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  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoveStar View Post
    She still never did. Clark called her his best friend just as much as she called him hers. Clark showed his feelings just as much too. So to only target Diana is unfair.
    Which one was it? Either she never pursued Clark or both expressed interest even when he was married.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Which is their choice. If Clark doesn't want to date after Lois' death he has a right to. Yet often I see people put him on blast for the crime of not sleeping with Diana because apparently it's his duty to lay with any woman that shows interest.
    The crime was more the bait and switch at the end where they teased their relationship over the issue where he accepts that lois is gone and when it comes to the payoff after he admits it might be their last night together he turns here down. That's what people criticize about the issue.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssupes View Post
    The crime was more the bait and switch at the end where they teased their relationship over the issue where he accepts that lois is gone and when it comes to the payoff after he admits it might be their last night together he turns here down. That's what people criticize about the issue.
    Why does accepting Lois is gone suddenly mean jumping into bed with Diana? Those are two different things.

  4. #19
    Extraordinary Member LoveStar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Which one was it? Either she never pursued Clark or both expressed interest even when he was married.
    Both expressed interest and let their feelings be known but didn’t act upon them and both expressed regret for not taking a chance. It was mutually complicated.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Why does accepting Lois is gone suddenly mean jumping into bed with Diana? Those are two different things.
    He didn't realize it suddenly and then decide that he should sleep with wonder woman, I imagine he accepted it after the first hundred years when humans tend to die and after nine hundreds of accepting that and being close with a women that he previously had feelings and got close to again which lead to the final night where they might not survive the battle that he should finally act on those feelings but yet it was denied after all of what they had shown in the issue just so they could finish with the status quo back to normal.

  6. #21
    Boisterously Confused
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    Since we're restarting,

    Diana having any daddy is a bad idea, and having one whose mythology is dripping in rape is a horrible idea.

    Making the Amazons pawns of the gods cuts the knees out from under what Wonder Woman is all about.

  7. #22
    Extraordinary Member kjn's Avatar
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    Diana is not only pansexual: for her free and enthusiastic love is the default. (She realises frankness in sexual matters makes people conditioned by Man's World uneasy, so usually holds back on her views and experiences. Her empathy is also an excellent help in finding good and safe partners.)

    Neither Steve nor Etta should be in the military, or any para-military organisation. (Steve being an ex-Air Force pilot is fine, but if so he asked to be discharged soon after meeting Diana, if not earlier.)

    Having Steve be gay would add a lot to the story.

    Athena the goddess is over-valued by the Wonder Woman writers. (But then, she is generally over-valued by most people today.)

    Despite being vehemently opposed to racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and similar patterns of thoughts, Diana has great trouble grasping the theories explaining or studying them, because she never experienced or internalised these things growing up.

  8. #23
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    DC's handling of the Bana has been awful and racist with the exclusion of Perez and Jimenez (and even they have their issues).

  9. #24
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    Cheetah should be cured of her condition and move on. If DC wants a major Diana villain, they can use either Circe, Heracles or Zeus.

  10. #25
    Legendary Member daBronzeBomma's Avatar
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    Wonder Woman, like all Amazons, doesn't shave and, also like all Anazons, she's not naturally hairless from the neck down. Talking about eyebrows, armpits, legs, and (not that we'd ever be shown it on-panel) crotch. Diana would care as much about her body hair as most guys do theirs (i.e. barely at all). I'd be really curious if any artist could make this unconventional beauty concept sell, tho.

    Steve Trevor's appeal should likewise be more unconventional. I'd make him shorter, like 5'8" (the actual average American height for men), leaner, like 140 lbs (but cut like Bruce Lee), and younger, like early 20s (old enough to drink but can't run for public office yet). And I'd keep the Air Force origin, but make him a military doctor who could also fly a plane. And Steve is a much bigger pacifist than Diana (same as Lois is a much better journalist than Clark).

    Cheetah needs to be the polar opposite of everything Wonder Woman is. Cheetah is actually cursed only if Diana is actually blessed. If Diana was born lucky, then Cheetah was born unlucky. If Diana's physicality is her most obvious trait, then it can't be Cheetah's.

    I'd also prefer if Cheetah ditched the bestial motif almost altogether. Maybe keep her hair blonde with dark spots, magical claws and teeth that can be concealed, otherwise human looking. Focus more on her being the mental opposite of Diana and succeeding there. If Diana wants to redeem the world, Cheetah wants to corrupt it.

