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  1. #61
    Astonishing Member
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    James Gunn confirms this reboot will not cover the origin story:

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  2. #62
    Fantastic Member Nero's Avatar
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    In the grand scheme of things, recasting Superman makes the most sense. They've already done this with Robert Pattinson's Batman which ended up proving successful so they might as well continue the trend. Plus, it would've been odd to still have Cavill as Superman but everyone else from Lois Lane to Jimmy Olsen to Lex Luthor recasted. It's going to be interesting to see who they cast as the next Superman, hopefully there's more emphasis on the human side of the Man of Steel because that's essentially what makes him unique.

    As far as who should face off with Superman is concerned, I think incorporating Conduit would be an excellent choice considering their connection goes beyond the typical superhero/supervillain dynamic. But nine times out of ten, Gunn probably doesn't even know who Conduit is or at least not well enough to fully trust him to blossom in that capacity. Safe bet would probably go with Lobo being hired by Lex Luthor to take out Superman.

  3. #63
    Ultimate Life Form BlackClaw's Avatar
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    Anyone think Austin Butler would be a good Superman?
    A.K.A. The Black Panther
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  4. #64
    Swiss army nerd
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    Gunn is an interesting character. He did his time as an edgelord back in the day, and his Guardians stuff was really about that kind of person learning, as Star Lord says, to give a shit. I think he's someone who knows the value of being earnestly willing and, frankly desperate to help others. He's also got a sense of humour and a love for the weird, lesser known characters.

    I think he could pull this off. I think he knows the stakes here, as he's said Superman is basically /the/ priority for them. I am optimistic.

    A riff on the Morrison action run could be very cool. Clark wouldn't even be able to fly until, like, the final act of the movie, which would be a hell of a moment if pulled off correctly. Clark being the champion of the oppressed, and the run up pick-up trucks to leap into space would be amazing to see.

    Also pretty sure Gunn will write a great Lois Lane.

  5. #65
    Last Son of Shaolin GreatKungLao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manofsteel1979 View Post
    A part of me feels what you do. I feel bad for Henry. The former people in charge at WB are at fault more than anyone here. After JL they didn't think Superman was good enough to headline another Solo movie but was just fine doing cameos in other films ? Screw that. They had the best actor to play the character since Reeve, an actor who wanted to delve info the character...and they did nothing with him because WB generally didn't seem to like Superman all that much. Screw that and screw Warners. At least the new regime isn't content to let Superman just sit there and rot....time will tell. Still think it was a mistake not to at least do one more film with Henry , a solo Superman film to close out this Era of DC with dignity.a bookend to MOS. Sigh. Oh well.

    Also, I'm not all that impressed by the idea of Gunn writing a Superman film. I think I'm the only one on the internet to think Taika Watitti on Thor was a mistake and Ragnarok was a grossly overrated movie. Yeah it was entertaining and put butts in seats, but I feel it misses the whole point of the character and sacrifices him at the alter for the sake of "more color!!!! More laughs!!!! Fun fun fun!!!!! Fun at all costs!!! Yeah, it made a billion dollars and "saved " the Thor franchise...but completely missed the point of the character.

    Now, yes, Gunn is not Watitti and it looks like he's just developing the sfory....and I think Gunn is very talented. I love the Guardians franchise and Suicide squad and Peacemaker were fun, but I'm not all that confident he's a good fit to guide the next cinematic Superman. My fear is that Gunn might go too far into irreverence and the drive to make everything not like Snyder and that universe to the point it becomes either yet another Donner repeat or something like Ragnarok with Thor and Watiti where they sacrifice the pathos of the franchise and any sense of drama and integrity in order to play to the masses and get Butts in seats. Nothing wrong with pleasing the crowd and getting butts in seats of course. I just hope in his quest to go opposite of Snyder that he doesn't go too far in the other direction.

    I'm trying not to be the angry old man yelling at a cloud. I'm going to try and be hopeful that Gunn will knock it out of the park....but perhaps I'm too jaded to be completely positive.

    Oh least it looks like we will at least have four seasons of Superman and Lois.
    I'm completely on board with you regarding Waititi's Thor. This is what I'm scared the most about is that Superman is going to be Ragnaroked. As a fan of Thor I was, in some way, offended by that movie. Knowing James Gunn's sense of humor I can already imagine him writing a dialogue for Lois where she asks if everything on him is made of steel while looking at Superman's crotch.

  6. #66
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    RIP Henry Cavill's Superman

    WB failed him. Not Snyder. Not Cavill. Not even Joss Whedon (Superman was easily the best part of his JL cut). But the higher-ups at WB who didn't see fit to greenlight an MOS sequel for the last half-decade.

