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  1. #1276
    Extraordinary Member From The Shadows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neocide View Post
    This was why I loved Claremont as a writer for Scott he gave us such an awesome version. Couldn't get over the Maddy stuff though sadly. I love when Scott is very much showing his leadership skills or his tactical guile, that's always more interesting than his boring powers lol.

    My ideal version of the character would be the Iceman from the HBO series generation kill. That guy is so cool and calm under the most hellish situations, Which to me is why I love the character so much.
    Yeah, I loved his Cyclops, well this version, especially during the early ANAD days. It is definitely a shame he couldn't get over the Maddy thing or we could have had more moments like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Caedus View Post
    Michael Biehn would've been the greatest Cyclops of all time if he was young in the 21st century lol
    As I said in another thread, I think that he is too rugged to play Scott. When I look at him, I see Kyle Reese and Corporal Hicks. I think James Marsden was a good choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Caedus View Post
    Fox-Men are mostly an abomination. The whole multiverse saga sucks. I'm down with recasting everyone
    Yeah, I'm ready for something fresh as far as casting goes. Even Logan though I'm hoping his swan song in 'Deadpool' will be good. Funny, at his age now over him starting out his current age is closer to how he is physically.

  2. #1277
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    You know there was a time when you could relax for a weekend and find this thread had not moved/updated at all.

    I am happy it's better now.

    Try to respond to a few posts that caught my eye.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neocide View Post
    Can we just say we like Jott and move on? Why we gotta bring up all the bad crap. ��

    I'll always be a Jott shipper. Loved Scemma but Jott will always be number 1 for me. Think we need like a refresher into their relationship after both of their upcoming runs play out. Would love another mini of Phoenix and Cyclops.
    Quote Originally Posted by dr237 View Post
    I would like to Co-sign, especially the request for a new Cyclops and Phoenix series. thank you
    Quote Originally Posted by Gray Lensman View Post
    I love them too, as long as the stupid triangle drama stays far away. I want a writer to make the triangle so toxic that no one is willing to even reference it on the page ever again.
    Count me in as another co-signer to Jott Love and advocate of the triangle dying in hellfire.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiderClops View Post
    Adding to this, I also don't like how Jean's transgressions(for lack of a better word) are never brought up in-universe. It makes the ship very one-sided to me. Jean is always treated as the better party somehow.
    I think it's less a matter of "brought up" but more Jean gets forgiven somewhat more easily then Scott.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis-Ray View Post
    The issue with Jott currently is that Scott and Jean haven't really had major run that has them working together and putting their interactions front and center.

    Scemma had a lot of that to my knowledge, lotta of great moments Scott and Emma interacting whether romantically or in serious moments as they support and challenge each other, which is why the relationship is so popular.

    Jean and Scott are currently together and stable, but they haven't gotten too many great couple moments like that recently.
    Really really agree with this.

    Quote Originally Posted by NearlyEnough View Post
    The main issue is and will always be Wolverine, unless Jean gets over him they can never work as a couple.
    Yup. My view on triangles in stories? They are fine as long as they are 'quickly' resolved. You could understand why one person might have second thoughts or feel attracted to someone else but if they dither and procrastinate for a while then it throws their comittment to their actual relationship falls into question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Havok83 View Post
    I dont agree witht heir actions but its not the same situation. For all intents and purposes, Xavie was innocent in AvX. His death was not justfied.


    I think all of this is important to remember to understand the context of where they are at and why the two situations are not the same. Xavier has been a pariah that has been making things worse for everyone
    I disagree on Xavier being innocent.

    In AvX Xavier was actively shutting down Scott's mind. He was attacking. Scott fought back. If I remember correctly Scott had not actually attacked before that point.

    Could Scott have kept Xavier alive? Well yes if he was in full control but he was not and Xavier knew that. Xavier chose to attack a person who was barely keeping a cosmic entity in check and so does not exactly get to pull the innocent card when the person vaporises him.

