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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    Default Who is a worse father, David Cain or Crimson from Helluva Boss?

    Who is a worse father, David Cain or Crimson from Helluva Boss?

    I have a video of Crimson's parenting, trigger warning, it's really dark:

  2. #2
    The Weeping Mod Sharpandpointies's Avatar
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    These kinds of threads are hard to measure.

    Abuse is abuse is abuse, and once we reach a point where it's constant physical and psychological abuse it's in a range where it's hard to say 'what's worse?' because it's all destroying a child.

    Note: From this point on, I'm only going to speak to Batgirl 2000 Cain, not Beechen's weird version or the completely unrecognizable Nu52 Darth Cain.

    Crimson's abuse is pretty horrific - constant physical and psychological abuse of a child, forcing them to kill, that kind of thing. It's hard to say it gets worse than that.

    Cain's abuse is pretty horrific - he takes a child, deprives them of basically everything, twists their childhood into training to be a weapon, completely undermines their capability for social interaction, and gets them to kill. It's hard to say it gets worse than that.

    Motivations? I can't speak to Crimson's motivation, but it looks like bog-standard, 'abusive parent who needs to hold power violently due to their own issues' wrapped up in a bow of 'also clear murderer and criminal'. David Cain's is 'I will make the perfect assassin, and this is a good thing, right?' Which is also pretty ugh - it's completely self-absorbed and self-interested.

    Cain's endpoint is likely better than Crimson's, but if we're talking 'growing up with Cain versus growing up with Crimson', they're both pretty awful. Cain and Cass are shown to have had some good times, but he still damaged her with his appalling abuse.
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    "...dropping an orca whale made of fire on your enemies is a pretty strong opening move." - Nik
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  3. #3
    The Weeping Mod Sharpandpointies's Avatar
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    Worth noting that in a recent comic we've had reference to someone who was CLEARLY original flavor David Cain, rather than the abomination from Nu52.

    Might turn up again, never know.
    Why are we here?

    "Superboy Prime (the yelling guy if he needs clarification)..." - Postmania
    "...dropping an orca whale made of fire on your enemies is a pretty strong opening move." - Nik
    "Why throw punches when you can be making everyone around you sterile mutant corpses?" - Pendaran, regarding Dr. Fate

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