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  1. #91
    Astonishing Member Anthony W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manwhohaseverything View Post
    Not exactly,WB has never produced a good superman for mass audience.Even the donner movies are great because they were done by independent salkind production spinning their own take at the time..Their(wb) own record is against them.James gunn has an uphill battle.
    Much like DC comics the only thing WB knows how to do, the only thing they want to BATMAN.

    That's it. That's all they want to do, but stupid Marvel had to go make the Avengers. Rather than admit defeat and come to terms with the fact that the Superhero Movie boom is winding down they have decided that the only way out of the hole they dug is to keep digging but this time (to borrow a very old joke from "The Simpsons" when it was still good) dig upwards.
    "The Marvel EIC Chair has a certain curse that goes along with it: it tends to drive people insane, and ultimately, out of the business altogether. It is the notorious last stop for many staffers, as once you've sat in The Big Chair, your pariah status is usually locked in." Christopher Priest

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by manofsteel1979 View Post
    Another thought. I hope Gunn and Safrin commit to this reboot for the main DCU. In other words he better not selectively leave his work with Suicide squad and Peacemaker in the continuity. If he decides to set them off to the side as an Elseworld thing so he can finish things properly, fine. However if this ends up a patchwork reboot where this property is kept as is but that one gets the wipe not only reeks of hypocrisy, but is just a bad idea all around.

    Look at the new 52 comics reboot for evidence how that sort of thing can go. They mostly attempted to keep Batman and Green Lantern going in the same direction/continuity but Superman and Wonder Woman got wiped clean, and everything else got various degrees of rebooting. It was a mess that was ultimately undone anyway and arguably made the continuity worse and more convoluted than before.

    In other words , if we have to lose Cavill, Gadot , Momoa and Levi as Clark, Diana, Arthur and Billy , then unfortunately Cena, and Margot Robbie need to go too. Again, unless you are willing to open up the possibility of setting aside a space here and there to allow a proper stand alone outlet for these disenfranchised actors/illerations to exist or find a dignified end.
    That's a fair point.

    But that's never been how DC approaches reboots, even in the comics. Marv Wolfman wanted COIE to wipe the slate clean, but he also wanted the New Teen Titans to be preserved.

    We still don't know just how hard this reboot is going to be, and how the ending of the Flash ties into it. Superman and Wonder Woman are getting rebooted, Batman almost certainly as well...but is everything else going too?

    But if they don't hard reboot everything else, it's going to p#ss off Cavill Superman fans even more

    Quote Originally Posted by Dagothoth View Post
    Let me let you in on a secret

    Come closer

    Superman has never been interesting on film…not since 1978

    Whatever James Gunn does will be better by default
    I'd argue Superman was fairly interesting in's just that he was interesting in ways that conflicted with the casual moviegoers (and many hardcore fans) view of what Superman should be like...which is still stuck in 1978.

    A guy with these God-like powers who has a natural inclination to help people but is constrained by his father's diktat to not reveal himself to the world (a diktat his father literally died to uphold). And then when he does reveal himself, it seems his father was right because he is met with suspicion and even outright hostility. Despite that, he decides to save the world and continue doing so...but on his terms. And he's found someone to love...another relationship with a human (beyond his adoptive mother) to redouble his commitment to protecting humanity.

    I thought that was a much more interesting and emotionally resonant take on Superman than anything in the Donner movie to be brutally honest. As much as I revere the Donner movie like everyone else.

  3. #93
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sacred Knight View Post
    Definitely seems like taking some ideas from Morrison's run would be right up Gunn's alley, with the early Golden Age inspiration and street level feel (before the Vyndktvx stuff got into full swing). I have a hard time imagining how that wouldn't be a hit in today's climate.
    We've been saying that for years man! T-shirt Superman is the path to Clark's rejuvenation in the public consciousness! But I have my doubts that Gunn would want to use a low powered, Golden Age flavored version of Clark and I doubt Zaslav would agree to it anyway; that's too far removed from what audiences expect, and a social activist Superman would be seen as too big a risk for all the same reasons it's exactly what we need.

