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  1. #46
    Uncanny Member MajorHoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis-Ray View Post
    Hulk's not really a brainless moron. Thats awfully reductive of him.

    Savage Hulk is more childlike in temperament but he's not brainless.
    I know he's not, but it was a lot closer to that for Solomon Grundy, so it seemed the best way to compare them (vs. "zombie" since Hulk wasn't a dead guy sort of brought back to life).

  2. #47
    Uncanny Member Digifiend's Avatar
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    Hulk's intellect varies. Sometimes he's a dumb brute who is childlike (the Savage Hulk, which is the one who says "Hulk Smash!"), but sometimes he retains an average human intellect (Mr Fixit / Grey Hulk), or even has Bruce Banner's personality and high intellect intact (Professor Hulk, which is his current form in the MCU). I'd avoid any intellect related phrases when comparing Hulk to others. The thing he has in common with Solomon Grundy is his strength.
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  3. #48
    Astonishing Member Johnrevenge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptCleghorn View Post
    Corky Baxter says "Hi".

    About Salem, though, I hate her but spoiled whiny hero becoming a villain seems like a trope we really don't see as much as we could.

    Was the development about Grundy having different personalities in each iteration as shown in Robinson's Starman still a thing? If so getting a Grundy with an earlier (and probably nastier) version seem even odder.
    Actually, I was referring to the new sidekicks in general. Salem is the worst of all of them (although she is still the worst character of the entire cast of that mini). And comparing her to Corky, I have to say that I found him more likable than her, less obnoxious.

  4. #49
    Extraordinary Member
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    At this point is it safe to say that Salem, Quiz Kid and Judy will join the JSA?
    Obviously because of their legacies.

  5. #50
    Mighty Member M@Bowers2014's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will Evans View Post
    At this point is it safe to say that Salem, Quiz Kid and Judy will join the JSA?
    Obviously because of their legacies.
    I hope not. Let them be on a team with Star Girl. Either called Young Justice Society which they've already teased. Or call them Infinity, Inc. as a nod to the original JSA spin-off. There's already way too many members of the JSA even if Johns hasn't shown them all together yet. Seven issues in and we still haven't seen the entire team together. Maybe that changes with #7 but I haven't read it yet.

  6. #51
    insulin4all CaptCleghorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnrevenge View Post
    Actually, I was referring to the new sidekicks in general. Salem is the worst of all of them (although she is still the worst character of the entire cast of that mini). And comparing her to Corky, I have to say that I found him more likable than her, less obnoxious.
    There's really no way to properly gauge exactly how annoying a character is so we're on an agree to disagree. Salem at least has the advantage of another writer redeeming her somewhat. Corky to me still has the Wayne/Shiner 1990 Time Masters series making him out to be an a-hole.
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  7. #52
    Uncanny Member MajorHoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digifiend View Post
    Hulk's intellect varies. Sometimes he's a dumb brute who is childlike (the Savage Hulk, which is the one who says "Hulk Smash!"), but sometimes he retains an average human intellect (Mr Fixit / Grey Hulk), or even has Bruce Banner's personality and high intellect intact (Professor Hulk, which is his current form in the MCU). I'd avoid any intellect related phrases when comparing Hulk to others. The thing he has in common with Solomon Grundy is his strength.
    Since Robotman was talking about "the team having its own 'hulk'” I was going more with the idea when Hulk was with the original Silver Age Avengers (back in 1963).
    Yes, he was with other teams later on, but the original Avengers team seemed more appropriate to me as a comparison with the Justice Society of America.

  8. #53
    Fantastic Member Dougbauer's Avatar
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    Humm maybe Kallid is the Lost Legionnaire

  9. #54
    Spectacular Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougbauer View Post
    Humm maybe Kallid is the Lost Legionnaire
    It would be strange. But why not.

    Honestly i am curious how he will solves all this plots before JSA #12 (DC announce a maxi for thé JSA). They're so many things to solve.

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioman-san View Post
    It would be strange. But why not.

