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  1. #331
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I remember when like every season of an X-Men show had to have at least one Wolverine-focused episode (to the point where they were practically executive-mandated in Evolution and that's how we got X-23).

  2. #332
    Astonishing Member
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    I had forgotten we are getting a Wolverine video game as well. He gets plenty of hype and media representation of all forms. What is been the best thing about this show is that it has showcased the best part of Xmen. The emotional connections, the family ties, the "family you choose" ties. Showcasing the diversity, and the expansive bench of characters we have not seen in live action at all displayed so well.

  3. #333
    Astonishing Member Frobisher's Avatar
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    The funny thing about Wolverine getting so much attention is that he’d absolute hate it.

  4. #334
    Astonishing Member
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    Another great episode. This has been one of the most consistent and well written Disney+ shows so far. The only episode I personally didn't like was the Jubilee/Mojo parts. Everything else has been great for me.
    Everyone getting their moments to shine pretty much. Well written dialogue, tension, the score has been amazing as well.

    I kind of missed Storm in this episode though. Hopefully she's fully engaged the final 2.

    The Omega feats are coming fast and furious now. Magneto in his bikini briefs with the "Enough". Ok sir.

  5. #335
    Lord S Sandydandy's Avatar
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    Well I haven't posted my thoughts in a while, but I am really really enjoying this season. Wednesday has quickly become my favorite day of the week. I can't think of a single episode that I disliked. Things are heating up and I'm looking forward to the conclusion. It's looking like things are building towards Fatal Attractions, (which will be awesome if it actually happens). Maybe culminating with Onslaught for season 2, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Just soaking up this season and still in joyous disbelief that I'm watching X-Men in 2024.

    As hard as I try, I really can't remember much of Bastion or the outcome of Operation: Zero Tolerance in the comics. I'd have to pull out some tote boxes and revisit those X-Men issues from the late-90's. For this TV show my sixth sense tells me that Apocalypse is behind it all, and is pulling Bastion's strings the way he did with FoH and the virus way back in season 2 of the original series.

    Looking forward to the final two episodes!

  6. #336
    Mighty Member 90'sCartoonMan's Avatar
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    Another solid episode with so many moving pieces. I was so creeped out by Bastion...his house, his parents, his childhood. Sheesh. Great reveal with those sleepers too.

    Our heroes may have lost, but they still got some great moments. Loved Cyclops and Cable bonding and Jean there too. I feel guilty about not missing Gambit since we're getting cool fight scenes with Nightcrawler.

    And of course we get the standard Marvel cameos in a world-ending X-Men event. Love it!

  7. #337
    Fantastic Member
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    This was epic, I love that they just said “to hell with it” and just did a flip of the original panel lol.

  8. #338
    The Superior One Celgress's Avatar
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    Best current streaming series animated or live-action bar none, IMHO. Unless they stick the landing this season is an easy 4 out of 5 stars if not higher.
    "So you've come to the end now alive but dead inside."

  9. #339
    Fantastic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celgress View Post
    Best current streaming series animated or live-action bar none, IMHO. Unless they stick the landing this season is an easy 4 out of 5 stars if not higher.
    This year as a whole has been strong for television I find. Ever since the pandemic really, while Hollywood had the double whammy (writers strike) and has yet to fully recover.

  10. #340
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Opening Update! Storm's new costume is now prominently displayed in her intro! Though I'm kind of surprised they didn't do Jubilee's. Also the people running in-between the big hero and villains end sequence are now Prime Sentinel.

    It's a new day dawning, Professor Xavier has lost the love of his life and the use of his legs again, Magneto is back to his iconic red suit and helmet and back to swearing vengeance against humankind, Mutants are on the run...but Storm still makes an epic entrance.

    I guess even after turning her into a Prime Sentinel, Bastion still loved his mother. Maybe he really thinks turning them into killer robots is the best thing for humanity now. But the tragic irony is that if Professor Xavier had had a chance to mentor Bastion's abilities, instead of his mom trying to make him feel so "normal" and closed off, maybe he wouldn't have ended up like this.

    I think Xavier really meant well. He wanted his two kids to be happy and get to live a life of peace to really build a family, like he planned to do with Lilandra, and he also wanted to believe that his old friend could turn over a new leaf and believe in his dream. And to be fair, Magneto seemed to be coming around before the Genosha attack happened. And he had no idea of the Summers-Grey family drama that would erupt because of Sinister. I guess maybe the lesson in all this is that it's fruitless for people like the X-Men to imagine having a life outside the team or not constantly fighting for their right to live.

    I'm genuinely surprised there was no addressing of the Maddie situation. Like, no questioning how Xavier never noticed the clone? And as nice as Jean and Storm's reunion was, part of the reason Jean was so overjoyed was probably because this is the first time she's seen Storm in forever while Storm probably still thinks Jean was Maddie.

    Beast and Forge. Science bros.

    It's kind of funny seeing them outright call the teams Blue and Gold, though the rosters weren't perfect matches.