    Moving on...I like what I hear about Gunn's Superman movie so far. I've long felt he might be the best person for the job. And I think a 'Year 2 Superman' movie (much like Reeves' Year 2 Batman movie) might be just what is needed right now to introduce a new iteration of the character without rehashing what we've already seen. Morrison's Action Comics run is an obvious touchstone, but I hope Gunn also takes inspiration from Birthright and American Alien. And maybe even the original Siegal/Shuster Superman and the Fleischer cartoons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    At least it looks like Gunn and Safran are going to get him a new role in the new DCU (I guess that rumor about Momoa being Lobo is true). I’m fucking ecstatic personally, at least we’re finally free of Snyder. Gunn has at least read some comic books, maybe now there’s a chance we can get some Superman Rogues other than Lex or Zod. Hell Gunn is close with Morrison, maybe he’ll be adapting parts of Morrison’s Action Comics run!
    Might be far-fetched but this potential new role for Cavill...maybe it could simply be Superman, but not the mainstream version? I'm talking something like Kingdom Come Superman or an Earth 2 Superman.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sacred Knight View Post
    Definitely seems like taking some ideas from Morrison's run would be right up Gunn's alley, with the early Golden Age inspiration and street level feel (before the Vyndktvx stuff got into full swing). I have a hard time imagining how that wouldn't be a hit in today's climate.
    Morrison's first arc is perfect for an 'early Superman' story that's not an origin. It starts with Superman as a street-level hero, a vigilante and 'Champion of the Oppressed'. But then he fights Metallo and Brainiac shows up, and he has to transition to being a superhero defending earth.

    I want Clark to go through a similar arc to what Bruce went through in Reeves' Batman. A Year 2 story, as Reeves famously said.

  7. #67
    Extraordinary Member HsssH's Avatar
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    I'm glad that some people are happy about this, but this is definitely is not for me. After few years will be fun to read people complaining about how Lobo upstaged Superman in his own movie.

  8. #68
    Extraordinary Member Mantis-Ray's Avatar
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    Well this entire thing was a waste of fucking time for Cavill. I feel for him and hopes he gets something good soon to make up for losing Superman and Geralt.

    Gunn's movie though. Okay I'm interested, he is actually able to write personable charming characters which is something Superman desperately needs. Not sure if he hasn't written a raunchy black comedy but fuck he seems to be taking this seriously at least.

  9. #69
    Phantom Zone Escapee manofsteel1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatKungLao View Post
    I'm completely on board with you regarding Waititi's Thor. This is what I'm scared the most about is that Superman is going to be Ragnaroked. As a fan of Thor I was, in some way, offended by that movie. Knowing James Gunn's sense of humor I can already imagine him writing a dialogue for Lois where she asks if everything on him is made of steel while looking at Superman's crotch.
    Good lord. That's the stuff of my nightmares of what a James Gunn Written Superman could go. Yikes.

    I would hope to God that either Gunn realizes that we don't need that type of Superman film nor whomever is hired to direct looks at that sort of thing and would temper Gunn 's worst impulses to go in that direction. If Gunn writes AND directs....I'm worried.

    I love the goofy but with a heart Guardians films, I liked the hyper violent but goofy and weird Peacemaker series...but I hope Gunn is able to taper his natural inclination to be ....well, James Gunn, at least for this film that is going to set the tone of not only Superman going forward but possibly the DCU itself. There's a chance all the DCU films end up just fluffy action/comedies which is frankly what a big chunk of the Marvel films have become. From a business end I can understand why DC/Warners/Discovery would want to go that route because of the Billions Marvel makes, and I could very well see Gunn thinking that's what both his bosses and the general audience wants and go in that direction.

    I understand that Zack Snyder went too far in the other direction in being overly reverent to the point of being pretentious with MOS, BvS and his Justice League. I get being overly serious and not allowing some color and humor turned too many people off who expected breezy fun entertainment they were getting elsewhere, but there's a danger in "Ragnarok-ing it"....and I hope Gunn is able to restrain himself from putting his own "stamp " on Superman and the DC franchise as a whole and serve the character first and foremost.

    Time will tell and maybe all ot this worrying will be over nothing and Gunn will have written a Superman movie that pleased the audiences at large, please us comic nerds and lay a foundation to a flourishing Superman franchise and DCU. I'm certainly hoping for the later and I will for now hope Gunn knows what he's doing.
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  10. #70
    Mighty Member Superboy-Prime's Avatar
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    As long as the movie has the Legion of Super-Heroes, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, and Doomsday in it, it'll be fine.

  11. #71
    I'm at least a C-Lister! exile001's Avatar
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    I very much hope they just do a full reset, as with The Batman (which had better not get drawn into this).

