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  1. #31
    Fantastic Member
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    This is more of a Ra's thought, but I wonder if Ra's al Ghul got his plan in JLA: Tower of Babel from Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective, where Carmen did... basically the exact same thing he does but 3 years earlier.

  2. #32
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lalalei2001 View Post
    This is more of a Ra's thought, but I wonder if Ra's al Ghul got his plan in JLA: Tower of Babel from Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective, where Carmen did... basically the exact same thing he does but 3 years earlier.
    Carmen is one of the world's most brilliant criminal minds, so it wouldn't surprise me.

    And thinking again... I sometimes wonder if Talia is modeled on Carmen...

  3. #33
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  4. #34
    Extraordinary Member Thirteen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lalalei2001 View Post
    This is more of a Ra's thought, but I wonder if Ra's al Ghul got his plan in JLA: Tower of Babel from Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective, where Carmen did... basically the exact same thing he does but 3 years earlier.
    Quote Originally Posted by marhawkman View Post
    Carmen is one of the world's most brilliant criminal minds, so it wouldn't surprise me.

    And thinking again... I sometimes wonder if Talia is modeled on Carmen...
    Well...the hat is heading in the right direction...

    Last edited by Thirteen; 03-24-2024 at 05:24 PM.
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  5. #35
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    Juni Ba talks The Boy Wonder

    Z: ....Since we were talking about Damian’s mother, there have been questions surrounding characterization and stuff, especially for characters like the Al’Ghuls, whose stories unfortunately do have a lot of racist elements in their origins. Are you doing anything to combat or alleviate those concerns in your book?

    JB: Stories often dehumanize them, so I try to do the opposite. I think I have a very character-driven style of storytelling, and a lot of the time I try to give the point of view of as many people as I can in the story.

    There are five issues. Three of them have the Robins, and then eventually we get to my 2nd favourite team up, which is with Talia and it’s done from her perspective. The main goal was to try to give her more of a voice, because you start this story with a kid who tells you “My parents are messed up,” he was essentially raised to kill people, but we see how she was raised too, and the faults that she can see in her father’s philosophy.

    Ra’s gets a bit of that as well later on, but the main goal was, I want to make it so that when you start the story with Damian, he has a lot of preconceived ideas about both sides of his family, which make his relationships to everyone very difficult. Every adventure he has, he gets to understand things in a different light by the end of every story, and one of them was, “What is his relationship to his mom like?” And you get to see it from the mom’s point of view and understand that she loves her son, but there are a lot of complications that come from being raised by someone like Ra’s.

    Beyond that, this is an older Talia, more mature and less sexualized than the usual I’d say. As for Ra’s, I can’t say much, but a lot of what you see of him at first is rooted in Damian’s childlike, heightened, and scared perception. Just like the rest, it gets explored later.

  6. #36

  7. #37
    Astonishing Member signalman112's Avatar
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  8. #38

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  10. #40

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