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  1. #31
    Extraordinary Member Güicho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-1000 View Post

    Make it the Boy and his Tiger Trio; Christopher & Tigger, Calvin & Hobbes, and add Billy & Tawny.

    -And maybe a young Prince Addam and Crinjer. [IMG

    - And I guess today you could add the stories of Pi & Richard Parker to this xover)
    Last edited by Güicho; 04-06-2019 at 07:51 AM.

  2. #32
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    Hajime no Ippo X Thermae Romae X Kento Shitouden Cestvs

    Wile watching a torunament hosted by Emperor Nero, Lucius, a Roman architect, invites some participants to his home. He then treats them to a Roman Bath, and the lot of them end up getting time-dumped into Japan during the 90's.

  3. #33
    Extraordinary Member Güicho's Avatar
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    From the Once was the Future thread:

    This xover needs to happen...

    Similarly on the other end, all their older vintage Pulp counterparts need to xover and team-up!

    Noir - Pulp era:
    The vintage dressed in gray-ghost Phantom, Gaslight Batman (or the Gray Ghost for DC*), Spider-Man-Noir (or the actual pulp Spider) and the 1930's movie serial twin-revolver wielding "modern" pulp Zorro.

    * Edit: actually the straight up legit Golden age (gun wielding) Batman is who really belongs in that lineup)

    Classical-Victorian era:
    Then going further back: The Classic 1800 Zorro, obviously the original pirate fighting Phantom that started it all, I think there was a swashbuckling pirate Batman (Morrison (legends toy line?), and a descendant of Peter Parquagh.
    Last edited by Güicho; 03-19-2019 at 11:03 AM.

  4. #34
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    Necron Pylons deprives Magical Creatures things that allows their physics-defying biology to function
    whatever Scientists tells us what they believes are the only things that exists in Reality(our world), they treats what US government and mainstream news media said about things like 9/11, CO2 Emissions, and so on as their gospel

    calling Real Life Martial Artists that can break walls "Comic Book Peak Human" is like calling Pre-new52!Cassandra Cain "Shounen Manga character"

  5. #35
    Empty is thy hand!
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    I just want another round of Amalgam Comics!

  6. #36
    Rumbles Moderator Guy1's Avatar
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    LongHuMen meets Early Dragonball.
    Because holy cow it is such an insane comic.
    Guy And Chou's RPG Site
    Rumbles Moderator

    THE CBR COMMUNITY STANDARDS & RULES ~ Know them. Follow them. Love them.

  7. #37


    Another Doctor Who/ Star Trek TNG crossover:
    The Doctor is on the Enterprise when Q pops in. Q and the Doctor look at each other, then speak simultaneously:
    "Oh. It's you.".
    The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own - for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.-Rod Serling

  8. #38
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    Bubble Boy become Left 4 Dead 1-2 Protagonist(replaces both games Survivors there)
    whatever Scientists tells us what they believes are the only things that exists in Reality(our world), they treats what US government and mainstream news media said about things like 9/11, CO2 Emissions, and so on as their gospel

    calling Real Life Martial Artists that can break walls "Comic Book Peak Human" is like calling Pre-new52!Cassandra Cain "Shounen Manga character"

  9. #39


    This is a combination of ideas my friend and I had.

    SHUSH calls in Darkwing Duck with a grave concern: it seems FOWL is working with a legendary criminal mastermind, one who supposedly vanished years ago: the terrible toad known as Baron Greenback.
    Darkwing's mission: travel to England to search for the agent who foiled Greenback many times in the past, Danger Mouse.
    Too bad he hasn't been seen in years, either...
    The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own - for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.-Rod Serling

  10. #40
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    Project Blue Book/Iron Sky/Kung Fury.

    I dunno who might be able to handle something like this, but it would be EPIC. As in hold your pee in for 4 hours straight in the cinema epic.

  11. #41
    Extraordinary Member Güicho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T51R View Post
    Project Blue Book/Iron Sky/Kung Fury.

    I dunno who might be able to handle something like this, but it would be EPIC. As in hold your pee in for 4 hours straight in the cinema epic.
    WOW that'd be crazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Menace of Mysterio View Post
    ....mission: travel to England to search for the agent who foiled Greenback many times in the past, Danger Mouse.
    Too bad he hasn't been seen in years, either...
    He can also seek out that other Rodent Secret Agent, and his near-sited bespectacled sidekick.
    Last edited by Güicho; 03-19-2019 at 09:30 AM.

  12. #42
    Extraordinary Member The Drunkard Kid's Avatar
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    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Persona 5, mostly because their aesthetics are kinda similar to one another, and they both have masked cartoon animals with toonish abilities as team members.

  13. #43
    Extraordinary Member Güicho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Drunkard Kid View Post
    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Persona 5,.
    I have to ask since I'm not familiar, what exactly is the sword wielding mechanical "Zorro" and cat in that game supposed to be ?
    Is that like a version of Zorro and Li'l Zorro (Zorrito)?
    Last edited by Güicho; 03-18-2019 at 11:35 PM.

  14. #44
    Extraordinary Member The Drunkard Kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Güicho View Post

    I have to ask since I'm not familiar, what exactly is the sword wielding mechanical "Zorro" and cat in that game supposed to be ?
    Is that like a version of Zorro and Li'l Zorro (Zorrito)?
    The cat is Morgana, who appears be a regular housecat who transforms into an anthropomorphic housecat when in the Metaverse (and if you see/hear him talk there, then you can hear him talk in his real world housecat form). He himself insists that he's actually a regular human who got transformed into a cat. He's the guy who convinced the rest of the Phantom Thieves to steal the Hearts of corrupt people, partially to help him regain his memories, partially to save their victims, and he is the one who taught the main character how to pick locks and develop thief tools. Zorro is his Persona, an aspect of his personality given physical form, which allows him to use magical powers (Morgana's magic is mainly bard around wind and healing).

    He can also turn into a bus while in the Metaverse, due to a part of the collective unconsciousness of Tokyo having an affinity for cats being buses (thanks to the Studio Ghibli classic film My Neighbor Totoro, presumably).
    Last edited by The Drunkard Kid; 03-19-2019 at 05:41 AM.

  15. #45
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    Goblin Slayer X The Ride on King: The First President

    When exploring a dungeon, Alexander Purchinov and his party stumble upon a portal to another plagued by rapacious goblins and other beasts(which makes it not too different from the world he just got dimension-dumped into...)

    ...The world of Goblin Slayer!

    As a war between worlds begins to brew with forces massing on both sides, Purchinov has to find a way to not just diffuse the situation, but to both broker a peace and unite both civilizations under a single, modern, democratic Federation of the Fist!

    ...actually he just wants to ride on the back of every sizable beast on both worlds, so this is a good way to do it.

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