    Honestly i am curious how he will solves all this plots before JSA #12 (DC announce a maxi for thé JSA). They're so many things to solve.
    It's not a maxi, it's (in theory) a regular ongoing. Johns has said in the past that the "maxi-series" labelling was incorrect.
    Now, having said that, I have my doubts how much longer this volume goes on with the delays and Johns' new Image deal. Close out his storylines, fresh start with a creative team that will actually push out regular content.

  11. #56
    Fantastic Member TheCasualReader's Avatar
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    Alright, I decided to give this series, or at least this issue, another shot because I saw a few pages on Tumblr that kinda got me interested in this specific issue (spoilers, it was the ending) I'm mainly just going to focus on Khalid/Doctor Fate because, well, that's why I bought the issue. Cards on the table.

    There were actually things I liked about this issue and gave me hope for the future issues, but I still see the same problems persist, however, which means individual issues are going to be bought on a "Does this specific issue looks worthwhile and fun?" and I don't know yet if I'm going to pick up the paperback. I really, really hope the last issues are going to be good because I want to like this series.

    Behold, a big wall of yellow!


    Doctor Fate

    Hauhet is still a thing and I mean that literally because she's devoid of personality that she can't be called a character. She's a device. For some reason, she was the only thing Geoff Johns thought was worth keeping from the JLD continuity. If you're going to throw JLD continuity out the window, at least retcon Nabu's bullshit death and put him back into the helmet. He's central to the Doctor Fate mythos, has a good dynamic with Khalid and is an actually character with agency who does shit. I'll take the horribly inconsistent, mood-swinging Nabu from JSA over no Nabu. Since Nabu (and Kent) is still dead, Khalid has no one to bounce off except for Salem and we're getting to her.

    I love most of Justice League Dark, but I'll never forgive it for deciding to just kill off so much Doctor Fate stuff and completely screwing over Khalid as a character. Even the Tower of Fate was slated for destruction and the only reason it survived is because the series got left hanging (Thank god)

    Anyway, Salem. Can't stand her. Here's why: she's a bully. There's nothing fun in her dynamic with Khalid. If it had been a case of Khalid giving as good as he got or even better, it'd probably be really entertaining to have these characters alongside each other. But because he's not written like that, Salem just comes across as an annoying bully and I couldn't care less about her issues. There's a point in the issue where Khalid is trying to send her back to Limbo Town which I would call a dick move since they're the people who cursed her, but because she's such a unlikable jerk, I just want her gone too.

    It's not that her character doesn't have potential - I actually don't think she should have become a villain - because she does: she was rejected by her people and cursed by them, her only mentor and friend (save her broom) is dead in the present and died not remembering her, and the only thing she had to remember him by belongs to someone else. Not to mention that every time she sees Khalid, she's reminded of Kent and thereby all the sad shit that happened to her.

    Her having a solid mountain of a chip on her shoulder makes complete sense, but her being this asshole just overshadows all of this because it means I don't care about her emotional boo-boos. Again, this could have been solved by simply writing Khalid as someone who's his old competent self and can fire back.

    Speaking of which, I really hate how Khalid is treated in the swamp where he's just written as incompetent who doesn't even create a barrier to protect himself against being grabbed by a big zombie and then, while grabbed, still doesn't do anything to free or protect himself. Yaaaay. What great portrayal of powerful character. Then again, Batman (and everybody else sans Salem) is useless and doesn't use any of his gadgets, so maybe Grundy just got a magic shield that renders him impervious to anything that's not the plot. Seriously, Batman and Helena tries to hold Grundy still despite the fact that he's massive compared to them. Doesn't try to wrap his legs to use his size against him or anything. Batman The Genius, everyone. Also, Alan takes one shot at Grundy, while they're doing this, misses and then doesn't take another shot. By the way, Batman's still here. I don't know why. Because Helena's here? I think Johns is building to something about him doubting Helena and taking charge over her, but just throw that scene into somewhere else as a downtime moment between him and Helena. I still say he shouldn't be here and it's annoying seeing him try to be squad leader, especially with Alan being present (in the background with no lines)

