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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    Default Marvels/Green Lantern/Fetch

    Will the Marvels poor box office showing have an effect on how much Marvel pushes Carol in the future? For me Carol has always been "Fetch" if you know, you know. The performance of the Green Lantern movie was used as a justification for DC's treatment of their once supernova hot Hal Jordan property, Sinestro Corps War, if you know you know. Marvel has tried for decades to make Carol important and no matter how much they have put into her, she has never really taken off and stayed in the air long. Before your eyes roll and some start thinking incel, that's not it. I had no problem with Carol as Ms Marvel BUT Mar-vell is one of my all time favorite Marvel characters and while I know Jim "please never really resurrect Mar-vell" is partially to blame, typically Marvel doesn't give two figs what creators want done to characters created for them. I understand Marvel needs to use the name or lose the name and a name like Captain Marvel held by DC would be embarrassing to say the least. I wouldn't mind Genis carrying the name or even Phyla since they are his kids but Carol? Then Marvel burned to boats by giving Carol's original name to Kamala so if Carol were to give up the monniker then she like Monica will have to got in search of a new name. Recently the disrespect has gotten worse, now not only is Carol stealing Mar-vell's name but also his gimmicks the Mar-vell/Rick Jones switching has been co-opted by the movie and now the nega bands have been co-opted by the what is it 17th new volume of Captain Carol. Now new characters taking over gimmicks and storylines from the previous holder of the mantle happens all the time but it wasn't something Carol has done heretofore. Sure they use a Mar-vell tease to boost readership but nothing like this before. The Marvels weekend box-office puts to rest the "Captain Marvel crossed the billion dollar threshold" argument and with Brie being less than enthused I am wondering if this will mean the end of Marvel forcing the Carol issue and now that most of the juice has been squeezed out of the Thanos fruit, the next time Marvel comics teases Mar-vell's return, they have done it a bunch, just not as much as Captain Carol has been relaunched to keep her afloat, they might actually bring him back??? Not really hating on Carol she is just the major obstacle to Mar-vell ever coming back, is all. Adam W gets resurrected, Norrin gets rebranded but Mar-vell is like Uncle Ben the only characters for whom dead is dead. Comic book companies can be fickle I haven't heard of many Eternals' projects post the movie's release. Will Carol share the same fate?

  2. #2
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Halfway between Asgard & Krypton


    Sorry man, I don't see that happening. Marvel most probably will insist on Carol unless Brie Larson quits to the role. And even in the case of that happen, I think Marvel simply would choose to give Monica the name of Captain Marvel instead recasting her. Also, technically, Mar-Vell appeared on the screen, but him, I mean, her was not alive in that moment.
    I think than Marvel either only can flee forward with Carol and try to insist in her role, at least until they cam make posible the debut of X-Men and Fantastic Four in the MCU, with the hopes of return to the glory times.
    But for sure than if The Marvel really is confirmed to be the dissapointment it seems to bu until now, for sure there are going to be a lot of changes in the projects ahead.
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