I found this article and thought this might be a good place to share it.

Fear, Anxiety and Hope: What It Means to Be a Minority in Gaming

The outline of Davionne Gooden’s new computer game may feel familiar: The main character must defeat villains to reach an ultimate goal.

But woven in are elements that set the game apart. The main character is stuck in a coma, and the villains are nightmares. Players confront issues of anxiety and depression. And, through an all-black cast, Mr. Gooden deliberately features the experiences of people typically absent from mainstream games.

“If you’re a white creator, you rarely think about that,” he said.

Gaming is a multibillion-dollar business, and one that has remained largely white and largely male.

Five years after “Gamergate” exposed the kind of toxicity that can lurk in a community where diverse perspectives are underrepresented, little seems to have changed for minorities and women in the industry. Today, people like Mr. Gooden still confront an industry that infrequently reflects who they are.
I think it is a good article.