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  1. #1
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Default Should R2, 3PO, Lando and Chewbacca return in SW films set post-ROS?

    Such as the new Rey film which could set up a storyline for SW going 'forward' perhaps instead of being a coda (apology?) for the sequel trilogy.

    With Luke, Han and Leia gone they're kind of the last of the Original trilogy crew, although Luke could possibly appear as a force ghost.

    There's a deleted ROS storyline about Lando's daughter being kidnapped years ago and indoctrinated into being a Stormtrooper by the first order and presumably Jannah and possibly Finn could help in that search given their own Stormtrooper pasts (Lucasfilm has made it pretty clear that Jannah isn't the daughter BTW). The Shadows of the Sith novel also went into this a bit (including that he was involved in hiding Rey, he just didn't know it? I haven't read the novel but I guess that happens.)

    Chewbacca and R2 of course should be easy with many tall actors around for Chewie and R2 can be realized by electronics or a small actor most of the time, and their vocals are of course effects easy to replicate or already archived. but Anthony Daniels is getting up there in age. While 3PO is also a masked character, Daniels has pretty much been in costume or the voice 90% of the time including special events, ads etc. (Maybe he feels only he can do the proper body language of the character?) Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member thwhtGuardian's Avatar
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    In my mind the best way to do new films is far in the future with a "twenty something" Grogu having Jedi adventures and that's like 100 years further in the future from the sequels so I'm not seeing Lando or Chewie being there for that. Maybe C3PO and R2 though.
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  3. #3
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    I'd like to see some of the original cast still around, yeah. Lando especially, I think, could play a big role in setting up the post-Final Order status quo. He's a famous war hero and accomplished businessman, gambler, and general. He's fought two Empires, blown up a Death Star, and convinced a fleet of regular folks to fight an entire navy of planet-killing star destroyers, so clearly he's got sway. With all the leadership of the core worlds dead, who else is gonna step up and help rebuild? It could be a good story.

    Wookies live for a few centuries right, so Chewie could stick around for a good long while yet. He could even still be alive when Grogu gets old enough to have his own adventures, and I feel like Old Man 'Bacca would be pretty badass. That new Rey movie is supposed to be a few decades after tRoS right? I won't be surprised at all if Chewie is still traveling with Rey by then.

    The droids....those things can last forever, Huyang is thousands of years old, so Artoo and Threepio could easily outlast Grogu or anyone else.
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  4. #4
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Maz is pretty long lived too so she could also appear if the series goes decades into the future.

    The Rey movie I think is supposed to be set around 15 years after ROS (With Rey in her 30s, which is Daisy Ridley's actual age anyway). Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  5. #5
    Silver Sentinel BeastieRunner's Avatar
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    Depends how far in the future.

    Rey's movie I would hope has Chewie as kind of a butler/sparring partner/friend to the new Jedi in his old age.

    Artoo and Threepio could be there, too.

    Whatever Waititi does a cameo from Maz or Lando or whomever would be fine.
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