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  1. #1
    Awesome #1 a0040pc's Avatar
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    Default The Chosen One: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader Appreciation

    A new appreciation thread for the most iconic character in not just Star Wars but probably the entirety of cinema. Whether you loved or hated him in the Prequel Trilogy as the Chosen One Anakin Skywalker or loved to see his villainy as Darth Vader. Just know that he muttered the most famous line in Star Wars... 'No, I am your Father!' Here discuss everything you want about the Dark Lord of the Sith.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Life Finds A Way
    God Loves Man Kills
    What Is Thy Bidding My Master
    Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
    Till All Are One

  2. #2
    Fantastic Member AnimalSquabbles's Avatar
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    Default DARTH VADER: APPRECIATION THREAD "If you only knew the power of the dark side"

    The most iconic character in the Star Wars franchise.
    Last edited by AnimalSquabbles; 06-14-2017 at 01:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Empty is thy hand!
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    Lil' orphan Ani gets a bad rap, but I've grown to appreciate him over the years.

    Twin Suns.jpg

    Can you imagine how things would have turned out if Qui-Gon hadn't died and lived to train Anakin?

    And the similarities between Anakin and Luke are pretty clear, but dig deeper and you'll find that Star Wars is littered with characters who suffer similar fates and walk similar paths. Count Dooku, General Grievous and even Darth Maul all have more in common with "The Chosen One" than expected at first blush (not to mention so many different characters from the EU books, games and comics like Ulic Qel-Droma, Quinlan Vos, Darth Revan, etc.).

    His is a tragedy that's repeated throughout Star Wars history, and breaking that cycle is the great triumph of the next generation: Luke Skywalker (before Disney, of course! ).

  4. #4
    Awesome #1 a0040pc's Avatar
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    I liked him in the Clone Wars more than the Prequel films.
    Life Finds A Way
    God Loves Man Kills
    What Is Thy Bidding My Master
    Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
    Till All Are One

  5. #5
    All-New Member
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    Anakin in TCW was a mature adult. In the Prequel.... an emotional and stupid and easy-to-control teenage boy.

  6. #6
    iMan 42s
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonfly View Post
    Anakin in TCW was a mature adult. In the Prequel.... an emotional and stupid and easy-to-control teenage boy.
    Which is due to hindsight given that TCW came later to contradict the movies.

    The movies portray Anakin this way as a way of showing just how vulnerable and weak he is before becoming Vader. He doesn't know how to talk to girls, he doesn't know anything outside the Jedi, the guy grew up a slave so his mannerisms might be a little off, and yet he is surprisingly skilled but everyone keeps underestimating him and thinks less of him than they should. 1 is about him as a child and his own hobbies and fear of loss not to mention how he gets exposed to the Jedi and Sith (whom he has little context for since Sith haven't been seen in years). 2 was about how he doesn't know what to do with his feelings or even how to express them, and this leads in part to Anakin murdering everyone in the Tusken camp regardless if they personally had anything to do with killing his mother (his only family). Anakin's statement of becoming the most powerful Jedi ever comes from the right place, but it's for the wrong reasons since Anakin wants control and to enforce that control through power (his only means of doing so since he isn't much on politics). Padme essentially grounds him from doing anything rash and as a result grows closer to her. By 3 he is more skilled than ever and wants to attain the rank of Master but is denied despite his victories which is made worse as Obi-Wan was promoted for a similar victory, but Anakin can't seem to so he feels stagnant in his relationship to the order. Palpatine being a close friend takes advantage of this and manipulates him into getting in a higher level position and gaining the power and control he so craves that the jedi more or less deny him. Often times writers forget that Palpatine and Anakin are indeed friendly and that the relationship largely works because Palpatine was one of the few people who gave a damn about Anakin, and Anakin wants to belong and not have and by extension have everyone else not suffer his kind of loss. When he becomes Vader he finally has the means of enforcing that, and no restrictions and goes off the deep end since who is going to tell one of your leaders who is one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy no?

    He isn't stupid or easy to control, it's that movie Anakin's arc is literally different in context to animated Anakin. Not to mention that TV Anakin came years after Rots, so it's not like any of that could be taken into consideration or be implemented.
    Last edited by SuperiorIronman; 06-14-2017 at 07:11 PM.
    For anyone that needs to know why OMD is awful please search the internet for Linkara' s video's specifically his One more day review or his One more day Analysis.

  7. #7
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    The best sith there is....or will be!

  8. #8
    Astonishing Member CoCoBandz's Avatar
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    Some bag...


    This past issue just reaffirms why I love Vader so much. The actual GOAT villain.

  9. #9
    Astonishing Member Godzilla2099's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalSquabbles View Post
    The most iconic character in the Star Wars franchise.
    By far my favorite character. He's always been the ultimate bad-ass growing up.

    Quote Originally Posted by BruceWayneJr. View Post
    Can you imagine how things would have turned out if Qui-Gon hadn't died and lived to train Anakin?
    I thought about this often myself. Overall, I don't think Anakin would have turned to the Dark Side if Qui-Gon trained him.

    Anakin went to Palpatine often because Palpatine was more a father figure giving him encouragement much like Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon and Anakin were both headstrong and broke the rules often. Qui-Gon would have had a far better handle on it due to his experience. Obi-Wan was more like a big brother doing this out of an obligation. His style was more by the books and he took Anakin right after he graduated from Padawan to Knight.

    Quote Originally Posted by a0040pc View Post
    I liked him in the Clone Wars more than the Prequel films.
    Agreed. However, my favorite was Clone Wars 2003. This Anakin was silent, had doubts, but frighteningly skilled and shown signs of rage.

    Quote Originally Posted by CoCoBandz View Post
    This past issue just reaffirms why I love Vader so much. The actual GOAT villain.
    I loved the previous Vader series but I can't stand this current one:

    - I find it so hard to believe Anakin would do a complete 180 overnight. A few weeks ago he fought side by side with clone troopers and protected innocents. Now he kills without remorse. His transformation should be more organic
    - I rolled my eyes and the force lightening hurting Vader. ROTJ I had no problems with it since Vader was wounded and had wiring exposed. Anakin is a a tech genius. Modifying his armor to resist shock should be a cake walk for him

  10. #10
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    Clone Wars Anakin is a mature adult, a respected Jedi, and a great warrior. He has a reckless streak and is too focused on his attachments, the latter of which is his undoing in the end, but those are normal character flaws which others exploit. He isn't a whiny angry brat like the prequels Anakin.

  11. #11
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    What is a GOAT villain?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carabas View Post
    What is a GOAT villain?

    Chagrian possess two huge horns and blue hewed skin. This race looks positively devilish.

    Mas Amedda, the Chagrian constantly by Chancellor Palpaine’s side.

    Darth Vader(2017) issue #1

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