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  1. #16
    Fantastic Member Spencermalley935's Avatar
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    Christian Bale easily, He's the only actor to date get both sides of the character down right.

    Keaton was an all-right Batman but a terrible Bruce Wayne, Kilmer was a good Bruce Wayne but not an especially good Batman, Clooney was terrible as both and Affleck wasn't particularly great at either.

  2. #17
    Empty is thy hand!
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    Apr 2015


    Keaton brought the crazy. My favorite.

  3. #18
    Amazing Member
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    Jul 2017


    Christian Bale squad. Though I also like Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, and Ben Affleck.

  4. #19


    Kevin Conroy.

    Mask of the Phantasm was released in theaters. He's a movie Batman.
    Last Read: Black Hammer: Streets of Spiral

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  5. #20
    Extraordinary Member
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    For live action I have a few different categories.

    There's the voice. I think Kilmer had by far the best Batman voice.

    There's the writing. I think Bale's Batman was the best written.

    There's the acting. Bale gets this one to, mostly because of his performance in Rises. Keaton would win this if Rises was taken out of the occasion. And Clooney has probably the best individual scenes in terms of acting with his Alfred. I also think that there's a lot of subtlety to Kilmer's performance people miss

    There's the action. Afflec probably wins here, but Bale gets some points for using a real fighting style and not using CG to prop up the fight scenes.

    And there's Bruce. This I give to Clooney. Any scene where he's in the Batsuit is terrible, but when he's out of it, especially when talking to Alfred, he's really good.

  6. #21
    Amazing Member
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    Bale for me, I think he was very well-rounded and pulled off both sides of the character believably. Batman Begins brought me back to the Batman movie franchise after the post-89 movies nearly soured me on any live Batman interpretation forever (really didn't like any of those post-89 installments, except Poison Uma was a bit of a bright spark). The recent Batman releases have had me sticking my head back in a hole again. I saw JL but only because I had a weekend of free HBO. Didn't do anything for me, so I don't think I'm missing out on much. At least I made it through JL, I turned off WW after maybe 15 minutes of slo-mo spinning in mid-air fight scenes. Barf.

    I was a big Batman fan in high school before the Burton movie came out and there was a huge buzz around who was going to play Bats. Keaton was a really out-of-the-box choice as most were thinking it would be a beefy action star. Keaton had absolutely nothing going for him as an action guy and I'm not sure he'd even done too much outside of comedies at that point, but he displayed an excellent grasp of the range needed for the Bruce role which Burton clearly emphasized over the fairly 2D Bats part. It ended up working pretty well IMO. Really, though, I tried to watch that movie again last year and just couldn't do it, unfortunately. Dark Knight is the pinnacle for me (if we're not counting [I]Phantasm[/], which I think gets the nod because it's got way more emotional punch).

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