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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    Default Superman (2025) suit has just dropped!!!

    Not what I was expecting.

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member Jman27's Avatar
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    Unsure how I feel about it
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  3. #3


    Maybe it’s just the angle but looks weirdly cheap looking, idk.
    It’s funny though, there was that rumor that it was going to look like the Fortnite suit, new 52 with trunks. Gunn did an eye roll emoji at it and we took it as him debunking it. But yeah I guess it actually is a lot like that
    Last edited by OpaqueGiraffe17; 05-06-2024 at 01:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Astonishing Member
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    Torso is busy looking.
    Like the colours.
    Glad the trunks are back.
    Texture reminds me of The Amazing Spider-Man basketball Spidey suit and that's not good.
    Lose the collar.
    Last edited by Batman Begins 2005; 05-06-2024 at 09:37 AM.

  5. #5
    Astonishing Member
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    James Gunn:
    The above photo was taken on set by Jess Miglio and was entirely in-camera.

  6. #6
    Extraordinary Member superduperman's Avatar
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    Has a very New 52 look to it. It also looks a lot like the suit from the Supergirl show. I don't think this is a very good picture to go off of. I think we need to see it in better lighting. But it looks like a live action version of the MAWS suit.
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  7. #7
    Astonishing Member The Frog Bros's Avatar
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    I’m in like/not love. But overall I think that’s a good place to be right now.

    I do like his expression and body language overall. Looks like he’s seen a battle or two but still learning the game a bit.
    “Look, you can’t put the Superman #77s with the #200s. They haven’t even discovered Red Kryptonite yet. And you can’t put the #98s with the #300s, Lori Lemaris hasn’t even been introduced.” — Sam
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  8. #8



    Let's see: New 52 pattern and piping lifted from Jim Lee's New 52 "design" on a suit that isn't skintight, instead appearing more like a suit from the MCU, with the Kingdom Come S shield for "reasons."

    Oh, and maybe the trunks are there, though I can't imagine why if the suit isn't skintight.

    As for what the image suggests, Gunn's version of the character looks like he's hesitantly suiting up to go and fight what may or may not be Solaris.

    So, instead of actual thought and intent put behind the design, we have:

    - The New 52 costume, one of the worst superhero uniform designs in comic book history

    - A somewhat loose suit that suggests the cheapness of MCU and some DC CW suits

    - An iconic alternate version of the S shield that was the result of catastrophic personal losses to Superman, not just a "kewl" look.

    When your big-budget movie costume is put to shame by, ironically enough, two costumes from mid-budget TV shows, you have a problem.



  9. #9
    Extraordinary Member superduperman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by All Star Superman View Post

    Let's see: New 52 pattern and piping lifted from Jim Lee's New 52 "design" on a suit that isn't skintight, instead appearing more like a suit from the MCU, with the Kingdom Come S shield for "reasons."

    Oh, and maybe the trunks are there, though I can't imagine why if the suit isn't skintight.

    As for what the image suggests, Gunn's version of the character looks like he's hesitantly suiting up to go and fight what may or may not be Solaris.

    So, instead of actual thought and intent put behind the design, we have:

    - The New 52 costume, one of the worst superhero uniform designs in comic book history

    - A somewhat loose suit that suggests the cheapness of MCU and some DC CW suits

    - An iconic alternate version of the S shield that was the result of catastrophic personal losses to Superman, not just a "kewl" look.

    When your big-budget movie costume is put to shame by, ironically enough, two costumes from mid-budget TV shows, you have a problem.


    I think part of my problem with it is that it's too "busy". The reason why these two versions work is they followed the rule of "KISS": Keep It Simple, Stupid.
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  10. #10
    Incredible Member JustLuke's Avatar
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    I think I'm digging it. Gonna have to see it in motion though

  11. #11
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    I don't like the collar at all. Glad the trunks are back. Don't like the lines all over it.

    Still looks too Snyder-y to me. Why can't we go back to like a bright blue cloth suit or something?

    I'm a little concerned the tone of this picture means the movie (and him) are going to be too serious and dour again. Gunn didn't exactly say it's going back to lighthearted and humorous but that's really what Superman needs to be to work. Apprehensive.

  12. #12
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    From what I saw on Twitter, Reddit and here, most people are not liking this suit at all. Not on Instagram but I doubt its any better over there.

    Considering the near universal panning this suit has gotten, maybe they will pull off a Sonic and make changes.

  13. #13
    Extraordinary Member Mantis-Ray's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laser_Man View Post
    From what I saw on Twitter, Reddit and here, most people are not liking this suit at all. Not on Instagram but I doubt its any better over there.

    Considering the near universal panning this suit has gotten, maybe they will pull off a Sonic and make changes.
    Its a physical suit, they don't need to create a whole new model for it.

    Even then it might be better received when different angles start showing up and its seen in motion. Has happened plenty of times with costumes people weren't sure about.

  14. #14
    Astonishing Member Stanlos's Avatar
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    He looks to be wearing a blend of the Elseworlds or New Derpy-2 suit with the high collar and thank goodness they have the trunks. This tells me they are not afraid of or embarrassed by Superman's trapping. The only item of consern for me is the emblem but I understand there could be some BTS issues with that. But I remain hopeful as Supes is looking super here.

  15. #15
    Incredible Member Super-Cyke's Avatar
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    I was REALLY hoping for a light shade of blue to be used. I don't care much for when they use a darker shade of navy blue for Superman but the suit almost looks like it has a denim jean texture to it so maybe they're going for some kind of "working man" vibe, like boot and jean look, if that's the case I can understand it.

    I just feel the light blue has such a more "bright sky" aesthetic that pops when contrasting with the red. That's completely lost when they go with a darker blue. Here is an example of how pleasant, how visually "rich" (or vibrant), I think the light blue take on Superman's costume can be:

    I'm also shocked it's a stormy night time view of (I'm assuming) Metropolis that they're going with for the debut image. I remember the story, dark cloud debut picture of Superman in BVS not being well-received and it has seemed like James Gunn has tried to stress a more optimistic, sunny sky approach to his direction for Superman. I'm not saying I think this is going to be some melancholy story or that Superman stories can't have nights or stormy nights featured in them (the comic picture I'm including in this post features a cloudy night backdrop), I'm just really shocked this was the first look.
    Last edited by Super-Cyke; 05-06-2024 at 05:31 PM.

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