    I'm sad that Cavill won't get the chance to do a great Superman film. I truly believe he could have been one to remember. But I've said for a long time now that I want a scorched earth policy for the DCEU, and as much as I wanted to see Cav-El return, and as much as I want people like Mamoa and Gadot to wrap their trilogies, I'm fine burning it all to the ground if Gunn and Safran can plant the seeds for something better.

    Now we just sit back and wait to see if Gunn and Safran *do* bring us something better, or if this whole mess is just like every other time a new regime has come in and cleaned house, only to give us the same low quality.

    On the bright side, Cavill's schedule just opened up so maybe Kevin Fiege can get him to play Hyperion in the MCU. Bring in Gadot and Affleck too, and you've got my ideal Squadron Supreme casting.
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  4. #94
    Astonishing Member Anthony W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ascended View Post
    On the bright side, Cavill's schedule just opened up so maybe Kevin Fiege can get him to play Hyperion in the MCU.
    How about a proper Captain Britain? Marvel can keep pushing Betsy as Captain Britain but they can only keep lying to themselves for so long.
    "The Marvel EIC Chair has a certain curse that goes along with it: it tends to drive people insane, and ultimately, out of the business altogether. It is the notorious last stop for many staffers, as once you've sat in The Big Chair, your pariah status is usually locked in." Christopher Priest

  5. #95
    Extraordinary Member Doctor Know's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dagothoth View Post
    Let me let you in on a secret

    Come closer

    Superman has never been interesting on film…not since 1978

    Whatever James Gunn does will be better by default
    Have you seen his 2019 film Brightburn?

    The man co-writes and produces an evil Superman movie for Sony. He makes a Suicide Squad movie that flops at the box office. Gets rewarded by writing the Superman reboot and steering his character going forward.

    And people thought Snyder was a terrible choice for Superman.
    Last edited by Doctor Know; 12-15-2022 at 08:02 AM.

  6. #96
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    He didn’t direct that or write the script for it, calling it “his” movie is a huge stretch. All he did was produce it, and that certainly isn’t what he’s aiming to do with Superman.
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  7. #97
    Extraordinary Member superduperman's Avatar
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    Hears there's going to be a reboot: Yeah!

    Hears Logo may be the main villain: (dejected sigh)

    I see we're going full James Gunn on this.
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  8. #98
    Extraordinary Member Doctor Know's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    He didn’t direct that or write the script for it, calling it “his” movie is a huge stretch. All he did was produce it, and that certainly isn’t what he’s aiming to do with Superman.
    His brothers Mark and Brian are listed as writers and executive producers alongside Gunn. James is the bigger star in Hollywood compared to them.


    Just keeping people honest. 2 years ago if people learned that the guy who did the evil Superman story Brightburn, was being given the keys to the genuine article. They would have flipped. It's like giving the people who write Homelander the keys to Superman. Snyder gets called everything but a child of god for his work with Superman. I think more people would be comfortable with JJ Abrams handling the MOS.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by superduperman View Post
    Hears there's going to be a reboot: Yeah!

    Hears Logo may be the main villain: (dejected sigh)

    I see we're going full James Gunn on this.
    Lobo is unlikely to be the main villain, at most it will be like the MoT movie where he’s the inciting villain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Know View Post
    His brothers Mark and Brian are listed as writers and executive producers alongside Gunn. James is the bigger star in Hollywood compared to them.


    Just keeping people honest. 2 years ago if people learned that the guy who did the evil Superman story Brightburn, was being given the keys to the genuine article. They would have flipped. It's like giving the people who write Homelander the keys to Superman. Snyder gets called everything but a child of god for his work with Superman. I think more people would be comfortable with JJ Abrams handling the MOS.
    No one is rooting for Abrams to handle anything after the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Yes you just repeated what I said back to me but in a way that implies Gunn is somehow still to blame, his brothers were involved, he was not. Gunn is also the guy who made the Guardians popular and wrote a good Suicide Squad movie. Is he my first choice to handle the character? Of course not, but he has good reason to bring his A game to this, Superman will assuredly be one of the first movies in his new slate and if it fails he’s going to have Zaslav breathing down his neck. He needs this to be good. And once they get a director, assuming Gunn won’t be directing this himself, that director will likely have input too.
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  10. #100
    Mighty Member InfamousBG's Avatar
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    I am sad to see Cavill Go.

