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    Astonishing Member MoneySpider's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    Marilyn “Mari” Jiwe McCabe is a supermodel, a businesswoman, a philanthropist, a billionaire, an animal rights activist and an Animal Master. She can mimic the abilities, senses and wisdom of any living, extinct or mythological animal. The totem she wears around her neck is not the source of her powers (since her powers are innate), but it does help her to control her powers so that they do not overwhelm her.

    Episode 24: “I Put A Tattoo On You”

    His birth name is Latavius “Lala” Johnson, but people also know him as the Tattooed Man, a man with the ability to make his tattoos come to life to do his bidding. With all of that power, he could have been a crimefighter, but he much prefers to be on the wrong side of the law, because it is more fun, more exciting, more thrilling this way.

    He climbs up a fire escape, looks around, and then quickly smashes in a window to another man’s apartment. The occupant in the apartment jumps after hearing the breaking glass, and when he sees the Tattooed Man, he begins to panic.

    Tattooed Man slowly walks toward the man and asks, “Where’s my money, homie?”

    Man: “Lala, I can explain.”

    Tattooed Man: “I didn’t ask you for an explanation. I asked you where my money is.”

    Man: “I don’t have it yet, but I’ll try to have it by the end of next week.”

    Tattooed Man: “I got a new tattoo this afternoon, and I can’t wait to use it.”

    Man: “Lala, please, don’t hurt me or my family.”

    Tattooed Man: “I’m not interested in hurting your family. But hurting YOU, on the other hand…that interests me like you wouldn’t believe.”

    A black widow tattoo on Tattooed Man’s neck suddenly becomes flesh and blood, jumps off his neck and crawls toward the other man.

    Man: “Alright, alright, I have your money!” He runs to the refrigerator and takes out a bag from behind a carton of milk. After he hands the bag of money to the Tattooed Man, he waits for any type of sign that he will now be left alone. Unfortunately for him, the black widow continues crawling toward him.

    Man: “Lala, PLEASE! I gave you the money!”

    Tattooed Man: “Yeah, after you lied about not having it. I don’t like being lied to. My momma used to lie to me. My damn daddy used to lie to me. My slutty sister used to lie to me. But they don’t lie to me anymore. I made sure of that.”

    Man: “Uh, how so?” He slowly backs away from the black widow spider that keeps crawling toward him.

    Tattooed Man: “I gave them tattoos.”

    Man: “Um…what?”

    The spider suddenly leaps at the man and embeds itself into the skin on his right arm; the man screams in agony for a few seconds before a blank expression crosses his face. He sinks to the floor while rubbing the spider tattoo that is now a permanent part of his arm.

    The Tattooed Man stands over the other man with a scowl on his face.

    Tattooed Man: “You work for me now. Say it, don’t spray it.”

    Man: “I work for you now, Lala.”

    As Tattooed Man leaves the apartment, another black widow spider tattoo suddenly appears on his neck to replace its predecessor.
    Sometime later, the gorgeous and vivacious Marilyn Jiwe McCabe is leaving her job for the day at her newly renamed company MJM Enterprises (Marilyn Jiwe McCabe Enterprises) when suddenly Poison Ivy leaps out from behind some bushes.

    Mari: “Ivy? What are you doing back in New York?”

    Poison Ivy: “I wanted to say Happy New Year, and I also wanted to give you something.”

    Mari: “Give me what?”

    Poison Ivy: “This.”

    Poison Ivy suddenly hauls off and smacks the crap out of Mari, who instantly starts rolling and falling down a nearby hill.

    Mari: (continuing to tumble down the hill) “Is this really how you want to start the new year off, Ivy?”

    Poison Ivy: “Pretty much, yeah. The Green RULES ALL!”

    Poison Ivy giggles as she runs away.
    As the Tattooed Man is walking down the street toward his favorite restaurant, he is approached by three men who look like they are up to no good. Tattooed Man slows down and looks at the three men.

    Tattooed Man: “Can I help you?”

    Man 2: “As a matter of fact, yeah, you can help us. Give us all your money, your cellphone and anything else you’ve got that’s valuable. And make it fast, we don’t like to be kept waiting.”

    Tattooed Man: “You sure you want to do this?”

    The other men laugh as they encircle him.

    Man 3: “Unless you want your brains splattered all over the sidewalk, shut your mouth and give us your stuff!”

    Tattooed Man shrugs. “Okay, I guess I have no choice but to give you my stuff.” His chest begins to glow, and as the would-be-robbers watch in horror, a mob of kangaroos jumps out of Tattooed Man’s chest and begins attacking the three men. The men try to run away, but the kangaroos grab on to the mens’ clothing to hold them in place and then use their powerful legs to repeatedly kick the men in their testicles. Once the men are down on the ground, writhing in pain, the kangaroos jump back onto the Tattooed Man’s chest and once again become tattoos.