    I’d almost say the ending made up for how shitty Khalid is treated earlier in the issue because it’s basically Khalid going “You’re an asshole, you don't want my help, you want to use me as a punching bag and that's not going to happen. You're not getting my stuff, and I'm showing you the door. Goodbye.” to Salem, but in a mature, mostly professional way. That’s the Khalid I love. He has a spine, he's good with magic and he's not just going to take shit. It feels close to Khalid's portrayal in the LoO which, in my opinion, is honestly the best Khalid portayal, especially since he’s not stuck in a perpetual inexperienced-successor-character-development that he’s never allowed to develop past.

    Of course, the “almost” is because it feels like the series doesn’t write Khalid consistently in terms of power and personality. This is even on display in the issue itself because the beginning fits with how Khalid was portrayed in the Golden Age and most of the series. Which was not a good portrayal and neither is the swamp segment of this issue. Even if he doesn’t want to hurt Grundy, he doesn’t even throw up a barrier for self-protection. It's honestly insulting to see the character treated this way. The ending feels more like JLD Khalid in both power and personality. This isn't a new thing either because issue #5 had Khalid suddenly be confident, powerful and in his element for the sake of the climax because the plot needs him to pull a bunch of JSAer from a snowglobe-shaped hat.

    There's also a weird discrepancy because Khalid is trying to send Salem back to Limbo Town, but then he says that he pre-arranged with the JSA for them to take her in. Those two outcomes don't seem compatible with each other. Maybe Khalid just really wanted Salem out of his life so badly that he was going to chuck her in there and just be like "Oh, she decided to go home, guys" to the rest of the JSA when they asked about her /j.

    It’s also weird that Khalid refers to his beloved mentor and relative by his full name, especially when he's alone and just talking to himself. It doesn’t make sense for the character nor as a clumsy attempt to remind the audience because the issue itself re-established Kent’s connection to Khalid.

    I can't tell if Salem's been set up as a jerk villain or as a sympathetic villain.

    Everything else

    The first pages featuring the Harlequin got me intrigued because it does a good job setting up the character's blend of personality. I also like that he's a vigilante who's clearly motivation by attention, which manifests itself in the way he marks criminals, and he's awareof it. He's conciously motivated by it. It makes me want to see him interact with the heroes because it's ripe for interactions both fun and dramatic.

    I also like Icicle. No idea what they're referencing, but you still easily get the context: he helped the heroes against a villain, so hero has faith in him. He also seems like he'd be a fun fit.

    There's also some stuff with Doctor Midnite, the Atom's former wife and evil Wildcat, but honestly, I don't care. I have no idea what they're talking about and I'm not interested, so I'm not going to bother to find out if it's some stuff tied to event comics or some previous series.

    Why are the Legion here? Seriously, I know they got ties to the Justice Society, but why are they here now? We've just introduced a bunch of characters, some of them very new. Focus on them. Build them. Give more downtime interactions between characters.

    The art's very pretteh.
    end of spoilers

    Note: I did not spellcheck any of this and I didn't look it over. I'm probably going to regret that in the morning.
    Last edited by TheCasualReader; 11-21-2023 at 02:04 PM.

  12. #57
    Astonishing Member Johnrevenge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCasualReader View Post
    Alright, I decided to give this series, or at least this issue, another shot because I saw a few pages on Tumblr that kinda got me interested in this specific issue (spoilers, it was the ending) I'm mainly just going to focus on Khalid/Doctor Fate because, well, that's why I bought the issue. Cards on the table.

    There were actually things I liked about this issue and gave me hope for the future issues, but I still see the same problems persist, however, which means individual issues are going to be bought on a "Does this specific issue looks worthwhile and fun?" and I don't know yet if I'm going to pick up the paperback. I really, really hope the last issues are going to be good because I want to like this series.

    Behold, a big wall of yellow!


