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  1. #46
    Incredible Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Star Riders

    A remake of the Wonder Woman and the Star Riders concept but with Vanessa in place of Diana.

    In this version, the Star Riders are young girls mystically gifted with spiritual powers that allow to transform into beings inspired by myths and stories.
    Kinda surprised they haven't tried to do anything more with Star Riders, like nothing.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stanlos View Post
    For a particular moment to explore, I would want to go back and see the Max Lord and Amazons Attack executed as Rucka intended them and with consistent, top tier visual support.
    This is actually a great idea. I would love to see Wonder Woman: Sacrifice from Wonder Woman's perspective.

  3. #48


    What if Diana didn't kill Max Lord?

    Max Lord, bound in the Lasso of Truth, tells Wonder Woman he can take control of Superman at any time, from anywhere. She asks how to stop him, he says she must kill him.
    She knocks him unconscious and determines there must be another way.

    She and Superman take Max to the League Watchtower and keep him sedated until they can figure out what to do. Someone suggests mind-wiping him, but Batman and Diana vehemently refuse, as they both find the idea of effectively lobotomizing someone appalling.

    Arguments ensue between Clark and Bruce over the creation of Brother Eye. Diana tries to keep them focused and suggests that killing Max just might be the only option after all.

    Suddenly, alarms go off. The Watchtower is under attack by OMACs. Remember, when Diana killed Max, Brother Eye went rogue, broadcast the murder to the world and sent an army of OMACs to attack Themyscira.
    With Max alive, Brother Eye instead sends them to free him from the League's custody.

    A battle ensues between the OMACs and whatever League members are available. They suffer losses, as some are still wounded from Superman being under Max's control and the fact they're outnumbered.

    Suddenly, Superman starts attacking members of the League. As Diana watches in horror, she realizes why. During the fighting, an OMAC reached Max and revived him.
    As soon as he wakes up, he asserts control over Clark again and turns him loose on the heroes.

    Batman dies. J'onn dies. Others fall. With the heroes dropping, more OMACs coming, and too weakened from their previous fight to face Superman again, Diana makes the choice.
    Before Clark can be turned on her, she strikes Max dead.

    Superman is freed, and he escapes with Diana. But the damage is done. Brother Eye broadcasts footage of him killing everyone to the world.

    Superman's reputation and faith in himself is destroyed. The League is in shambles, half of them dead. Brother Eye and the OMACs are still on the loose just in time for the coming Crisis.

    All hope now lies with a beaten, battered Wonder Woman...who wishes she'd killed Max when she had the chance.
    It's truly remarkable the extent at which DC Comics makes being a Wonder Woman fan an endurance test.

    my blog

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guy_McNichts View Post
    What if Diana didn't kill Max Lord?

    Max Lord, bound in the Lasso of Truth, tells Wonder Woman he can take control of Superman at any time, from anywhere. She asks how to stop him, he says she must kill him.
    She knocks him unconscious and determines there must be another way.

    She and Superman take Max to the League Watchtower and keep him sedated until they can figure out what to do. Someone suggests mind-wiping him, but Batman and Diana vehemently refuse, as they both find the idea of effectively lobotomizing someone appalling.

    Arguments ensue between Clark and Bruce over the creation of Brother Eye. Diana tries to keep them focused and suggests that killing Max just might be the only option after all.

    Suddenly, alarms go off. The Watchtower is under attack by OMACs. Remember, when Diana killed Max, Brother Eye went rogue, broadcast the murder to the world and sent an army of OMACs to attack Themyscira.
    With Max alive, Brother Eye instead sends them to free him from the League's custody.

    A battle ensues between the OMACs and whatever League members are available. They suffer losses, as some are still wounded from Superman being under Max's control and the fact they're outnumbered.

    Suddenly, Superman starts attacking members of the League. As Diana watches in horror, she realizes why. During the fighting, an OMAC reached Max and revived him.
    As soon as he wakes up, he asserts control over Clark again and turns him loose on the heroes.

    Batman dies. J'onn dies. Others fall. With the heroes dropping, more OMACs coming, and too weakened from their previous fight to face Superman again, Diana makes the choice.
    Before Clark can be turned on her, she strikes Max dead.

