Quote Originally Posted by Pav View Post
I can't help but wonder whether or not Proto-Goblin will bite the dust by the end of the miniseries. After all, he hasn't "reappeared" in modern continuity since his original -1 issue. In the Ben Reilly mini, JMD put Spidercide into a coma to explain his absence, but I can't see him relying on the same ending again so soon. And considering the Proto-Goblin is a rather tragic figure, I can see him maybe doing something honorable or heroic in the last issue that costs him his life.

But in general, like others have said, the first two issues of this miniseries have been absolutely excellent.

-Pav, who was taken out of the story a LITTLE by the news referring to the character as "Proto-Goblin" when there's really no reason for it in-story...
Considering how DeMatteis' Spectacular Spider-Man run ended way back when, I definitely suspect the Proto-Goblin is going to have a similarly tragic death by the end of this story.