    I am excited for a new fresh start though. Here is hoping to the future.
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  11. #101
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I just have to say that, whatever your opinion of Henry Cavill as Superman, I feel like the guy never got a fair shake and whenever it seemed like he was promised the chance to get said fair shake, it never turned out. So in that sense I feel really bad for him.

    But I also can't deny that straight up rebooting everything, which they seem to be doing, makes sense (even if I have no idea what they're going to do with Batman). And going with an early years Superman which we've been getting pretty consistently lately.

    James Gunn never struck me as someone that passionate about Superman himself, and his style and general writing sensibilities has never struck me as something you would expect from a typical Superman story, so I'm morbidly curious how this might turn out.

  12. #102
    Uncanny Member Digifiend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime View Post
    A full reboot also means good bye to Aquaman 2, Shazam 2 as well
    Aren't those already in post-production?
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  13. #103
    Extraordinary Member Lightning Rider's Avatar
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    Really sad for Cavill as I very much wanted him to have another crack, but it's probably for the best. I enjoyed Snyder's films but the cast has fallen off in different ways and a fresh start is the easiest way to do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by manofsteel1979 View Post
    Good lord. That's the stuff of my nightmares of what a James Gunn Written Superman could go. Yikes.

    I would hope to God that either Gunn realizes that we don't need that type of Superman film nor whomever is hired to direct looks at that sort of thing and would temper Gunn 's worst impulses to go in that direction. If Gunn writes AND directs....I'm worried.

    I love the goofy but with a heart Guardians films, I liked the hyper violent but goofy and weird Peacemaker series...but I hope Gunn is able to taper his natural inclination to be ....well, James Gunn, at least for this film that is going to set the tone of not only Superman going forward but possibly the DCU itself. There's a chance all the DCU films end up just fluffy action/comedies which is frankly what a big chunk of the Marvel films have become. From a business end I can understand why DC/Warners/Discovery would want to go that route because of the Billions Marvel makes, and I could very well see Gunn thinking that's what both his bosses and the general audience wants and go in that direction.

    I understand that Zack Snyder went too far in the other direction in being overly reverent to the point of being pretentious with MOS, BvS and his Justice League. I get being overly serious and not allowing some color and humor turned too many people off who expected breezy fun entertainment they were getting elsewhere, but there's a danger in "Ragnarok-ing it"....and I hope Gunn is able to restrain himself from putting his own "stamp " on Superman and the DC franchise as a whole and serve the character first and foremost. .
    Preach. This is my biggest fear. Do not turn Superman into a joke as an overreaction of criticisms that Snyder's Superman was a "statue".

    To be honest I'm not even that big on Peacemaker and Guardians. But I think Gunn knows Superman can have charm without being a wisecracker. Maybe Jimmy Olsen can be the loveable goofball.

  14. #104
    Extraordinary Member Lightning Rider's Avatar
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    T-Shirt and Jeans early Superman is probably the way to go if he's thinking Year 2.

  15. #105
    Astonishing Member The Frog Bros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ascended View Post
    We've been saying that for years man! T-shirt Superman is the path to Clark's rejuvenation in the public consciousness!
    Emphatically, yes!

    But I have my doubts that Gunn would want to use a low powered, Golden Age flavored version of Clark and I doubt Zaslav would agree to it anyway; that's too far removed from what audiences expect, and a social activist Superman would be seen as too big a risk for all the same reasons it's exactly what we need.
    Sadly, yes.

    Now we just sit back and wait to see if Gunn and Safran *do* bring us something better, or if this whole mess is just like every other time a new regime has come in and cleaned house, only to give us the same low quality.
    Thinking positive vibes for the former, but keeping the side-eye ready for the latter.

    My one hope is that they opt for a good director and solid story/script in lieu of a bloated action extravaganza. But maybe that's a pipe dream nowadays...
    Last edited by The Frog Bros; 12-15-2022 at 09:13 AM.
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