    So the Prime Sentinels CAN be saved. But should they? I mean, obviously there were bigots and anti-Mutant people who were involved in the process, but people like Trish are basically just innocents who had no idea what they would be transforming into. You can't just write them off like that.

    So what was Magneto's plan exactly? Let the Earth fall into ruin and wipe off the entire populace while he, Rogue, and Roberto are all that remains to restart civilization on Asteroid M 2.0? I get that he's probably consumed with rage and grief and might not be thinking rationally, but it's pretty above and beyond a sense of reason at that point.

    I see Rogue wasn't just wearing her old Brotherhood costume because it was retro costume week, but because she was going to join up with Magneto. Ultimately I can't help but feel like she's making the same mistake she made choosing to be with Magneto over Gambit, especially when Remy would be the first in line to tell her not to go through with this, but she's still as overcome with grief and anger as Magnus. Though she had some REALLY harsh call outs for her team, particularly Storm and Morph. Like, this is your family who accepted you and have always been there for you, and this is how you talk to them? Especially Storm.

    It's kind of funny how they finally put Roberto into an X-Men suit and then he immediately bails on the team to jump ship to Magneto. Like, I get that his mom's betrayal hit hard but at the same time...kind of a lot to then write off an entire planet in the process. Not to mention betraying your (probably now ex-)girlfriend.

    Time to go back to the classics! Scott in his 70's costume with the cowl! Jean in the Marvel Girl dress and mask! Wolverine in his tan and brown costume! Cable in his blue X-Men suit (complete with a dig at the Fox movies' obsession with black leather)! Morph has shoulder pads! Beast...still in his undies!

    So with Moira dead (glad Charles acknowledged that) what will be done with Muir Island? Is that going to be the X-Men's base moving forward with the mansion destroyed?

    If this season has taught me anything it's that no matter what you do...there will always be Sentinels.

    Honestly I think Forge flies the Blackbird better than Cyclops does.

    It's kind of funny in hindsight that the Motendo episode kind of predicted Magneto would be the Final Boss (or at least one of the final bosses) and Jubilee would be on the away mission to take him down.

    Morph transforms into 90's animated Hulk! You can tell because of the hair!

    Man, they really upped Beasts' strength level. Has he ever been able to tear through a Sentinel's hand and then slap it back at it?

    Jean finally takes on Mister Sinister for some much needed payback for bother herself and Maddie and both get to show off their powersets. Even Cable gets to finally show off his TK and go all X-Man on his stepmom, because he's been Sinisterized.

    Jeez 'Berto, if you're going to commit to this, commit, don't apologize after attacking someone, even if it's the girl you love. Though it seems like his and Jubilee's powers are good matches for each other.

    I can kind of see where Scott is coming from, Gold Team needed more time and they wouldn't have been able to succeed with Prime Sentinels coming back online...but he also took away possibly their only chance of stopping Magneto in the process and showed he's willing to attack the Professor if he feels he has to (especially for his family). I'm curious what the fallout of this will be.

    Anyone who knows their comic history knew what was going to happen the moment they confirmed Wolverine was on the away team to Asteroid M, but they finally adapt one of the most iconic moments in comics...Wolverine stabbing Magneto (!!!) and Magneto ripping the adamantium out of his skin. Are we going to get bone claws Wolverine next week?

  11. #341


    Loved the callbacks to the arcade game. I half expected when the X-Men came to confront Magneto for him to pull out "Welcome to Die!"
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  12. #342
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    * If there was any doubt this series was fixing Jean's AdaptationalWimp status from the original series, this episode should put them to rest.

    * I get why Storm would be touchy about the idea of permanently depowering someone given her own experience, but surely she must see how dangerous it is to leave even the possibility of Bastion causing problems with his powers in the future.

    * "Let me give you a hand". "What is the sound of one hand clapping?". Hank, I hope you don't plan on becoming a stand-up comedian anytime soon

  13. #343
    Ultimate Member Deathstroke's Avatar
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    The only thing I want to know is how the hell is Magneto alive after getting stabbed by Wolverine. I mean, Logan surely knows how to kill and he put three claws through Magneto, he missed the heart? Come on!
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  14. #344
    Astonishing Member Frobisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathstroke View Post
    The only thing I want to know is how the hell is Magneto alive after getting stabbed by Wolverine. I mean, Logan surely knows how to kill and he put three claws through Magneto, he missed the heart? Come on!
    He can tank lethal hits because he has the jacked up physique of a VHS action hero.

  15. #345


    Quote Originally Posted by Frobisher View Post
    He can tank lethal hits because he has the jacked up physique of a VHS action hero.
    LOL well that, and he's the master of magnetism, Logan's skeleton and claws is made out of metal. On a subconscious level he probably redirected the claws away from his heart.

    I'm more concerned with why Wolverine never considered getting his metal yanked out of him was an option for a pissed-off master of magnetism.

    EDIT: And I love how the "Erik no!"s came when he started to do that, but only "sad but needed to be done" wordless looks when it looked like Wolverine ended Magneto.
    Last edited by Nate Grey; 05-09-2024 at 10:47 AM.

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