    Tattooed Man: “Still want all my stuff?”

    Man 1: “Nah, man, YOU keep it! It’s YOUR stuff! Would you like OUR stuff?”

    Tattooed Man says “Yes.”

    Vixen suddenly tumbles into the alley after having stopped falling down the hill.

    Tattooed Man: “Yo, you alright?”

    Vixen: “Yeah, I’m fine.” She rises to her feet and wipes even more dirt and dust onto her outfit. Then she looks at Tattooed Man in surprise.

    Vixen: “Lala?”

    Tattooed Man: “What up, though?”

    Vixen: “I thought you were in prison?”

    Tattooed Man: “I was. And now I’m not.”

    Vixen and Tattooed Man begin circling each other.

    Vixen: “Did you break out of prison?”

    Tattooed Man: “That’s a very good question.”

    Vixen: “And the answer is?”

    Tattooed Man gives her a sinister smile, but Vixen gives the sinister smile back to him.

    Vixen: “Don’t give me anything. You’re the second person in like 10 minutes to give me something, and what I’ve been given is nothing nice. Also, why are those three men on the ground?”

    Tattooed Man: “They’re on the ground because I put them there. Would you like for me to put YOU on the ground next?”

    Vixen: “Try it.”

    Tattooed Man activates the tattoos on his back of two people, who immediately begin walking menacingly toward Vixen.

    Vixen: “Who are they supposed to be?”

    Tattooed Man: “The man is Wielder, who can wield any weapon imaginable. The woman is Hacker, who hacks her way through life. She can hack into anything: computers, baby monitors, smart phones, home surveillance systems, cars, people. Hacker, why don’t you show her how you hack into flesh?”

    Hacker grins while pulling a machete out from underneath her coat, and Wielder’s hands suddenly transform into two swords.

    Hacker: “Time to slice and dice!”

    Vixen suddenly smiles and closes both of her hands into fists, and Hacker and Wielder frown, wondering why their opponent is smiling.

    Wielder: “Who smiles before being murdered?”

    Hacker: “No one sane.”

    Tattooed Man: “Careful, you two. She wields all the abilities of the entire animal kingdom.”

    Wielder: “On the other hand, she’s just one woman, boss. We can take her down.”

    Vixen: “Wanna see what’s in my hands?”

    Hacker: “There’s nothing in them. Now shut up, so we can kill you.”

    Hacker rushes forward and Vixen suddenly throws a bunch of porcupine quills in Hacker’s face; as Hacker screams in pain, Vixen uses a burst of cheetah speed to run toward Wielder and scratch him in the face with koala bear claws she had grown on her other hand. Before Hacker and Wielder can recover, Vixen picks up the lid to a garbage can and hurls it as hard and as fast as she can at Tattooed Man.

    When the garbage can lid hits Tattooed Man upside his head, he collapses into unconsciousness, which immediately causes the Hacker and Wielder tattoos to be reabsorbed into Tattooed Man’s body.
    When Tattooed Man wakes up, he realizes he is laying in a tattoo parlor, with a tattoo artist staring down at him. Suddenly Vixen comes into view and she, too, peers down at Tattooed Man.

    Tattooed Man: “What’s going on here? Why am I here, instead of in jail?”

    Vixen: “I thought I would take a different approach with your rehabilitation, Lala. Instead of removing you from society, I’m going to remove your tattoos, every single one of them. Ready, Tony?”

    Tony: “Ready, Mari.”

    Tattooed Man: “You can’t do this, Vixen!”

    Vixen chuckles. “Thank Anansi for tattoo removal services.”
    Later that night, in Gotham City, Poison Ivy is hugging some plants in her apartment when the doorbell rings.

    Poison Ivy: “I know that’s you, Vixen. Let me guess: you tracked me down using the abilities of a bloodhound, right?”

    Vixen: “Wrong. It doesn’t take a genius to know you would return to your Gotham apartment eventually. You don’t like being away from your plants for very long. Are you going to let me in, or…”

    Poison Ivy: “No, you can stay out in the hallway.”

    Vixen: “Open the door, Ivy.”

    Poison Ivy: “I don’t think so. Good night, Mari.”

    Vixen: “But I have a gift for you.”

    Poison Ivy: “You didn’t come here to give me a gift, you came here to get revenge for when I smacked the crap out of you. You should have seen your face after I smacked you. You looked so surprised, confused and angry all at the same time.”

    She laughs but stops laughing when Vixen breaks down the apartment door with the weight of an elephant and begins chasing her around the apartment with a weedwhacker.
    Last edited by MoneySpider; 03-09-2024 at 08:30 PM.
    Black Panther - Champion of Bast
    Vixen - Champion of Anansi

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