    Doctor Fate

    Hauhet is still a thing and I mean that literally because she's devoid of personality that she can't be called a character. She's a device. For some reason, she was the only thing Geoff Johns thought was worth keeping from the JLD continuity. If you're going to throw JLD continuity out the window, at least retcon Nabu's bullshit death and put him back into the helmet. He's central to the Doctor Fate mythos, has a good dynamic with Khalid and is an actually character with agency who does shit. I'll take the horribly inconsistent, mood-swinging Nabu from JSA over no Nabu. Since Nabu (and Kent) is still dead, Khalid has no one to bounce off except for Salem and we're getting to her.

    I love most of Justice League Dark, but I'll never forgive it for deciding to just kill off so much Doctor Fate stuff and completely screwing over Khalid as a character. Even the Tower of Fate was slated for destruction and the only reason it survived is because the series got left hanging (Thank god)

    Anyway, Salem. Can't stand her. Here's why: she's a bully. There's nothing fun in her dynamic with Khalid. If it had been a case of Khalid giving as good as he got or even better, it'd probably be really entertaining to have these characters alongside each other. But because he's not written like that, Salem just comes across as an annoying bully and I couldn't care less about her issues. There's a point in the issue where Khalid is trying to send her back to Limbo Town which I would call a dick move since they're the people who cursed her, but because she's such a unlikable jerk, I just want her gone too.

    It's not that her character doesn't have potential - I actually don't think she should have become a villain - because she does: she was rejected by her people and cursed by them, her only mentor and friend (save her broom) is dead in the present and died not remembering her, and the only thing she had to remember him by belongs to someone else. Not to mention that every time she sees Khalid, she's reminded of Kent and thereby all the sad shit that happened to her.

    Her having a solid mountain of a chip on her shoulder makes complete sense, but her being this asshole just overshadows all of this because it means I don't care about her emotional boo-boos. Again, this could have been solved by simply writing Khalid as someone who's his old competent self and can fire back.

    Speaking of which, I really hate how Khalid is treated in the swamp where he's just written as incompetent who doesn't even create a barrier to protect himself against being grabbed by a big zombie and then, while grabbed, still doesn't do anything to free or protect himself. Yaaaay. What great portrayal of powerful character. Then again, Batman (and everybody else sans Salem) is useless and doesn't use any of his gadgets, so maybe Grundy just got a magic shield that renders him impervious to anything that's not the plot. Seriously, Batman and Helena tries to hold Grundy still despite the fact that he's massive compared to them. Doesn't try to wrap his legs to use his size against him or anything. Batman The Genius, everyone. Also, Alan takes one shot at Grundy, while they're doing this, misses and then doesn't take another shot. By the way, Batman's still here. I don't know why. Because Helena's here? I think Johns is building to something about him doubting Helena and taking charge over her, but just throw that scene into somewhere else as a downtime moment between him and Helena. I still say he shouldn't be here and it's annoying seeing him try to be squad leader, especially with Alan being present (in the background with no lines)

    I’d almost say the ending made up for how shitty Khalid is treated earlier in the issue because it’s basically Khalid going “You’re an asshole, you don't want my help, you want to use me as a punching bag and that's not going to happen. You're not getting my stuff, and I'm showing you the door. Goodbye.” to Salem, but in a mature, mostly professional way. That’s the Khalid I love. He has a spine, he's good with magic and he's not just going to take shit. It feels close to Khalid's portrayal in the LoO which, in my opinion, is honestly the best Khalid portayal, especially since he’s not stuck in a perpetual inexperienced-successor-character-development that he’s never allowed to develop past.

    Of course, the “almost” is because it feels like the series doesn’t write Khalid consistently in terms of power and personality. This is even on display in the issue itself because the beginning fits with how Khalid was portrayed in the Golden Age and most of the series. Which was not a good portrayal and neither is the swamp segment of this issue. Even if he doesn’t want to hurt Grundy, he doesn’t even throw up a barrier for self-protection. It's honestly insulting to see the character treated this way. The ending feels more like JLD Khalid in both power and personality. This isn't a new thing either because issue #5 had Khalid suddenly be confident, powerful and in his element for the sake of the climax because the plot needs him to pull a bunch of JSAer from a snowglobe-shaped hat.

