1. #63886
    Extraordinary Member CaptainEurope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackDaw View Post
    US is a fabulously rich country. Not just in terms of economic wealth, but in the talent of its people, the beauty of its countryside, its cultural riches, your fertile and bountiful land.

    Realistically US has every advantage going.

    So how is it possible that it’s got to state that a party you (and many other regular posters here) believe is inherently and obviously evil can hold such significant sway?

    (In UK, comparing our Conservatives and US Republicans is telling. Our recent political history is riven with mistakes, a fair amount of greed, and petty corruption. But…as a habitual Labour supporter…I’ve honestly never believed that the average British Conservative is a bad person.)
    Keep in mind that many of the first settlers, who often founded much more powerful dynasties than later refugees or people who were brought to America against their will, were white religious fanatics. They founded a nationa based on the mass murder of indiginous people and enslavement of Africans.

  2. #63887
    Invincible Member Kirby101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainEurope View Post
    Keep in mind that many of the first settlers, who often founded much more powerful dynasties than later refugees or people who were brought to America against their will, were white religious fanatics. They founded a nationa based on the mass murder of indiginous people and enslavement of Africans.
    While I agree America has it's "original sin", I don't think it's history is any more stained than most European countries.
    There came a time when the Old Gods died! The Brave died with the Cunning! The Noble perished locked in battle with unleashed Evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust!

  3. #63888
    Amazing Member Adam Allen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainEurope View Post
    Keep in mind that many of the first settlers, who often founded much more powerful dynasties than later refugees or people who were brought to America against their will, were white religious fanatics. They founded a nationa based on the mass murder of indiginous people and enslavement of Africans.
    Well,yes. The Capitalism that made the US wealthy and powerful explicitly included people as property.

    The foundation of our economic system is not one that just had unequal wealth distribution between people, but one that said some are not even people, but property that contributes to the wealth of others. This exploitation did not magically end with the Civil War, and at this point, the upper echelons have had well over a century to perfect disenfranchising and exploiting people without calling it slavery, or even Jim Crow.

    Corporations are now legal people, who realistically have a lot more rights and power than your average nobody with their almost symbolic vote.
    Be kind to me, or treat me mean
    I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine

  4. #63889


    On this date in 2015, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” profiled Tom Goolsby, a former North Carolina State Senator and comb over enthusiast who in his time in office, supported massive cuts to education, a state constitutional ban on same sex marriage, voter ID laws that disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters, voted for a law to prevent climatologists from North Carolina from being able to discuss climate change, was the sponsor of the repeal of the Racial Justice Act, and was the man who snuck an amendment onto a motorcycle safety bill to turn it into one of the most radical pieces of anti-abortion legislation in the country. When his legislative agenda began to create weekly protests at the state capitol, known as Moral Mondays, for being led by the Reverend William Barber, Goolsby took the very adult approach to take out an opinion editorial in the local paper to call them “Moron Mondays”, in which he lied about there being no members of the legislature among the group’s numbers. Goolsby lasted less than two terms in office, resigning in August 2014 shortly after being sued by the rest of the law firm where he worked for financial fraud, which makes him even harder to elect.

    On this date in 2016, 2017, 2018, as well as 2019, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” presented its original profile of the sitting U.S. House Representative for Colorado’s 6th Congressional District, Mike Coffman, who prior to going to Washington, D.C., had a career in Colorado state politics that went all the way back to 1989. Back in 2012, Mike Coffman was at a campaign fundraiser when he volunteered his opinion about the Birther conspiracy, saying, “I don’t know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don’t know that. But I do know this, that in his heart, he’s not an American. He’s just not an American.” Well, word of this disgusting moment leaked to the public, and Coffman was forced to apologize. Mind you, robotically repeating that apology to local news reporters in Colorado who chased him down for comment might not have been the best way to make it seem genuine. He apparently doesn't like the negative publicity about it, since he was caught having his Congressional staff trying to edit the fact that it ever happened from his Wikipedia page, earning him top honors in a Buzzfeed article about members of Congress wasting taxpayer dollars to have paid staff scrub their Wiki pages. But in terms of policy, Mike Coffman isn't any less of an extremist. Say, for example, his repeated support for Congress trying to make fetal Personhood a thing, and make life start at conception. Coffman voted to do so as a state legislator in 2008, and again after hitting Washington, D.C. in 2010 in the Tea Party Wave. In 2011, he also sponsored legislation that tried to redefine the legal definition of rape, specifying whether it was “forcible rape” or not. As you might expect, Coffman's also is a climate change denier, believing scientists' research cannot be trusted, and there's financial pressure on the scientists to cut their funding unless they produce studies that say it DOES exist. And THAT is a decidedly different paranoid conspiracy theory, right there. But it's far from his only one. In October of 2012, Coffman told reporters he believed President Obama would engage in a last minute military engagement to cement his bid on winning the presidency over Mitt Romney (and spoiler alert, nothing of the sort happened). Believe it or not, in spite of Mike Coffman having a history of voting for conservative interests, Colorado's 6th Congressional District held it for four terms after the Tea Party Wave, even though it has a +1 Democratic lean the Cook Partisan Index. After two years filled with disastrous town hall appearances for Coffman where constituents lambasted him for trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or how in the wake of the Parkland shooting, they demanded gun control… Mike Coffman got bounced from office in the 2018 Blue Wave by Jason Crow, who bested him by 11 points.

