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  1. #16
    Incredible Member PhoenixStudies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    I heard Jean was having some sort of confused memories of past events playing out differently then that actually had. Is that true? Could it mean something?
    That's what her mini series was about late last year (Jean Grey #1-4). After being killed at the Gala, Jean goes to the White Hot Room and creates realities where she made different choices during key moments in her past. But she was also having trouble remembering her past.

    And in Immortal X-Men #17, she was fragmented and reliving past events and randomly quoting herself from past issues (due to Mother Righteous bringing so many living mutants into the White Hot Room and interfering with Jean's reformulation and rebirth). Then Mother Righteous sacrifices spirit Jean in the White Hot Room to make a dominion and mortally wound the Phoenix and the White Hot Room.

    In this preview Jean mentions having been in so many places but now her sparks are all together in one flame. That makes sense of the Jean Grey mini where a higher part of Jean's consciousness reconnected with the Phoenix and was observing her fragmented self dying in the White Hot Room. It was this part of Jean that gave some of her fire to Hope. The fire that Hope used to light the pyre in the previous issue.

  2. #17
    Beast-stan of CBR Mungho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixStudies View Post
    That's what her mini series was about late last year (Jean Grey #1-4). After being killed at the Gala, Jean goes to the White Hot Room and creates realities where she made different choices during key moments in her past. But she was also having trouble remembering her past.

    And in Immortal X-Men #17, she was fragmented and reliving past events and randomly quoting herself from past issues (due to Mother Righteous bringing so many living mutants into the White Hot Room and interfering with Jean's reformulation and rebirth). Then Mother Righteous sacrifices spirit Jean in the White Hot Room to make a dominion and mortally wound the Phoenix and the White Hot Room.

    In this preview Jean mentions having been in so many places but now her sparks are all together in one flame. That makes sense of the Jean Grey mini where a higher part of Jean's consciousness reconnected with the Phoenix and was observing her fragmented self dying in the White Hot Room. It was this part of Jean that gave some of her fire to Hope. The fire that Hope used to light the pyre in the previous issue.
    Ah, I see. Thanks for the recap!

    There goes my theory that Jean will fix what's been done to Hank.
    “Politics exist to squabble any bit of organization the public can usually muster.” —Beast

  3. #18
    Jean Grey Scholar Mercury's Avatar
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    My mind.


    ‘I’m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere!’ 🔥

    My signature has never rung more true…🤌🏻

    "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) … Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged, Missing me one place search another, I stop somewhere waiting for you."—Whitman

    Jean Grey in the words of Walt Whitman, from his masterpiece Leaves of Grass, "Song of Myself" (51 and 52):

    "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)"

    "Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged, Missing me one place search another, I stop somewhere waiting for you."

  4. #19
    Astonishing Member Frobisher's Avatar
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    Hope’s gonna plug the chicken.

  5. #20
    Ultimate Member Fokken's Avatar
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    DOUGLAS!!!! He gonna have WORDS for Charles. WERRRRRRDDDDZZZZZ!!!!
    Chop him UP with your RETROIC, Ramsey!!!

  6. #21
    Mighty Member M@Bowers2014's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicoclaws View Post
    Doug, FINALLY !
    Why is A in this costume ? Did he change costume at some point ?

    So Hope didn't kill herself (yet). That's a little comfort.
    I haven't been reading every single issue involved with FoX but I have a feeling A's costume has more do with editors not paying attention than anything else. Just look at the two issues that came out last week. They were telling the same story weaving in and out of each other but most of the characters look very different depending on the book. This whole event seems like they are making it up as they go with very little planning or organization between titles and creative teams.

  7. #22
    Mighty Member Viteh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopCulturePooka View Post
    Is that Iceman in the battle scene?
    Maybe? Nobody knows he's still alive right? So perhaps the Five resurrected him because Xavier thought he was dead.

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