Quote Originally Posted by Overhazard View Post
What they're doing with Power Girl now feels like a massive over correction, apparently in the minds of some creators the 2010's never ended. For the longest time she was the poster child of bad portrayals of female characters. Even though in the grand scheme of things, she didn't show that much skin. "Clean them all up, no more bikini costumes, boob window bad, male gaze bad, rah, rah, rah!" Except now the internet thinks that fetishizing muscular women is somehow progressive, "Buff Wonder Woman is so sexy, crush my head with your powerful thighs, death by snu snu, step on me mommy!" (On a completely unrelated note, DC should keep Jason Aaron away from the amazons as long as possible) I mean they're still objectifying women, but it's okay when they do it.

Power Girl was never really broken, her backstory was never as complicated as Donna Troy's, but they decided to fix her anyway, by turning her into a quirky millennial f-up. I was worried that Williams would go full bimbo with her, but this is worse. The only thing she's missing is a loser boyfriend she's too good for. I wonder if Paul's into blondes.
Again, you need to see a great handling of Power Girl, just look at the Conner/Palmiotti run.