    There's also a weird discrepancy because Khalid is trying to send Salem back to Limbo Town, but then he says that he pre-arranged with the JSA for them to take her in. Those two outcomes don't seem compatible with each other. Maybe Khalid just really wanted Salem out of his life so badly that he was going to chuck her in there and just be like "Oh, she decided to go home, guys" to the rest of the JSA when they asked about her /j.

    It’s also weird that Khalid refers to his beloved mentor and relative by his full name, especially when he's alone and just talking to himself. It doesn’t make sense for the character nor as a clumsy attempt to remind the audience because the issue itself re-established Kent’s connection to Khalid.

    I can't tell if Salem's been set up as a jerk villain or as a sympathetic villain.

    Everything else

    The first pages featuring the Harlequin got me intrigued because it does a good job setting up the character's blend of personality. I also like that he's a vigilante who's clearly motivation by attention, which manifests itself in the way he marks criminals, and he's awareof it. He's conciously motivated by it. It makes me want to see him interact with the heroes because it's ripe for interactions both fun and dramatic.

    I also like Icicle. No idea what they're referencing, but you still easily get the context: he helped the heroes against a villain, so hero has faith in him. He also seems like he'd be a fun fit.

    There's also some stuff with Doctor Midnite, the Atom's former wife and evil Wildcat, but honestly, I don't care. I have no idea what they're talking about and I'm not interested, so I'm not going to bother to find out if it's some stuff tied to event comics or some previous series.

    Why are the Legion here? Seriously, I know they got ties to the Justice Society, but why are they here now? We've just introduced a bunch of characters, some of them very new. Focus on them. Build them. Give more downtime interactions between characters.

    The art's very pretteh.
    end of spoilers

    Note: I did not spellcheck any of this and I didn't look it over. I'm probably going to regret that in the morning.
    I agree with many of your opinions, especially the ones related to Salem.

    I disagree in the spoilers:
    end of spoilers stuff, for me it was the interesting part of the issue and I want to see more of it. I'm less interested in Huntress wanting to force her future JSA into the current team just because it happened in her timeline (as Batman said in the preview, that future changed). Just let it go.

  13. #58
    Fantastic Member TheCasualReader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnrevenge View Post
    I agree with many of your opinions, especially the ones related to Salem.

    I disagree in the spoilers:
    end of spoilers stuff, for me it was the interesting part of the issue and I want to see more of it. I'm less interested in Huntress wanting to force her future JSA into the current team just because it happened in her timeline (as Batman said in the preview, that future changed). Just let it go.
    The spoilers:
    Eclipso stuff’s mostly because I never really vibed with Eclipso – I know they're a big fan favorite, so it’s just a me thing and not a judgement of Eclipso – and it feels like the whole shebang requires some background research or long-time reader experience which is always a deterrent to me. Basically, as soon as it feels like I have to do homework (that I have to pay for) my interest just clicks off. I asked previously and apparently the Beth and Yolanda stuff has something to do with something else Geoff Johns has written. I think it had something to do with their resurrection. They mentioned Amanda Waller, so I assume this also ties into something I've heard about Amanda Waller trying to kill all superheroes or something.
    end of spoilers

    As for Huntress, I like spoilers:
    her wanting to force her future JSA... in theory. They were her friends for years and then they died, and now she can get them back. In practice, it needs more "fish-out-of-water" stuff with her interacting with her "future teammates" but she knows them as different people, with different dynamics etc. so it's not working professionally or socially, and it's awkward for everyone and hard for her. Also, the potential hard realization that they may not become the same people that they knew in the future. They might end up in the same place, but they'll be different and she won't have the same relationships with them as she did with her versions.
    end of spoilers Basically, more character-focused downtime stuff which this series doesn't really have. It's weird because I recall Geoff John writing downtime moments pretty well in JSA. It reminds me how, last issue, Khalid did a spell where he brought a bunch of JSA members from the past and then they're conveniently gone as soon as the fight is over... which is sad because it could have been interesting if it lasted long enough for them to interact a little. Khalid getting to see Kent again, even if it's a time displaced Kent from before he was born, could have been a real tearjerker, epecially because Kent wouldn't know him so he wouldn't know the significance of Khalid getting to see him again (for a little bit before the spell wears off) That kind of emotional moment feels like something that would have happened in one of the old series.
    Last edited by TheCasualReader; 11-21-2023 at 02:58 PM.