    No reboot. No using The Flash (fuck Ezra Miller!) to retool. Just kill it dead and start again.

    Honestly, I wish they'd forget the shared universe crap and just focus on making good stand alone movies.

    I am still very unsure about Gunn being the guy to do it, I enjoy his stuff but I think he needs reigning in. Peacemaker was mostly great but the final episode really suffered for going for edgelordy gross out stuff rather than a serious threat. Also, it was almost exactly the same as Starro.

    Cavill got totally screwed by WB AGAIN. If he's coming back somewhere else I really hope it's something big. Otherwise, he should say fuck WB and work elsewhere.

    Also, I guess the SHAZAM! corner goes as well? The whole Black Adam thing is weird but it may have killed the widely loved thing we had. Also the crazy delay between films.

    I hate to say it, but if even The Rock can't make a profitable DC movie then the brand needs more rehab than I thought.
    Last edited by exile001; 12-15-2022 at 03:45 AM.
    "Has Sariel summoned you here, Azrael? Have you come to witness the miracle of your brethren arriving on Earth?"


    "*sigh* I hoped it was for the miracle."

    Dan Watters' Azrael was incredible, a constant delight and perhaps too good for this world (but not the Forth). For the love of St. Dumas, DC, give us more!!!

  12. #72
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    The story of a young Superman finding his way in the world?

    Somebody savvvveeeeee meeeee....

  13. #73
    Phantom Zone Escapee manofsteel1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exile001 View Post
    I very much hope they just do a full reset, as with The Batman (which had better not get drawn into this).

    No reboot. No using The Flash (fuck Ezra Miller!) to retool. Just kill it dead and start again.

    Honestly, I wish they'd forget the shared universe crap and just focus on making good stand alone movies.

    I am still very unsure about Gunn being the guy to do it, I enjoy his stuff but I think he needs reigning in.

    Cavill got totally screwed by WB AGAIN. If he's coming back somewhere else I really hope it's something big. Otherwise, he should say fuck WB and work elsewhere.

    Also, I guess the SHAZAM! corner goes as well? The whole Black Adam thing is weird but it may have killed the widely loved thing we had. Also the crazy delay between films.

    I hate to say it, but if even The Rock can't make a profitable DC movie then the brand needs more rehab than I thought.
    I know it seems Gunn and Warners wants to do a connected universe across all media Ala Lucasfilm with Star Wars and Marvel to an extent, but I wish he would let, say Patty Jenkins make her third Wonder Woman with Gadot or give Henry Cavill a stand alone send off movie or series or even let the Shazam corner of the DCU be its own thing to finish its trilogy.

    Hell, maybe once they get a few films of the new DCU going they'll do a handful of "elseworlds" films set outside the main continuity they are building. Technically both Joker 2 and Reeves Verse Batman are outside of continuity and apparently the Abrams/Coates Black Superman project is still going to be made too, so why not give Gadot, Cavill , Levi and yes even The Rock ( within the Shazam verse)their own films to wrap up their illerations of these characters. I honestly think with all the crap Henry has had to endure both from fans early on and from the studio later on, he deserves some respect and a chance to finish with dignity.
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  14. #74
    Phantom Zone Escapee manofsteel1979's Avatar
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    Another thought. I hope Gunn and Safrin commit to this reboot for the main DCU. In other words he better not selectively leave his work with Suicide squad and Peacemaker in the continuity. If he decides to set them off to the side as an Elseworld thing so he can finish things properly, fine. However if this ends up a patchwork reboot where this property is kept as is but that one gets the wipe not only reeks of hypocrisy, but is just a bad idea all around.

    Look at the new 52 comics reboot for evidence how that sort of thing can go. They mostly attempted to keep Batman and Green Lantern going in the same direction/continuity but Superman and Wonder Woman got wiped clean, and everything else got various degrees of rebooting. It was a mess that was ultimately undone anyway and arguably made the continuity worse and more convoluted than before.

    In other words , if we have to lose Cavill, Gadot , Momoa and Levi as Clark, Diana, Arthur and Billy , then unfortunately Cena, and Margot Robbie need to go too. Again, unless you are willing to open up the possibility of setting aside a space here and there to allow a proper stand alone outlet for these disenfranchised actors/illerations to exist or find a dignified end.
    When it comes to comics,one person's "fan-service" is another persons personal cannon. So by definition it's ALL fan service. Aren't we ALL fans?
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  15. #75
    Astonishing Member DochaDocha's Avatar
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    I almost wish WB just said no DC movies, period. That way, we can be angry at one person for screwing things up and putting this instead of being angry at multiple people over and over.

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