Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post
See, I keep noticing that for as prolific as TAS Spidey was, he didn’t appear in the Spidey-verse films yet, which feels to me more likely to be deliberate choice so that he can be deployed later than a simple oversight...

TAS Spidey got ahead on the multiverse game by well over a decade, and thus feels to me like someone that the sequel could deploy at a key moment with first hand experience to help Miles and show what happened after the show.
Yeah I thought so too. Though idk how integral they could make him to their story given that the 90s show is a Disney/Marvel owned property and not a Sony one. Regardless, I don't think a scene in Beyond of Barnes' Spider-man coming to help Miles necessarily precludes a '98 show. Though they probably wouldn't be able to directly continue the 90s plot in the movie and just leave it as a version of Spider-man who has experience with the multiverse.