  14. #59
    Mighty Member M@Bowers2014's Avatar
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    I liked this issue overall more than the previous ones. Too many splash pages though. We only needed two if you ask me. Yolanda's was cool and that last page was very surprising. There's still not enough focus on most of the many, many members of the JSA for my liking. Maybe next issue or maybe after Johns is gone and someone else takes over?

  15. #60
    Amazing Member JayPursuits's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCasualReader View Post
    Alright, I decided to give this series, or at least this issue, another shot because I saw a few pages on Tumblr that kinda got me interested in this specific issue (spoilers, it was the ending) I'm mainly just going to focus on Khalid/Doctor Fate because, well, that's why I bought the issue. Cards on the table.

    There were actually things I liked about this issue and gave me hope for the future issues, but I still see the same problems persist, however, which means individual issues are going to be bought on a "Does this specific issue looks worthwhile and fun?" and I don't know yet if I'm going to pick up the paperback. I really, really hope the last issues are going to be good because I want to like this series.

    Behold, a big wall of yellow!


    Doctor Fate

    Hauhet is still a thing and I mean that literally because she's devoid of personality that she can't be called a character. She's a device. For some reason, she was the only thing Geoff Johns thought was worth keeping from the JLD continuity. If you're going to throw JLD continuity out the window, at least retcon Nabu's bullshit death and put him back into the helmet. He's central to the Doctor Fate mythos, has a good dynamic with Khalid and is an actually character with agency who does shit. I'll take the horribly inconsistent, mood-swinging Nabu from JSA over no Nabu. Since Nabu (and Kent) is still dead, Khalid has no one to bounce off except for Salem and we're getting to her.

    I love most of Justice League Dark, but I'll never forgive it for deciding to just kill off so much Doctor Fate stuff and completely screwing over Khalid as a character. Even the Tower of Fate was slated for destruction and the only reason it survived is because the series got left hanging (Thank god)

    Anyway, Salem. Can't stand her. Here's why: she's a bully. There's nothing fun in her dynamic with Khalid. If it had been a case of Khalid giving as good as he got or even better, it'd probably be really entertaining to have these characters alongside each other. But because he's not written like that, Salem just comes across as an annoying bully and I couldn't care less about her issues. There's a point in the issue where Khalid is trying to send her back to Limbo Town which I would call a dick move since they're the people who cursed her, but because she's such a unlikable jerk, I just want her gone too.

    It's not that her character doesn't have potential - I actually don't think she should have become a villain - because she does: she was rejected by her people and cursed by them, her only mentor and friend (save her broom) is dead in the present and died not remembering her, and the only thing she had to remember him by belongs to someone else. Not to mention that every time she sees Khalid, she's reminded of Kent and thereby all the sad shit that happened to her.

    Her having a solid mountain of a chip on her shoulder makes complete sense, but her being this asshole just overshadows all of this because it means I don't care about her emotional boo-boos. Again, this could have been solved by simply writing Khalid as someone who's his old competent self and can fire back.

