaFTW's Avatar
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    My unpopular opinions:

    #600 was a bad comic. It actually made me root for Beast, with the way they handled his trail. Bendis' Jeen was off being Bendis' Jeen. Cyclops' uniting all of mutantkind and all it's former enemies was terribly unjustified because we in no way saw how he went about it. It is not in anyway indicative of what Bendis' Cyclops had been doing thus far. I mean he had Jubilee rub shoulders with the Juggernaut. Is he good again? In control of Cyttorax? Does he, despite being good, not care about Xavier's being dead at Cyclops' hands? And if so, why was he not at the will reading being Xavier only next of kin?

    I dislike Iceman coming out not because I care about the character but because Iceman has rarely ever been a good character and this move only incentivises writers to put him on teams for diversity's sake in favor of Northstar or Anole or someone else with a personality beyond being the manchild on the team.

    Jubilee being regressed back to teenager would be forth getting rid of the vampirism and the baby and getting her powers back.

  12. #42
    Astonishing Member Mutant God's Avatar
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    I don't like X-Men villains being anti-heroes/heroes, they commited tons of crimes why should we cheer for them.

    One of the Young X-Men should just kill the O5, thinking they are all to blame for modern problem for mutants

    Xavier shot first (referencing AvX, Xavier attacked Scott first)

    I like vampire Jubilee more than regular Jubilee and baby Shogo is awesome.

    I think Azazel is an underrated villain and backstory is not that confusing.

    I do not like Bendis

    There should be more of an uproar in-universe with other heroes about the Mutant Pox with the T-Cloud

    I like Hope Summers but maybe she should get a new codename

    Forgetmenot is one of the best mutants created in the last 10/20 years.
    Last edited by Mutant God; 06-25-2016 at 02:18 PM.

  13. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Tazpocalapse View Post
    Your GIFs like your posts are spot on.
    Many thanks!

    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  14. #44
    Mighty Member sureshot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ambaryerno View Post
    616 Logan should stay dead, if not for good, then at least for a good decade or so. As a result of his overuse and being pulled in so many directions by so many different writers, he's now an untangleable mess of wildly conflicting characterizations that's best to leave buried. These inconsistencies can then be handwaved away as myth and urban legend that has been exaggerated in the telling in-universe.
    Seconded. It became so bad that he was all over the place. I get that the character was popular. Yet Marvel overexposed the character and badly imo.

    My unpopular opinions:

    -X-men villains that are one dimensional. We get it many of them hate the X-men. Yet can we get more personality than one dimensional, psycho, sociopathic anti-X-men clowns. It's as if they have no more motivations then waking up killing or harming X-men the going to bed rinse and repeat.

    -Saying that Iceman coming out of the closet and gay is a retcon. One can't say that without being accused of homophobia. Or triggering a reaction from a poster. Or told we lack reading comprehension. Or being told he was always gay and being shown very circumstantial "proof".

    -Having a villain or hero dying simply as a excuse by the writer to upgrade the characters powers. It cheapens the concept of death and why would coming back from the dead suddenly upgrade a characters powers.

    -The X-men constantly caught unawares by ambushes, double agents and never seeming to be prepared for them. Or at least portrayed that way simply because writer XYZ really has to push a favored character. You figured with all the telepaths in the group if anything they would be too prepared. Instead no. The inevitable betrayal happens. Villain xyz harms or kills some X-men then gets away easily.

    -I used to hate Lands art and it's not too bad as long as someone can reign in his use of pornface on his characters. Nothing ruins a fight scene in a comic for me at least more than seeing a female character getting hit in a fight. With her facial expression looking like she just had a orgasm. It just kills the comic for me at least.
    Jean loves me this I know because the church says it so.

    Havok and Emma were right.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by yogaflame View Post
    I can't stand X23. She doesn't embody the same archetypes that Logan did, and never can. I also didn't like Evolution, where she came from.
    How does she not?
    Last edited by Agent Z; 06-25-2016 at 02:33 PM.

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