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  1. #16
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skytten View Post
    I would like Kelly Sue DeConnick as the writer, but since Snyder is the one that is said to be the leader I would expect him to write it and there is no bigger writer in DC (and maybe Marvel).
    I think if Snyder is writing anything it will be Superman, but WW would be the other logical choice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius View Post
    Been thinking on it a bit but what if an Ultimate WW that plays more into sci-fi than fantasy? Obviously Wonder Woman and the Amazons are still a fantasy world but what the majority of stuff WW faces is primarily sci-fi based (at least by superhero standards) rather than fantasy? Stuff like Ares and the Gods only being implied to exist and never outright shown (like in the first 2/3rds of the first movie), so a fantasy hero vs . sci-fi villains?

    So a Cheetah who genetically engineers herself into a were-cheetah rather than being cursed? Pyscho's mind powers are the results of tech he's built and integrated into himself, Poison's experiments being sponsored by Cale's pharmaceutical company.

    Main snag would mean no Circe.
    Earth One kinda went that route? The Amazons at least were very technologically advanced and you didn’t see as much heavy magic. Maybe you could split the difference and go magitek? For Circe it’s not a problem, she’d just be one of the characters who differs heavily from her E0 incarnation. Instead of an Ancient Greek sorceress-goddess she could be a time traveller, or maybe a product of mankind’s experiments with magic that goes rogue and serves as a foil to a sci-fi WW.
    For when my rants on the forums just aren’t enough:

  2. #17
    Astonishing Member Psy-lock's Avatar
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    Let's be real, it's highly unlikely that WW would actually get an "ultimate" ongoing. It's gonna Batman, Superman and JL. The rest might get minis to establish their origin, but that's about it.

  3. #18
    Mighty Member Fuzzy Mittens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psy-lock View Post
    Let's be real, it's highly unlikely that WW would actually get an "ultimate" ongoing. It's gonna Batman, Superman and JL. The rest might get minis to establish their origin, but that's about it.
    Now lets be fair~
    ....They will probably give Flash one too.
    Possibly Nightwing and Harley Quinn as well.

    Like how the 'Tomorrowverse' animated movies consisted of movies for: Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Supergirl, The Trinity, and a Justice League.

  4. #19
    The Comixeur Mel Dyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psy-lock View Post
    I'd like more women on the main JL roster and for WW to be good friends with them.
    I'd like more women passing through, with Etta and Barbara as regulars. They can be Amazons, but don't have to be, long as they're totally hawt.

    And UWW would be a good place to road-test the addition of PANTS to her uniform. They don't have to be tight or part of a catsuit, either. I know guys, who'd be thrilled to see her in some sexy genie pants, loose and baggy -love that look on a girl, with a big butt. Gotta' have an artist, who can establish this look in a way that it gets picked up in live-action projects -the hot genie pants.

    Bring on the pants, already! We're ready! No matter what you put on Wonder Woman, in comics or live-action, she's a beautiful girl -tight pants, baggy pants, Lynda's shorts, thong -can't stop it. We're all going to be checking out that wonder-boo. We're going to love it.

    Woo'hu! Hot!
    Last edited by Mel Dyer; 01-09-2024 at 06:28 AM.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    I think if Snyder is writing anything it will be Superman, but WW would be the other logical choice.

    Earth One kinda went that route? The Amazons at least were very technologically advanced and you didn’t see as much heavy magic. Maybe you could split the difference and go magitek? For Circe it’s not a problem, she’d just be one of the characters who differs heavily from her E0 incarnation. Instead of an Ancient Greek sorceress-goddess she could be a time traveller, or maybe a product of mankind’s experiments with magic that goes rogue and serves as a foil to a sci-fi WW.
    Yeah Justice League and Superman probably, but he has spoken a lot about writing a Wonder Woman ongoing.

  6. #21
    Incredible Member bardkeep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psy-lock View Post
    Let's be real, it's highly unlikely that WW would actually get an "ultimate" ongoing. It's gonna Batman, Superman and JL. The rest might get minis to establish their origin, but that's about it.
    If the rumor turns out to be true and Scott Snyder is spearheading it, WW will 100% have a book. I'm not super into what I've read of his take on her (too "played-straight Greek mythic warrior" for my taste, though admittedly I couldn't get through much of his JL run) but he's very vocal about his love for the character.

    1. Who would you want the writer to be?
    2. Who would you want the artist to be?
    3. What should be different from the current Earth 0 incarnation of Wonder Woman?
    4. What should be the same?
    I'd want Steve Orlando to write it. I sort of see him as a successor to Phil Jimenez - knows her and her lore back to front, understands the importance of woman-centric storytelling, recognizes the importance of her relationship with Hippolyta, does a great job of taking elements from her whole history to make something fresh. Plus I think he'd fully lean into her queerness.