    On this date in both 2020, 2021, as well as 2022, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” first profiled the sitting U.S. House Representative from Indiana’s 9th Congressional District, Trey Hollingsworth, who was first elected to office in 2016. He is the 12th wealthiest member of Congress as of this article’s posting, with a net worth of over $50 million. He self-funded his first campaign for Congress, having carpet-bagged his way up from his home in Tennessee to end up getting a seat in Congress. And what immediately brought Trey Hollingsworth near the front of the queue of people we had planned on profiling was his remarks on Covid-19 in April of 2020, where he came out hard in favor of reopening the country, considering thousands of people dying “the lesser of two evils” when compared with the GDP being lower, saying, ”[I}The social scientists are telling us about the economic disaster that is going on," he said. "Our GDP is supposed to be down 20% alone this quarter. It is policymakers' decision to put on our big boy and big girl pants and say more deaths is the lesser of these two evils. It is not zero evil, but it is the lesser of these two evils and we intend to move forward that direction. That is our responsibility and to abdicate that is to insult the Americans that voted us into o ffice.[/I]" Hollingsworth voted against impeaching Donald Trump twice, voted against certifying the 20202 election results, voted twice against Covid-19 relief, but because he dared to vote for an independent commission to investigate Donald Trump’s failed coup attempt on January 6th, he immediately was rejected by Republicans in his district, and thus opted to not run for re-election in 2022. Thus, we will set aside his profile for now to showcase another wacky Republican today instead. (Current crazy/stupid scoreboard, is now 1209-60, since this was established in July 2014.
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  5. #63890


    Brandon Beckham
    Welcome to what is the 1209th original profile here at “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day”, where we’ll be discussing Brandon Beckham, a sports nutrition CEO, fitness model, actor, one-time motorcade driver for former Vice-President Mike Pence, and 2022 candidate for Utah State Senate for District 23 of that body. Fun coincidence… Beckham drove Mike Pence to the VP debate where Pence was so lethargic in getting a beatdown from then Senator Kamala Harris that a fly landed on his head.

    But hey, let’s not get distracted by pointing and laughing at Mike Pence too much and stay focused on Beckham… who only days prior to his filing for office, was accused of second degree felony sexual abuse by a woman he invited over to watch a movie, then made multiple sexual advances against, while repeatedly being told to stop. He called the alleged victim to say he was “wild” and was just “kinky” and didn’t realize she might be uncomfortable by his attempts.

    As the media began reporting on Beckham, he defiantly declared the accusations were a “political hit job”, comparing himself to poor, unfairly treated Brett Kavanaugh (whose own accusations were credible, and most were simply ignored by FBI investigators under Senate and Trump White House pressure). After the judge in the case established a protective order for Beckham’s victim, he began to violate it by following her online transactions on Venmo and “liking” them, as well as sending her two e-mails which, y’know, is a form of stalking.

    We’ll also note that Beckham had pledged to fight “Critical Race Theory” being taught in Utah schools, even though it is not, and no one in the state had suggested teaching it, invoking Dr. Martin Luther King against teaching about a history of systemic white supremacy in the United States, without irony.

    Brandon Beckham lost in the GOP Primary for his Utah State Senate seat, getting just 29% of the vote, but remains a central member of the Utah Republican Party, who are fine with having a man charged with sexual abuse in such a position. Current brand of the party, really.
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  6. #63891
    "Comic Book Reviewer" InformationGeek's Avatar
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    Oh WBE, Glenn Grothman is being racist again.

    Wisconsin's finest Glenn Grothman is on the House floor right now complaining that Biden isn't nominating enough straight "white guys" as judges

  7. #63892
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spike-X View Post
    Then why would you consider voting for someone who seems very keen on heading in that direction? Do you really hate poor people and minorities that much?

    The fact that you're even entertaining the possibility of voting for someone like that absolutely destroys any credibility you might think you have as some kind of 'moderate' Republican. There's no such thing any more. Your party is the party of bigotry and intolerance and hate. You either support that or you don't. And you've just declared that you do. So to hell with you.
    Anyone who wins a swing state by 20 points is typically capable of getting the votes of moderate Republicans.

    I don't think DeSantis is guiding the country to genocide. This seems like the left-wing version of the most extreme claims against Democrats like Gavin Newsom.
    Thomas Mets

  8. #63893
    Ultimate Member babyblob's Avatar
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    So a few months ago I kicked my aunt out of my house. But she still calls my dad and comes to visit.

    Last night I put a stop to that and she is no longer going to come into my home and I am not going to talk to her and blocked her number.

    The line in the sand came when she heard the news story about the 11 year old child that was shot in Mississippi.