    Superman is freed, and he escapes with Diana. But the damage is done. Brother Eye broadcasts footage of him killing everyone to the world.

    Superman's reputation and faith in himself is destroyed. The League is in shambles, half of them dead. Brother Eye and the OMACs are still on the loose just in time for the coming Crisis.

    All hope now lies with a beaten, battered Wonder Woman...who wishes she'd killed Max when she had the chance.
    I like this idea, too. I know a lot would disagree, but I think Lord is a great villain for Diana. I think stories with him should explore the necessary limits of forgiveness and reformation. Sometimes second chances are costly and even fatal, and I would love a story like this that illustrates why.

  5. #50
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guy_McNichts View Post
    What if Diana didn't kill Max Lord?

    Max Lord, bound in the Lasso of Truth, tells Wonder Woman he can take control of Superman at any time, from anywhere. She asks how to stop him, he says she must kill him.
    She knocks him unconscious and determines there must be another way.

    She and Superman take Max to the League Watchtower and keep him sedated until they can figure out what to do. Someone suggests mind-wiping him, but Batman and Diana vehemently refuse, as they both find the idea of effectively lobotomizing someone appalling.

    Arguments ensue between Clark and Bruce over the creation of Brother Eye. Diana tries to keep them focused and suggests that killing Max just might be the only option after all.

    Suddenly, alarms go off. The Watchtower is under attack by OMACs. Remember, when Diana killed Max, Brother Eye went rogue, broadcast the murder to the world and sent an army of OMACs to attack Themyscira.
    With Max alive, Brother Eye instead sends them to free him from the League's custody.

    A battle ensues between the OMACs and whatever League members are available. They suffer losses, as some are still wounded from Superman being under Max's control and the fact they're outnumbered.

    Suddenly, Superman starts attacking members of the League. As Diana watches in horror, she realizes why. During the fighting, an OMAC reached Max and revived him.
    As soon as he wakes up, he asserts control over Clark again and turns him loose on the heroes.

    Batman dies. J'onn dies. Others fall. With the heroes dropping, more OMACs coming, and too weakened from their previous fight to face Superman again, Diana makes the choice.
    Before Clark can be turned on her, she strikes Max dead.

    Superman is freed, and he escapes with Diana. But the damage is done. Brother Eye broadcasts footage of him killing everyone to the world.

    Superman's reputation and faith in himself is destroyed. The League is in shambles, half of them dead. Brother Eye and the OMACs are still on the loose just in time for the coming Crisis.

    All hope now lies with a beaten, battered Wonder Woman...who wishes she'd killed Max when she had the chance.
    Yeah, saw a lot of talk of this in the past. what WAS the road not traveled?

  6. #51
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    What if Circe and Diana were allies from the start?

  7. #52


    What if Starro conquered the Earth before Steve Trevor could crash onto Themyscira?

    As humanity is subjugated, the Amazons continue to live in peace on their magically hidden island--unaware of what's become of the Man's World and invisible to the threat. With the planet under control of the alien hive mind, "peace" reigns, leaving a drastically weakened and dying Ares to call upon the Amazons to free the Earth.
    Can Diana and her Amazons sisters take on the whole world and save it from Starro?
    It's truly remarkable the extent at which DC Comics makes being a Wonder Woman fan an endurance test.

    my blog

  8. #53
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    What if Donna was adopted by Hippolyta and Diana was never created?

  9. #54
    Swiss army nerd
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    What if the Amazons - not just Diana or Hippolyta - intervened in WWII? The Allies.

    What if the Gods/Magic abandoned Themyscira? Nothing to hide it from the world or prevent anyone from going there, other than the civilisation of warrior philosophers who happen to live there. Or put more simply, how would an unprotected Themyscira deal with unwanted contact from the rest of the world? Paradise Lost

    What if the above happened and Themyscira fell? Hippolyta puts her daughter on a boat and infant Diana is now a refugee. The Last Daughter of Themyscira.

    What if the Contest was a Team Event? Not one champion being empowered and allowed to go to man's world, but a group. Basically, reimagine WW from the ground up as a team book. Led by Diana of course, but who else is on the team? Wonder Women.