    With artists I'm open because all of my semi-realistic picks have already taken turns on the ongoing (Nicola Scott, Bilquis Evely, Daniel Sampere).

    With the take on her, I'd love to build on something like the Historia lore for the Amazons with a mix of Post-Crisis elements (clay origin, ambassador status/mission, power set, entering the world in the modern day slightly after Superman/Batman), a GA "imagination is the limit" mindset, and a modern twist. And definitely dig a magic-meets-sci-fi take on Themyscira. Would love to see a more old-school version of Etta and the Holliday Girls as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius View Post
    Been thinking on it a bit but what if an Ultimate WW that plays more into sci-fi than fantasy? Obviously Wonder Woman and the Amazons are still a fantasy world but what the majority of stuff WW faces is primarily sci-fi based (at least by superhero standards) rather than fantasy? Stuff like Ares and the Gods only being implied to exist and never outright shown (like in the first 2/3rds of the first movie), so a fantasy hero vs . sci-fi villains?

    So a Cheetah who genetically engineers herself into a were-cheetah rather than being cursed? Pyscho's mind powers are the results of tech he's built and integrated into himself, Poison's experiments being sponsored by Cale's pharmaceutical company.

    Main snag would mean no Circe.
    I wouldn't go this route, but I also don't like how modern stories do it where it's all either mythology or grounded realism. The GA stories have a sort of everything-goes dream logic that I'd love to see modern stories capture. You can have adventures on the astral plane and flying kangaroos, robots and scientists, Greek gods and monsters, corrupt politicians and businessmen...all of it is fair game. Again, Steve Orlando gets this and it's part of the reason why I'd love to see him build a new world for her from the ground up.

    And as far as the gods go, I think the Historia take is ideal - they interact with humans but aren't really physical beings or bad guys who can be punched. It opens up the possibility of magic without letting writers lean on the Greek gods as a crutch.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius View Post
    Been thinking on it a bit but what if an Ultimate WW that plays more into sci-fi than fantasy? Obviously Wonder Woman and the Amazons are still a fantasy world but what the majority of stuff WW faces is primarily sci-fi based (at least by superhero standards) rather than fantasy? Stuff like Ares and the Gods only being implied to exist and never outright shown (like in the first 2/3rds of the first movie), so a fantasy hero vs . sci-fi villains?

    So a Cheetah who genetically engineers herself into a were-cheetah rather than being cursed? Pyscho's mind powers are the results of tech he's built and integrated into himself, Poison's experiments being sponsored by Cale's pharmaceutical company.

    Main snag would mean no Circe.
    Not necessarily. Just reimagine her as a metahuman reality warper or an alien similar to Q.

  8. #23
    Leftbrownie Alpha's Avatar
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    The amazons weren't a separate and isolated Society.

    I don't quite know what they would be. Maybe they would be a public organization, or maybe this would be like the Illuminati. I'm not sure.

    Hopefully Diana would be the same way, adventurous.

  9. #24


    G.Willow Wilson and Billqus Elevy as the creative team.

    A new character as Wonder Woman and a bolder reinvention like God's and Monsters/Just Imagine.

    For example-
    I thought about doing something similar to Ultimate Thor. In Millar's run on Ultimates- his God hood was treated with skepticism till volume 2. It's a short plot hook- probably a miniseries but I think it would work best in an alternate Earth where superheroes were newer.

    I had another pitch where Donna was Bialyan or Quraci refugee raised by the Amazons. I'd reuse that for a new character who returns as an adult and faces off against Queen Bee from the YJ show. That take was the ruling queen and serves as an overarching villian.
    Last edited by the illustrious mr. kenway; 01-12-2024 at 06:11 AM.

  10. #25
    Jewish & Proud Feminist Shadowcat's Avatar
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    Just give me a proper Earth Two Wonder Woman, and I’d be fine.

    She’s openly bi, and I’d have her come from another mythology. Hell, make her mother from New Genesis, and her mother a New Goddess or something, and make them flee to earth after the war that split New Genesis and Apokalips. Diana would be given life not through Zues, or even Highfather, but make it a gift from Mother Box, solidifying her born from women only origin canon once more.
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  11. #26
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    * The Kapataelis women having a more important role. Julia is the one who discovers the island, not Steve Trevor.

    * The Amazons' culture would probably be a blend of various cultures, not just Greece. Countries from the Middle East, West Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and North Africa would also influence the island's demographic make-up.

    ** This would also mean Diana interacts with people from not just Greco-Roman mythology.

    * Donna would be a woman of color like in Bombshells and De Liz's Legend of Wonder Woman. I'd re-imagine her as being of Filipina and Lebanese origin.

    * The Amazons can all gain powers through study of magic and/or practicing life energy training. They can also be granted gifts from the gods.

    * Very few characters from other DC properties show up.

    * The Star Riders are re-imagined as a superhero/magical girl team with Vanessa as the leader.