    In all honesty did anyone else get flash-backs to scene in Dark Phoenix Saga where Scott was talking DP Jean down and Xavier decided that was the best time to attack ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NearlyEnough View Post
    I think we've already discussed this but I think the scene in the last gala was also a nod to the open relationship and pretty insulting to Scott. But the thing is that it's so ridiculously dumb I don't understand how anyone could think that it makes sense or that it works in any capacity, it feels downright spiteful, I'd expect Claremont to write shit like this just to mess with Scott, why would anyone accept to share his wife? it's so ridiculous and alien to me that I can't even begin to comprehend the thought process.

    Hickman clearly wanted to go for some worldbuilding bs about how "homo-superior" moved past normal relationships and jealousy but it's dumb af because jealousy is a good thing that exists for a reason, mutants are psychologically the same as normal humans and it's just dumb.
    Yeah, pretty much what I feel.

    I will say a polyamarous relationship could work BUT it would and should take years of development effort to reach the point where it could start and need a lot of effort to write it onwards.

    What happened in Krakoa was more writers just deciding to skip the heavy lifting and went nowhere due to that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Caedus View Post
    The scene in the last Gala was included so that Simonson could explore why Jean loves them very differently and Scott is the one she will always choose and stay with.
    Yeah Hickman made a lot of dumb decisions. But he moved past it by the end of X of Swords. It was clear that he wanted Scott and Jean to leave the orgy island be superheroes instead of hedonists. It's not coming back anyway because they quietly swept it under the rug
    @Bolded: Did this actually happen though in Simpson's Jean mini-series? I did not follow it that much so am unclear.
    Last edited by Arthas; 05-06-2024 at 10:52 AM.

  3. #1278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Caedus View Post
    Actually one of the reasons I became a Scott fan was Marsden in the first movie. Sadly he wasn't given anything good to work with after the first movie
    For me, it was more a case where I had to like Marsden because I was a Scott fan (and I was a Scott fan because I was a Jean fan). I don't think I would have become a Scott fan because of Marsden alone. He's okay and I don't think he's a bad actor, but I do think Cyclops needed a more charismatic actor and also someone who didn't come across like a midget next to Logan and Jean. Logan was so tall that they needed an equally tall Jean to stand alongside him which meant Scott looked so short in comparison next to Jean. It definitely shows that when it came to casting, they were focusing more on Logan and Jean as the romantic pair otherwise they would have gotten a Scott/Jean who were height compatible.

    I think Tom Cruise was a popular fancast for Cyclops in the late 80s/early 90s so it seems to suggest we were always going to get a short Scott.

    It wasn't just Scott though because Storm should also be much taller than she was.

  4. #1279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Caedus View Post
    He's also a boy scout in most of Cameron's movies. You could see why girls fell for him, not because he was badass or anything, but because he was a good guy
    I had a major crush on him even though I wasn't born until after his days as a major actor were more or less up. And his characters were always very popular and resonated with audiences. I think he had the charisma and starpower to stand up against Hugh Jackman's Wolverine if he had been more age compatible. The characters he used to play in his movies are my idea of what Cyclops is like, such as in Terminator and Aliens.

  5. #1280
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    Quote Originally Posted by NearlyEnough View Post
    I don't think James Marsden looks like Scott at all, he has a small frame and really doesn't give off Cyclops' vibes whatsoever.

    Scott is 6'3, whoever is playing him should be at least 6'1, relatively young and of course really good looking.

    Daniel Sharman is a bit too old for my liking, I'd prefer a young cast because they're gonna need to play these characters for 10+ years and Scott is not that old anyway, and that way you can adapt specific storylines that require them to be young adults, I'm not saying that they should start with the O5 when they're 15 like in the comics but starting with the main cast being 35+ would be a huge mistake.

    I wouldn't mind someone like Patrick Schwarzenegger (the guy who played Golden Boy in Gen V)

    I agree with you about James Marsden. I don't mind him but he wouldn't have been my ideal casting.

    However, keep in mind that Pedro Pascal is almost 50 and that's the age he's starting off with his intro in the MCU. So I don't think Marvel minds using older actors. Older actors are generally more experienced and gifted. Patrick Schwarzenegger has the looks but I've never considered him all that talented.