    She went on a rant about how she didnt care, chance are he deserved it, he was most likely a gangbanger etc..

    I just was disgusted by the racism she showed. I have had enough of it and told her she is no longer welcome in my house nor is she welcome to call and as I said I blocjked her number.

    She called me brain washed by the liberal media and stormed out.

    I just dont understand that level of racism.
    This Post Contains No Artificial Intelligence. It Contains No Human Intelligence Either.

  9. #63894
    Old school comic book fan WestPhillyPunisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babyblob View Post
    So a few months ago I kicked my aunt out of my house. But she still calls my dad and comes to visit.

    Last night I put a stop to that and she is no longer going to come into my home and I am not going to talk to her and blocked her number.

    The line in the sand came when she heard the news story about the 11 year old child that was shot in Mississippi.

    She went on a rant about how she didnt care, chance are he deserved it, he was most likely a gangbanger etc..

    I just was disgusted by the racism she showed. I have had enough of it and told her she is no longer welcome in my house nor is she welcome to call and as I said I blocjked her number.

    She called me brain washed by the liberal media and stormed out.

    I just dont understand that level of racism.
    Was she that openly racist before 2017 when Trump took office? If not, then there’s your explanation. From the ultimate bully pulpit that’s the Oval Office, Trump enabled bigots like your aunt to come out from under their rocks and publicly fly their hate flags. And things have been spiraling out of control ever since.
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  10. #63895
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tendrin View Post
    There have been several white supremacist shootings, and more than one anti-gay one. It, sadly, only takes one lunatic prepared to do it, empowered by the likes of Crowder and Matt Walsh and LibsofTikTok.
    It'll be tricky because ppl like Walsh and Crowder have a certain amount of plausible deniability being entertainers, but like it's already been said, these hacks need to be held accountable for the hysteria they spread. Walsh and Chaya Raichik got real lucky that no one got hurt after they called out Boston Children's Hospital. I seriously think at least civil if not criminal charges should have been brought against them...

  11. #63896
    Extraordinary Member thwhtGuardian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Mets View Post
    Anyone who wins a swing state by 20 points is typically capable of getting the votes of moderate Republicans.

    I don't think DeSantis is guiding the country to genocide. This seems like the left-wing version of the most extreme claims against Democrats like Gavin Newsom.
    Those aren't moderate Republicans then, because he is SUPER anti-lgbtq. You literally can't be a moderate and tolerate those policies. He doesn't even try to hide it.
    Last edited by thwhtGuardian; 05-26-2023 at 06:02 AM.
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  12. #63897
    Mighty Member scourge's Avatar
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    Once again...

    Anyone trying to compare the nonsense conservatives cook up in their delusions against the left to the outright evil, real, and yes genocidal actions scumbags like DeSantis and the rest of his ilk take is either a total idiot or just lying to everyone's faces.
    Last edited by scourge; 05-26-2023 at 06:04 AM.

  13. #63898
    Old school comic book fan WestPhillyPunisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ed2962 View Post
    It'll be tricky because ppl like Walsh and Crowder have a certain amount of plausible deniability being entertainers, but like it's already been said, these hacks need to be held accountable for the hysteria they spread. Walsh and Chaya Raichik got real lucky that no one got hurt after they called out Boston Children's Hospital. I seriously think at least civil if not criminal charges should have been brought against them...
    Just like Tucker Carlson’s lawyers said their client was an entertainer and not a newsman when he was taken to court. Charlie Kirk recently preached violence at Target for their displaying Pride Month merchandise, but if one of his loons were to shoot up a store, Kirk will also deny any involvement. That’s how cowards like them operate, toss verbal grenades, then act all innocent after shit blows up.
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  14. #63899
    Surfing With The Alien Spike-X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tendrin View Post
    It's not difficult to call out GOP transphobia if you're willing to look at the facts. Here's a Republican elected official doing just that in Louisiana.


    Good for Sen. Mills.
    I was able to watch all of his speech when it was posted on TikTok. He said he could not in good conscience vote for a bill that would interfere with parents being able to make decisions in the best interest of their children. It's good to see there's at least one Republican who remembers what his party is supposed to stand for.
    Last edited by Spike-X; 05-26-2023 at 06:58 AM.

  15. #63900
    Surfing With The Alien Spike-X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackDaw View Post
    US is a fabulously rich country. Not just in terms of economic wealth, but in the talent of its people, the beauty of its countryside, its cultural riches, your fertile and bountiful land.

    Realistically US has every advantage going.

    So how is it possible that it’s got to state that a party you (and many other regular posters here) believe is inherently and obviously evil can hold such significant sway?

    (In UK, comparing our Conservatives and US Republicans is telling. Our recent political history is riven with mistakes, a fair amount of greed, and petty corruption. But…as a habitual Labour supporter…I’ve honestly never believed that the average British Conservative is a bad person.)
    Just for the record, I'm Australian, not American. But if the vile filth that's currently happening there is allowed to go unchecked, it's only a matter of time before it spreads over here. Hell, it's already starting to.

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