    * Zeus is the final antagonist.

    * Yara Flor isn't necessarily an Amazon but is still part of an all-female tribe inspired by them. She isn't a demigoddess either but still has supernatural abilities.

    * Artemis given an Arab name and appearance. Also in a relationship with Diana.
    Last edited by Agent Z; 01-16-2024 at 05:49 AM.

  12. #27
    Extraordinary Member Primal Slayer's Avatar
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    Diana would still be an Amazon made from clay. The Goddesses tell Hippolyta that one day that they will call upon her daughter to serve them.
    Dooms Doorway unleashes demons back into the world and Diana is called to leave her people
    D enters a world that is fairly alien to her and along her adventures finds that the Gods have incorporated themselves into this world
    Etta Candy would likely be supernatural, a guide for Diana once she arrives. Her 'Whistler' (Angel) if you will

    Ultimate WW outfit would be white/gold similar to

  13. #28
    Ultimate Member Gaius's Avatar
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    Ultimate Marvel was still..ultimately a recognizable version of the Marvel Universe just younger and somethings zigging where the regular 616 zagged (black Nick Fury, the Maker, lamer Galactus) but stuff like Spider-Man was still ultimately recognizable as the classic version of Spider-Man. So there's no need to go full 180 or "Stan Lee's version of DC" style elseworlds, so with that in mind.

    -Diana is the Queen of Themyscira, Hippolyta passed away sometime ago.
    -Diana and the Amazons first debuted in the world in WW2, and unlike the usual DC nonsense of "real world history isn't different despite supermen and gods fought in WW2". It's a full alternate history from 1941 onwards. The world is different, not a utopia but neither a dystopia. This opens up around an 80-90 year period where one can shove in WW stuff.
    -She is a lesbian. Steve was still the first man who crashed on Themyscira but they didn't have a romantic relationship. He is an elderly WW2 vet by the time of the present, think the DCAU take.
    -She has reformed villains as part of her supporting cast, an elderly Priscilla Rich being one of them.
    -Etta Candy is a college student WW fangirl who worms her way into WW's life. Vanessa Kapatelis and Cassie Sandsmark are her friends/sorority sisters
    -Stealing an idea from Rucka; Zeus and the original generation of Olympians were overthrown by the younger generation. Ares, Aphrodite, and Athena now rule but similar to Historia the Gods almost never appear in true physical form on Earth. They act through agents.
    -Circe has been her pre-eminent enemy since coming to Man's World. Taking on a new identity every decade or so to oppose WW, be it as Paula Von FG in WW2, Lyta Milton in the 90s, Veronica Cale in the 2000s, etc

    This is her outfit.

    Last edited by Gaius; 03-08-2024 at 07:57 PM.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius View Post
    Ultimate Marvel was still..ultimately a recognizable version of the Marvel Universe just younger and somethings zigging where the regular 616 zagged (black Nick Fury, the Maker, lamer Galactus) but stuff like Spider-Man was still ultimately recognizable as the classic version of Spider-Man. So there's no need to go full 180 or "Stan Lee's version of DC" style elseworlds, so with that in mind.

    -Diana is the Queen of Themyscira, Hippolyta passed away sometime ago.
    -Diana and the Amazons first debuted in the world in WW2, and unlike the usual DC nonsense of "real world history isn't different despite supermen and gods fought in WW2". It's a full alternate history from 1941 onwards. The world is different, not a utopia but neither a dystopia. This opens up around an 80-90 year period where one can shove in WW stuff.
    -She is a lesbian. Steve was still the first man who crashed on Themyscira but they didn't have a romantic relationship. He is an elderly WW2 vet by the time of the present, think the DCAU take.
    -She has reformed villains as part of her supporting cast, an elderly Priscilla Rich being one of them.
    -Etta Candy is a college student WW fangirl who worms her way into WW's life. Vanessa Kapatelis and Cassie Sandsmark are her friends/sorority sisters
    -Stealing an idea from Rucka; Zeus and the original generation of Olympians were overthrown by the younger generation. Ares, Aphrodite, and Athena now rule but similar to Historia the Gods almost never appear in true physical form on Earth. They act through agents.
    -Circe has been her pre-eminent enemy since coming to Man's World. Taking on a new identity every decade or so to oppose WW, be it as Paula Von FG in WW2, Lyta Milton in the 90s, Veronica Cale in the 2000s, etc

    This is her outfit.

    I do like white and gold for her. However, I'd give her pants instead of a skirt.

  15. #30
    Extraordinary Member Thirteen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius View Post
    Honestly, just make sure you don't do what the geniuses at Wizard Magazine thought was an acceptable idea for an Ultimate WW.

    Howabout Jim/Stan Lee's WW?
    Last edited by Thirteen; 03-11-2024 at 05:03 PM.
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