  6. #1281
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    Quote Originally Posted by NearlyEnough View Post
    I don't think James Marsden looks like Scott at all, he has a small frame and really doesn't give off Cyclops' vibes whatsoever.

    Scott is 6'3, whoever is playing him should be at least 6'1, relatively young and of course really good looking.

    Daniel Sharman is a bit too old for my liking, I'd prefer a young cast because they're gonna need to play these characters for 10+ years and Scott is not that old anyway, and that way you can adapt specific storylines that require them to be young adults, I'm not saying that they should start with the O5 when they're 15 like in the comics but starting with the main cast being 35+ would be a huge mistake.

    I wouldn't mind someone like Patrick Schwarzenegger (the guy who played Golden Boy in Gen V)

    I mentioned Patrick as my choice for Scott on the 'Introduce X-Men to the MCU' thread. I think the sample size of his movies is small , but I think he is versatile enough to carry the role. The guy is 30 (right about the age I'd expect Scott to be in the movie) meaning he could play him for at least a decade.

  7. #1282
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth_Caedus's Avatar
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  8. #1283
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Caedus View Post

    I was very excited to read this and see, first, an acknowledgment that bad decisions have been made in regard to Scott and Jean and, second, a commitment to advancing/rectifying their story.

  9. #1284
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr237 View Post
    I was very excited to read this and see, first, an acknowledgment that bad decisions have been made in regard to Scott and Jean and, second, a commitment to advancing/rectifying their story.
    Same here. So far everything looks good for Cyke

  10. #1285
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr237 View Post
    I was very excited to read this and see, first, an acknowledgment that bad decisions have been made in regard to Scott and Jean and, second, a commitment to advancing/rectifying their story.
    You and me both.

  11. #1286
    Ultimate Member Gray Lensman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr237 View Post
    I was very excited to read this and see, first, an acknowledgment that bad decisions have been made in regard to Scott and Jean and, second, a commitment to advancing/rectifying their story.
    It sounds like there will be more and better Scott/Jean stuff when they are light-years apart than others were willing to write when they were in the same room. Kinda funny, really.
    Dark does not mean deep.

  12. #1287
    Mutatis Mutandis ChildOfTheAtom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NearlyEnough View Post
    I don't think James Marsden looks like Scott at all, he has a small frame and really doesn't give off Cyclops' vibes whatsoever.

    Scott is 6'3, whoever is playing him should be at least 6'1, relatively young and of course really good looking.

    like this thought process for cyclops
    The agreement also provides Disney with the opportunity to reunite the X-MEN with the Marvel family under one roof and create richer, more complex worlds of inter-related characters and stories that audiences have shown they love. It only makes sense for Marvel to be supervised by one entity. There shouldn't be two Marvels.

  13. #1288
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    Not a fan of the long distance relationship, I don't trust Jean to not cheat on Scott, if she cheated on him with Logan she would cheat on him with anyone, let's stop pretending that Logan is somehow special.

  14. #1289
    Ultimate Member Gray Lensman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NearlyEnough View Post
    Not a fan of the long distance relationship, I don't trust Jean to not cheat on Scott, if she cheated on him with Logan she would cheat on him with anyone, let's stop pretending that Logan is somehow special.
    Sounds like we have an editor who hates the triangle drama, so things have a chance of being different for a little while.
    Dark does not mean deep.

  15. #1290
    Fantastic Member NearlyEnough's Avatar
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    I just listened to the podcast, and I'm sad to say that Tom Brevoort does not like Cyclops, someone who thinks that Storm would outshine Scott in HIS team clearly either hates the character or doesn't know much about him, and given that knowing stuff about these characters is his job, I think it's the latter.

    Scott has been THE LEADER for more than 10 years, and Storm was alive all that time and followed his orders, she wouldn't take over the team, she would just be another member of the team, and you gotta be delusional to think otherwise, I hope he lets Jed cook because some of his takes are absolutely worrying.

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