Quote Originally Posted by Erik Larsen View Post
Apples and oranges. I'd actually provided layouts that he was to work from and he went off the rails and did something else entirely.

Ant will be showing up again at some point--but don't expect her to be running around naked or anything.
Dear Mr. Larsen,

I am another big fan of Savage Dragon who will no longer purchase your comic as long as you are including the kind of graphic sexuality as depicted in #228. I was willing to accept it as a one off experiment on your part, until I read #230 and you had the Dimension X trio running around naked for no storytelling purpose that I can see. And topped off with a full-frontal splash page. Your book used to be about superhero fights and adventure with the occasional naughty bits thrown in; I feel like now it's mostly about the sex with occasional nods to superheroes. The idea that Dragon has always had this stuff is completely disingenuous: you've never drawn this kind of explicit material before.

It's a shame, because like I said, I really like your superhero stuff and want to support it. I also get the idea that it's your book and you'll do what you want; that's not the issue here. Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should, or that it's good for the story. I'm not asking you to pander to my every whim as a reader here; I'm asking you not to put this content in that is utterly repellent and is distracting from the story you want to tell. And at the end of the day, don't you want people to buy your book?