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  1. #61
    Uncanny Member Digifiend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kcekada View Post
    I feel she more than deserves a solo title. She's an iconic character -- but seems to get overlooked because of her confusing origins. As much as I loved George Perez, he shouldn't have been allowed to screw up continuity as he did when he revived the Wonder Woman title. Same goes for Hawkman.
    Yeah, they should've either rebooted both Titans and Wonder Woman, or neither of them. That's what started Donna's origin issues. Heck, Batman was rebooted, did it make sense for Nightwing to be unaffected?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    I love her old 'Who Is Donna Troy?' origin from the classic Wolfman/Perez run, but I read a hilarious take that she was actually a teenaged Diana, brought into existence by Wonder Woman's own 5th dimensional Imp, who adventured alongside her favorite hero taking the form of 'Wonder Tot.'

    Wonder Tot wanted to adventure with both adult Diana *and* 'teen Diana', so she created a teen Diana with her magic (complete with working lasso and Wonder Woman powers, even though some versions of Diana-as-a-teen didn't even have powers yet, having to win them in a contest, pre-daughter-of-Zeus-nonsense, and Paradise Island didn't have a bunch of spare magic lassos sitting around in a vault). Wonder Tot was finally cajoled into leaving, but sort of forgot to clean up after herself and 'Diana as a teen' was left behind. Diana more or less adopted her, and she chose the name 'Donna,' because it sounded like Diana, but wouldn't be confused with her adult incarnation (and both Diana and Donna decided that her real origin was just too far-out to explain to people, and, while never actually lying about Donna's origins, have allowed a staggering array of misconceptions to flourish, to their bemusement).
    Teenage Diana in imaginary stories was Wonder Girl's first origin, yeah. The original Teen Titans writer mistook her for a sidekick instead of her Superboy, and therefore created Donna by accident (had he realized, he likely would've used Supergirl - they didn't own Mary Marvel yet and I don't think DC had any other teen girl heroes back then). Wonder Tot being a 5th dimensional imp does make sense, as Diana otherwise doesn't have one like Batman, Superman and Flash do. However, I'm pretty sure the original Wonder Tot and Wonder Girl stuff became non-canon long before Crisis. Probably when Donna got her civilian identity (due to being created unintentionally, I think it was a while before she was called anything other than Wonder Girl).
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  2. #62
    Mighty Member Kaijudo's Avatar
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    I'd definitely say yes. She's the only member of the original 5 Titans who hasn't had their own solo book or mini, as far as I can remember. I think a good series (or maxi-series) would do these three things for her:

    1. Set her up as her own character, able to stand beyond the Wonder Woman mythos, while introducing or revamping villains that can be specifically hers.

    2. Streamline her origin. Honestly, look at the number of origins she's had, cherry-pick the components that work and discard the ones that don't (and if people need an in-universe reason for the discarded elements, create one)

    3. Just have her settle on the name Donna Troy, instead of Wonder Girl, Troia, or anything else they've trotted out over the years. Donna Troy alone has enough name recognition that she doesn't need a codename, much like how Jean Grey is just going by that now vs. Marvel Girl or anything else.

  3. #63
    Astonishing Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rac7d* View Post
    I love the black and stars
    It doesn't really have anything to do with Donna is she wasn't taken by the Titans of Myth and raised in outer space.

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