Hillary Clinton slams pro-palestinian protesters on ignorance of Middle East history


"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has suggested that pro-Palestinian protesters at college campuses across the nation are uneducated about the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

"Clinton suggested campus protesters may have fallen prey to pro-Hamas "propaganda" on social media and in the classroom, adding young people are consuming information that often has a hidden "agenda" or lacks "any kind of context."

"Propaganda is not education," Clinton said. "Propaganda, whether it's on TikTok or in the classroom, is actually the opposite of education. Anybody who is teaching in a university, or anyone who is putting content on social media, should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude."

"So much of what we're seeing—particularly on TikTok—about what's going on in the Middle East, is woefully false," she continued. "But it's also incredibly slanted: pro-Hamas, anti-Israel. And it is not any place where anyone should go to get information on complex manners, like what's going on there."

Clinton concluded by saying that educators "need to do a better job" in helping young people understand how to "filter" and interpret information on world affairs, while avoiding the pitfalls of falling into "easy absolutes" on issues that are "too complicated.""