    Speaking of which, I really hate how Khalid is treated in the swamp where he's just written as incompetent who doesn't even create a barrier to protect himself against being grabbed by a big zombie and then, while grabbed, still doesn't do anything to free or protect himself. Yaaaay. What great portrayal of powerful character. Then again, Batman (and everybody else sans Salem) is useless and doesn't use any of his gadgets, so maybe Grundy just got a magic shield that renders him impervious to anything that's not the plot. Seriously, Batman and Helena tries to hold Grundy still despite the fact that he's massive compared to them. Doesn't try to wrap his legs to use his size against him or anything. Batman The Genius, everyone. Also, Alan takes one shot at Grundy, while they're doing this, misses and then doesn't take another shot. By the way, Batman's still here. I don't know why. Because Helena's here? I think Johns is building to something about him doubting Helena and taking charge over her, but just throw that scene into somewhere else as a downtime moment between him and Helena. I still say he shouldn't be here and it's annoying seeing him try to be squad leader, especially with Alan being present (in the background with no lines)

    I’d almost say the ending made up for how shitty Khalid is treated earlier in the issue because it’s basically Khalid going “You’re an asshole, you don't want my help, you want to use me as a punching bag and that's not going to happen. You're not getting my stuff, and I'm showing you the door. Goodbye.” to Salem, but in a mature, mostly professional way. That’s the Khalid I love. He has a spine, he's good with magic and he's not just going to take shit. It feels close to Khalid's portrayal in the LoO which, in my opinion, is honestly the best Khalid portayal, especially since he’s not stuck in a perpetual inexperienced-successor-character-development that he’s never allowed to develop past.

    Of course, the “almost” is because it feels like the series doesn’t write Khalid consistently in terms of power and personality. This is even on display in the issue itself because the beginning fits with how Khalid was portrayed in the Golden Age and most of the series. Which was not a good portrayal and neither is the swamp segment of this issue. Even if he doesn’t want to hurt Grundy, he doesn’t even throw up a barrier for self-protection. It's honestly insulting to see the character treated this way. The ending feels more like JLD Khalid in both power and personality. This isn't a new thing either because issue #5 had Khalid suddenly be confident, powerful and in his element for the sake of the climax because the plot needs him to pull a bunch of JSAer from a snowglobe-shaped hat.

    There's also a weird discrepancy because Khalid is trying to send Salem back to Limbo Town, but then he says that he pre-arranged with the JSA for them to take her in. Those two outcomes don't seem compatible with each other. Maybe Khalid just really wanted Salem out of his life so badly that he was going to chuck her in there and just be like "Oh, she decided to go home, guys" to the rest of the JSA when they asked about her /j.

    It’s also weird that Khalid refers to his beloved mentor and relative by his full name, especially when he's alone and just talking to himself. It doesn’t make sense for the character nor as a clumsy attempt to remind the audience because the issue itself re-established Kent’s connection to Khalid.

    I can't tell if Salem's been set up as a jerk villain or as a sympathetic villain.

    Everything else

    The first pages featuring the Harlequin got me intrigued because it does a good job setting up the character's blend of personality. I also like that he's a vigilante who's clearly motivation by attention, which manifests itself in the way he marks criminals, and he's awareof it. He's conciously motivated by it. It makes me want to see him interact with the heroes because it's ripe for interactions both fun and dramatic.

    I also like Icicle. No idea what they're referencing, but you still easily get the context: he helped the heroes against a villain, so hero has faith in him. He also seems like he'd be a fun fit.

    There's also some stuff with Doctor Midnite, the Atom's former wife and evil Wildcat, but honestly, I don't care. I have no idea what they're talking about and I'm not interested, so I'm not going to bother to find out if it's some stuff tied to event comics or some previous series.

    Why are the Legion here? Seriously, I know they got ties to the Justice Society, but why are they here now? We've just introduced a bunch of characters, some of them very new. Focus on them. Build them. Give more downtime interactions between characters.

    The art's very pretteh.
    end of spoilers

    Note: I did not spellcheck any of this and I didn't look it over. I'm probably going to regret that in the morning.


    I think the reason he entertained Limbo Town was to find out how to break the curse, not leave her there. That would line up with also having her having a place on the JSA to be watched. Also, minor point but even in his solo series, he usually calls Kent just "Kent" so calling him "Kent Nelson" isn't too much a stretch. Not to mention in-universe, he once wanted to use "Kent" as his doctor name.
    end of spoilers

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