  10. #55
    A Wearied Madness Vakanai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guy_McNichts View Post
    The Amazons are a clan of female ninja dedicated to fighting corrupt Shogun and evil oni ravaging the land.
    Basically ninja Wonder Woman based on Japanese mythology rather than Greek.
    Love this as a very basic solid easy to grasp but fun to imagine Elseworlds, like the best ones usually are. Ninja Wonder Woman would be a very cool idea to see!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guy_McNichts View Post
    Dr. Lyta Frankenstein, desperate for a daughter, creates one with body parts of the recently deceased. Using science and/or magic, she successfully brings creation to life--naming her Diana. But the gods deem her undead wonder an abomination and send their agents to destroy them both. Using her supernatural strength, Diana must protect not only her mother, but a world that considers her a monster against corruption and brutality.
    (could make for a fun Halloween season release)
    I always love to see a new take on the classic Frankenstein story, would be a perfect Halloween Wondie book!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mutant God View Post
    A couple of ideas:

    1. After leaving Paradise Island to fight in World War II her Amazon powers is taken away by the gods but because of her courage to keep fighting she ends up being given a Green Lantern ring
    Just a general "what if Wonder Woman were earth's Green Lantern" book would be exciting to see I think.

    Amelia Earhart seems to be getting remembered more in recent years, and while normally I don't like mixing my superheroes with real world historical figures all that often, a "what if instead of Steve Trevor it's Amelia Earhart who crash lands on Paradise Island" is just a very cool idea, whether you decide to go down the traditional "Diana competes to escort pilot back to Man's World" route and see how it changes with the most famous female pilot in history as her partner into Man's World of 1937, or instead go the "what if the Amazons trained Amelia to be Wonder Woman" instead. That said that germ of an idea is as far as I can go with it - you'd need someone much more knowledgeable about Amelia Earhart in particular and that era of history in general than me to do it justice.

  11. #56
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    well, WW as a Star Sapphire's been done so it's not that big a stretch.

  12. #57
    Ultimate Member Gaius's Avatar
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    Had kind of a horror one-shot elseworld idea where Steve crashes on the island and is rescued by Diana as expected but as we go on the island, we notice stuff like none of the architecture being Classical Greco-Roman, the island's more muggy/foggy, and the Amazons just looking "off". The eventual realization that the Amazons here aren't the creations of the Olympian pantheon but worshippers of Lovecraftian Elder Gods, and Diana then being sent out to Man's World as an infiltrator at the ending.

    So WW meets a standard Lovecraft story pretty much.
    Last edited by Gaius; 07-28-2023 at 02:53 PM.

  13. #58
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    I just watched the Barbie movie, and thought that there were some similarities between WW and Barbie (both coming from a feminist utopia, both going into the 'real world' and being totally unprepared for it). Am I weird for thinking this? Anyway, I got an idea for a funny crossover event: 'Wonder Woman 77 meets Barbie'.

    Diana (the Lynda Carter character) lives on Paradise Island with the other Amazons. Barbie (the Margot Robbie character) lives in Barbieland with the other Barbies. Some great evil threatens the world (maybe an old misogynist god who strives for total subjugation of women). Independently, the Amazons and the Barbies decide that they need to send a champion into the real world to save the world. Diana has her usual powers. Barbie has a magic wand that transforms the clothes of a woman into one of the multiple possible Barbie outfits, and the clothes of a man into a Ken outfit. (In Barbieland, everything is about style, outfits, accessories, looking good. If everybody _looks_ good, the world _is_ good. Therefore this is the most powerful magic weapon in Barbieland.)

    Diana and Barbie independently try to track down the Big Bad. They meet, and for some reason (a misunderstanding, or clumsiness) Barbie uses the magic wand on Diana. Diana's costume changes into a Barbie dress (I imagine the black and white striped dress from the first scene of the movie), and her powers are gone! Even the Wonder Spin does not work. (Wasn't it canon in the Lynda Carter continuity that she lost her powers when her belt was removed? Or am I making this up?) Anyway, Diana is now stuck with Barbie, and they have to figure out how to restore Diana's powers - especially when Barbie finds out that the Big Bad is not affected by her magic wand...
    Last edited by hgzip; 08-03-2023 at 01:24 AM.

  14. #59
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    What if the Amazons left Earth?

    What if Wonder Woman founded the Justice League?

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