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  1. #106
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypo View Post
    Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain #5 Preview
    Writer: Robert Venditti
    Artist: Gavin Guidry

    I have to say I like the depictions of Sam Lane in this story. Not a friendly guy but a straight direct guy. You can't agree with him, but you have to admit he had his principles clear. And he loves his daughter even if he don't approve the things she does.
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  2. #107
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    It's funny how I'm only just remembering the Metallo arc from Venditti's Man of Tomorrow series which also featured Sam Lane.

  3. #108
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    Lex remains an entertaining ham. Would’ve been better to have him be more involved, Venditti clearly has a lot of fun writing him. All the setup for the fight is done, hopefully the last issue manages to deliver a fun fight sequence at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
    It's funny how I'm only just remembering the Metallo arc from Venditti's Man of Tomorrow series which also featured Sam Lane.
    I didn’t love that story either
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  4. #109
    Astonishing Member The Frog Bros's Avatar
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    The conclusion issue has a cool fun fact, Guidry’s first double page spread.

    Had the pleasure of meeting him at a con recently, really cool guy. I asked if there’d be more from this verse and he said there could be. Venditti does have more stories they could use.
    “Look, you can’t put the Superman #77s with the #200s. They haven’t even discovered Red Kryptonite yet. And you can’t put the #98s with the #300s, Lori Lemaris hasn’t even been introduced.” — Sam
    “Where the hell are you from? Krypton?” — Edgar Frog

  5. #110
    Extraordinary Member superduperman's Avatar
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    They'd be leaving money on the table if they didn't make more.
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  6. #111
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    Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain #6 Preview
    Writer: Robert Venditti
    Artist: Gavin Guidry

  7. #112
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    Other than introducing me to Guidry I can’t say there was much about this mini that I liked. Metallo was extremely underbaked, his entire personality was wanting to kill Superman until some little girl said “no YOU are the villain” and then he kills himself. Nothing interesting was done with Superman having to wrestle with how he felt about being seen as a symbol of American power, is he ok with that? Does it make him uncomfortable? General Sam Lane showing up was basically a meaningless cameo, this mini shows why I prefer him as an antagonist if not an outright villain. When he’s friendly/an ally he’s basically not even a character.

    Venditti can write a good Lex and a great Brainiac but he’s 0/2 when it comes to Metallo and his Superman is fairly flat and cliche.

    If the first Superman ‘78 mini was a surprisingly enjoyable experience, this was the DTV sequel that nobody remembers or talks about.
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  8. #113
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    I was underwhelmed by the final issue. Metallo's turn was very abrupt, going from wanting to kill Superman no matter what to suddenly sacrificing himself to save the city from the unstable kryptonite (was that even set up?), while the Soviet general went from being careful and pragmatic to suddenly becoming a raving lunatic who wanted Superman dead NOW! General Lane and Lex basically disappear from the story.

    I liked "I believe in you", but the build-up wasn't really quite there to feel earned.
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  9. #114
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    Other than introducing me to Guidry I can’t say there was much about this mini that I liked. Metallo was extremely underbaked, his entire personality was wanting to kill Superman until some little girl said “no YOU are the villain” and then he kills himself. Nothing interesting was done with Superman having to wrestle with how he felt about being seen as a symbol of American power, is he ok with that? Does it make him uncomfortable? General Sam Lane showing up was basically a meaningless cameo, this mini shows why I prefer him as an antagonist if not an outright villain. When he’s friendly/an ally he’s basically not even a character.

    Venditti can write a good Lex and a great Brainiac but he’s 0/2 when it comes to Metallo and his Superman is fairly flat and cliche.

    If the first Superman ‘78 mini was a surprisingly enjoyable experience, this was the DTV sequel that nobody remembers or talks about.
    It was kind of fun having a "nice" Sam Lane for once, like S&L (where he is very much a character) .

  10. #115
    Astonishing Member The Frog Bros's Avatar
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    Story wise I do agree that this series was not as good as the first. However, I did really like the artwork. I liked how it was both reminiscent of the Donner-verse without being a carbon copy of Torres; it was unique unto its own.

    I think my fave moments were when Lois was snooping around to dig up a story in issue #1; and in #5 when Supes says "Thank you. For everything," clearly talking to Lois but of course Lex chimes in with the "You're welcome." I liked both the gravity of the moment between Clark and Lois and Lex's comedic reaction.

    Would still like more out of this 'verse though.
    “Look, you can’t put the Superman #77s with the #200s. They haven’t even discovered Red Kryptonite yet. And you can’t put the #98s with the #300s, Lori Lemaris hasn’t even been introduced.” — Sam
    “Where the hell are you from? Krypton?” — Edgar Frog

  11. #116
    Obsessed & Compelled Bored at 3:00AM's Avatar
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    I’m in agreement that this was a step down from the first mini. It was a pleasant enough exercise in nostalgia but everything except for the great art felt underwhelming.

  12. #117
    Extraordinary Member superduperman's Avatar
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    The ending just sort of felt tacked on to wrap things up quickly. This would not happen in real life. Inspiring people to trust him and turn on their own country. It felt like a great idea that wasn't really thought out very far.
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