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  1. #1
    Extraordinary Member Gaastra's Avatar
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    Default Retro-The JLA member based on a real guy.

    The triumph topic made me think of another lesser know justice league member. Retro. Only was in one issue then was killed right away. Neat thing is he was based on a real dc fan who won a wizard mag contest! (i entered that but didn't win.)

    He did get to fight with the jla in the jla vs avengers issue 4 however and is on the cover of jla vs avengers 3.

    Do you think dc could have done something else with retro or was killing him off right away the best play?

    Is retro the record for shortest member time as he was dead by his first issue?

    What do you guys think of retro? Should dc make a new retro?


  2. #2
    Astonishing Member Adekis's Avatar
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    I wonder how the contest winner felt about being killed off by Prometheus before he even got to meet the Justice League. I didn't know he was based on a real person.

    I like Retro (the character,) he seemed like a pretty nice kid, earnest and polite. That said, I am always wary of the tendency to glorify days gone by, especially in such a general and non-specific way as Retro did.
    "You know the deal, Metropolis. Treat people right or expect a visit from me."

  3. #3


    I have no idea who this is.
    Last edited by John Venus; 11-10-2020 at 04:42 PM.

  4. #4
    Extraordinary Member Gaastra's Avatar
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    I wonder how the contest winner felt about being killed off by Prometheus before he even got to meet the Justice League. I didn't know he was based on a real person.
    Well he does get to fight with them in jla vs avengers 4 so he at least has that.

  5. #5
    Extraordinary Member Gaastra's Avatar
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    I have no idea who this is.
    Wizard and dc did a "you can join the jla" contest in wizard. The guy who won made himself "retro" a golden age type hero. In the story retro wins a chance to be a jla member for a day at a event. Prometheus shows up pretending to be a second winner of the contest. He tells retro his history and makes friends with him. On the way to the watchtower takes him to his other universe home then when his guard was down killed him and pretended to be him to get into the watchtower! He didn't even get to meet the jla!

    He gets his chance to fight at last in avengers vs jla issue 4 when he pops in in the end fight and is on the all members cover for issue 3.

    Kind of a sad ending for him. More crazy as it is based on a real fan.

  6. #6
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Considering what happened after with Charcoal at Marvel, I think than DC move was wiser. They avoid a problem.
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  7. #7
    Extraordinary Member Gaastra's Avatar
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    Funny thing is around the same time marvel did the "you are captain universe" x-men and captain universe send away comic but more close the now dead defiant comics did a contest just like the jla one were fans got to be heroes in a comic! They did a full team of them! The book lasted 9 issues then died with the comic company.

    Not sure who owns them today but the full team is based on real fans! The girl on cover 2 must have been the most liked one as she was the main hero on many of the ads.

    Last edited by Gaastra; 06-30-2021 at 07:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Extraordinary Member Gaastra's Avatar
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    Here is retro on the cover of jla vs avengers 3. He is 34 next to the thing.

  9. #9
    Astonishing Member
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    As a fan, I would have thought it would have been cool to be killed off in a JLA issue lol. (Maybe not by Prometheus)

    Social Media would erupt if this happens today. ("DC shows what they think about fans by killed them off" type posts on Twitter)

  10. #10
    Extraordinary Member Gaastra's Avatar
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    Well i remember the contest had the joke "of course dc may kill you off the next issue but easy come easy go!" in wizards jokely like way they wrote things so they kind had the warning there plus i'm sure the winner was told before hand. Again i entered that contest but didn't win. I don't even remember what hero i made myself for the contest! Lol.

    Funny thing is the simpsons did a create a simpsons contest and the winner did have her character she made (not based on herself) show up--only to be killed in seconds later! She was not told! Ouch!

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