    Oh, and Cheetah alone can break the lasso.

    That's for starters.

  11. #26
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    I don't think the contest is necessary. It doesn't explain why Diana is heroic.

    Artemis should not have been named after a Greek goddess since the Bana turned their back on the Greek goddess.
    Last edited by Agent Z; 09-24-2018 at 09:41 AM.

  12. #27
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Artemis was better in Red Hood and the Outlaws than in Wonder Woman right now.

  13. #28
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    *Hippolyta and Phillipus should be married. Nubia should be Phillipus' daughter and Diana's step sister. Donna should also be part of the family as an adopted sibling.

    *I would have no problem with Diana taken off the Justice League. It's rarely done her any good.

    *I would have no issue if Cassie wasn't the daughter of Zeus either. There's no reason why a child of Zeus has to be a hero in WW.

    *While I liked how the movie handled Diana and Steve, Diana and Artemis would make for a far better couple.

    *There is nothing wrong with stories about the gods but the types of stories being done about them need more variety.

    *The Amazons don't necessarily need advanced technology but should approach magic as a science.

    *Amazons should unlock superpowers via training not birth or divine empowerment.

    *Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo and almost any "hero" from Greek myth would make for a better villain than Ares.

    *Circe should be Diana's main big enemy over Cheetah. Barbara should be cured of her condition and move on.

    *Diana: "We have a saying, my people. Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it."

    All superheroes should approach lethal force in this manner and the fact that so few of them do is one of many reasons why the genre is seen as so childish and stagnant.

    *The Kapatelis, the Sandsmarks and Trevor Barnes make for better supporting characters than Steve and Etta.

  14. #29
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    Both of Rucka's runs are overrated. The first was good, but not great. And it would have went from good to awful had Infinite Crisis not mercifully in this instance intervened and prevented him from hooking up Diana with Bruce like he had planned. The second was just bad. Coming in during a confusing and transitioning continuity period made the job harder and wasn't his fault, but all the same some of the attempts at clarification were poor, and while the origin portion was fine, The Lies was just boring.

    Also I disagree that Wonder Woman is ever out of line calling Clark her best friend. "Best friend" is really a relative term when you get right down to it. The dynamics of "best friends" are not all the same. And there can be intelligently unspoken qualifications. There is such a thing as "this is my best friend second to his/her spouse" without having to qualify it every single time. Its not an automatic slight against one's spouse if one indeed has a spouse. You have to use it with the intent to incite jealousy or anger, to have it be offensive. Rationally offensive, at least. And Diana's never used it with that intent toward Lois.
    Last edited by Sacred Knight; 09-26-2018 at 04:42 PM.
    "They can be a great people Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you. My only son." - Jor-El

  15. #30
    Ultimate Member SiegePerilous02's Avatar
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    As inevitably dated as they are on certain subjects, the original Golden Age WW comics are still the best run she's ever had

    The vast majority of Wonder Woman comics are not very good. She is a great character and icon, but her comics don't do her justice

    I think both the clay birth and demigod origin both have their strengths and drawbacks. I've settled into not caring that much either way as long as DC would just stop talking about her conception either way. That said, the demigod origin coming with potential heavy use of Zeus makes it slightly more unfavorable.

    The only versions of Etta Candy worth the time of day are the ones closest to the original.

    Amazons should have technological advancements.

    The post-Crisis Lasso of Truth is lame, and the pre-Crisis Magic Lasso is a million times better.

    DC in general should never have rebooted in the 80s. Wonder Woman's reboot in particular had many trends and problems that have persisted to this day.

    The Perez run is overrated and the early parts are a slog to get through. It picks up writing wise as soon as the art takes a down turn when he stops doing the art.

    The Azzarello run is more style over substance. it's style and stronger points still make it a top 5 or so run in lieu of the lack of much competition, despite the major problems it has.

    The characterization of Earth One Hippolyta is not as against the grain as people make it seem considering some of the really shady stuff she's gotten up to in the main canons. Being insanely over protective and even resorting to lying and manipulations to keep Diana safe is practically second nature to her.

    Ares was only a good antagonist in Rucka's first run, which hopefully Wilson will take some cues from. Otherwise, his set ups in Rebirth and the New 52 are more interesting and we don't miss anything by not having Diana fight him. Deimos, Phobos, Eris, Deception, etc. all fill his role better.

    I can take or leave Diana Prince. I don't think it goes against what the character stands for, because her being the embodiment of truth is not something she's always been.

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