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  1. #31
    Extraordinary Member From The Shadows's Avatar
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    Clips are coming out quicker and quicker on You Tube and what I saw I enjoyed. I wish I could see the whole show, though.

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Psy-lock View Post
    The Jean/Storm moments were very touching, but I wish this show also acknowledged the friendship that Storm and Rogue had in the original.
    I agree. Rogue saying 'You was gone, gal." was an understated version of this. Rogue and Storm were like sisters in TAS, and now they've barely interacted. Would have been nice to see Rogue expound on that, and more pointedly acknowledge her feeling of betrayal, even if Ororo really had to go on a whole journey of self-discovery and healing to restore her powers, AFTER SHE TOOK A SHOT MEANT FOR MAGNETO. But I guess Rogue is too much in her feelings to understand all of that. Still, Ororo should have said something about Remy, as their history, also unexplored in the show except for one line of dialogue("I know you[Gambit] better than anyone," looks at Rogue....), implies they should be close too. Basically Storm got sidelined this season, and I don't like that! If Cyke got to be the center of season 1, Storm better be the center of season 2(Cyke can go on his own side quest in search of meaning...)!

    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  3. #33
    Fantastic Member BESTXMAN's Avatar
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    I love how they payed homage to Pryde of the X-Men and Fatal Attractions.

    I just hate that they cram so many stories into single episodes that they don't breathe. The stakes get lost because its one big holy shit moment, after another, after another. But I love it anyway.

  4. #34
    Fantastic Member BESTXMAN's Avatar
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    duplicate post.

  5. #35
    Astonishing Member Psy-lock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yogaflame View Post
    I agree. Rogue saying 'You was gone, gal." was an understated version of this. Rogue and Storm were like sisters in TAS, and now they've barely interacted.
    In TAS Storm seemed way closer with Rogue than with Jean. Their only interaction I remember is Jean asking her to bring a glass of water lol. I guess she was too busy fainting to hang out with Storm

    Basically Storm got sidelined this season, and I don't like that!
    Yeah, that's my one major gripe with the show so far. There's literally no reason for her absence in episodes 7 and 8. Also they really rushed Lifedeath.

  6. #36
    Fantastic Member BESTXMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NK1988 View Post
    Listen, there is nothing uglier than Jean's 90s costume. Marvel Girl is infinitely better.

    I thought Roberto defecting made sense given his mom just turned him over to the Gestapo but then they don't really follow up on the drama of it at all. Everyone else is fighting for their lives or the world and he and Jubilee basically have a slapfight with superpowers. Where is the drama of two people in love being on opposite side of a war? Instead, it's more like "noooo,stop it!!"

    Cyclops kinda just doomed the world for no explainable reason. Why did Jean's team have to succeed first? I don't recall this being explained anywhere. Regardless, he was clearly doing it all because he was emotionally compromised by Jean's plight.
    Because if Xavier reversed the EMP then the Sentinels would revive and Jean and friends would be toast.

  7. #37
    Incredible Member IN-a-Synch's Avatar
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    Since no one is going to say it, I will ask the important question here.

    How many people thought Gillen was writing this episode when Cable had the Sinister Diamond on his forehead? Lmaoooooo!!!!
    Last edited by IN-a-Synch; 05-08-2024 at 06:29 AM.
    Hickman was right!!!!!!! Long live Krakoa

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by IN-a-Synch View Post
    Since no one is going to say it, I will ask the important question here.

    How many people thought Gillen was writing this episode when Cable had the Sinister Diamond on his forehead? Lmaoooooo!!!!
    That did trigger me, but then I remembered they did that back in Carey's run too.

    Gillen just regurgitated ad nauseam. As Gillen is wont to do....
    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  9. #39
    Mighty Member Doom'nGloom's Avatar
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    Sinister is a twisted little creepazoid and I just love it. Also this Jean rocks. She was stretching her muscles on Sinister until Nathan showed up. Storm should form a protective shield around herself like Magneto and Jean do during missions. She has enormous offensive capabilities especially in open areas but the first serious hit usually takes her out.

  10. #40
    'Sup Choom? Handsome men don't lose fights's Avatar
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    I know comics Xavier is a prick, but TAS Xavier has always been a saint, so it really pisses me off that so many folks online are acting like he deserved all the disrespect and abuse everyone shoveled on him today. Bro should have stayed with Liandra and let the Shi'ar wash his memories clean of all these mouthy little ingrates.

  11. #41


    Another great episode.
    Don't let anyone else hold the candle that lights the way to your future because only you can sustain the flame.
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    #conceptualthinking ^_^

    Into the breach.

  12. #42
    Mighty Member Hi-Fi's Avatar
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    This was... not my favorite. Not only super predictable, but DeMayo rushes to check the plot points off while running over most of the characters. The only ones who you can tell there's a care for their development and characterization are Jean and Cyclops. The others feel like pieces getting moved to get to a particular scene.

    For instance, what are Wolverine thoughts on Genosha? Or about Magneto during the entire season? We don't know. Why didn't Magneto talk to Storm about her taking the hit for him? Why didn't Storm mention Gambit (TAS established she's the one who knows him best), why is her relationship with Rogue being hijacked for her relationship with Jean? Rogue's characterization, by the way, lost all of the complexity it was given in Episode 5.

    Cable feels like an aftertought, only there to enhance Jean and Cyclops stories. Whenever he appeared in TAS, he had a mission statement, a big role to play. His showing here was bad. Storm's showing was also whatever. Her big comeback and she's there to uplift Jean.

    Jean vs Sinister was the best part.

    Last episode was so much better in a lot of surprising ways.

    Hopefully the next one will be a return to the more complex take from past episodes.
    Last edited by Hi-Fi; 05-08-2024 at 06:40 AM.

  13. #43
    Extraordinary Member Jman27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by staptik777 View Post
    Wolvy next time ...
    Or use both hands instead of one
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  14. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by IN-a-Synch View Post
    Since no one is going to say it, I will ask the important question here.

    How many people thought Gillen was writing this episode when Cable had the Sinister Diamond on his forehead? Lmaoooooo!!!!
    It can become even funnier in the next episode depending on Sinister's next move, especially in case he will hijack control over Prime Sentinels (with them getting a red diamonds on foreheads) from Bastion via Cable.

  15. #45
    Mighty Member starduck's Avatar
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    Liked the episode, bit I feel like they are doing way too much. I was expecting more of Storm's return and her and Rogue barely interacting annoys me since they seemed closer than Storm and Jean in the original. Loved Jean's fight with Sinister but not looking forward to possibly seeing the Phoenix again so quickly with so much going on already

    Quote Originally Posted by yogaflame View Post
    I agree. Rogue saying 'You was gone, gal." was an understated version of this. Rogue and Storm were like sisters in TAS, and now they've barely interacted. Would have been nice to see Rogue expound on that, and more pointedly acknowledge her feeling of betrayal, even if Ororo really had to go on a whole journey of self-discovery and healing to restore her powers, AFTER SHE TOOK A SHOT MEANT FOR MAGNETO. But I guess Rogue is too much in her feelings to understand all of that. Still, Ororo should have said something about Remy, as their history, also unexplored in the show except for one line of dialogue("I know you[Gambit] better than anyone," looks at Rogue....), implies they should be close too. Basically Storm got sidelined this season, and I don't like that! If Cyke got to be the center of season 1, Storm better be the center of season 2(Cyke can go on his own side quest in search of meaning...)!

    If Jean goes Phoenix again she will be the one getting sidelined in s2

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