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  1. #196
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    Hmmm the sheer thoroughness of that made me want to re-write mine.

    Name: Elizabeth Stillwell (doesn't have an alias)
    Age: looks 20s but her calender age is over 140, was 27 when buried.
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: As a grey face, Elizabeth didn't go out in public so she didn't have a proper occupation.
    Allegiance: Clan Akkaba

    Like many of Apocalypse's descendants Elizabeth has far greater strength and toughness than any ordinary human. As a child, she discovered she had the ability to sprout rather large and blades from her forearms, but didn't display much else while growing up.

    During the Dracula fight Elizabeth realized she could fire some sort of energy blasts from her blades. When she does so her eyes glow red. She can do this either as beams or thrown energy blades.

    She also started to subconsciously use a psionic power to conceal her presence from others. This doesn't work on machines and has a limited range, but anyone one in range will see her as she wants to be seen whether they are looking at her directly or seeing an image of her. Some powers (like telepaths) may be able to sense this though.

    She has an enhanced longevity to some degree. The hibernation thing is something she can't consciously choose to activate... and doesn't know how to trigger. When it does trigger she falls into a sleep where she doesn't need to eat, breathe, or drink.

    The elite inner circle of the Clan Akkaba are jerks in a continual power struggle. Elizabeth was never part of that. Her personal ambitions were not so grandiose, she just wanted to take care of the every day minutiae of the clan not to lead the clan as "The Fittest".

    Elizabeth was born a grey face. So, at birth it was quite obvious she was a Mutant. She looked nearly normal, except having grey skin and blue hair and lips. She wasn't one of those seen as being one of the strongest, since, despite being a grey face, and having super strength, she didn't have the metamorphic and stretching powers. So she got relegated to being one of the "lesser" members.

    Then, in 1897, when when Dracula attacked Clan Akkaba's Alexandria House, Elizabeth ended up getting seen as expendable and not targeted as one of those most important to take out or turn. She subconsciously activated her latent illusion power to hide, and got buried in rubble instead of killed or turned.

    After getting buried she went into a sort of hibernation coma that lasted until she got awoken in the modern age. But in the mean time, the damage to the building was repaired, so she was tucked out of sight behind a wall. For over 100 years she slept there in hibernation. Then in modern times the building was wrecked and she woke up.

    She wakes up to a world she doesn't recognize, but immediately feels a tug pulling her to go somewhere. Though she doesn't know where or why, she suspects it will lead her to the Clan or Apocalypse. So she follows it. She subconsciously wills the people around her to see her as a normal person, though her idea of "normal" is 1897 fashions.

    Eventually she gets to Krakoa and quickly finds that yes, in fact, Apocalypse IS there. But she also runs into several people who get annoyed that she's using an illusion to hide her appearance.

    The second question is who she is. While that's being answered, Apocalypse shows up. He immediately recognizes her, though not by name, and quickly decides that the mere fact she's still alive is enough proof of her "fitness".

    Picture: well... this is the Inner Council member she was based on:
    Real pity almost all of the Inner Council got killed off, they had some NEAT character designs! 9 out of 13 are literally un-named cannon-fodder though. :/
    Last edited by marhawkman; 04-16-2023 at 04:11 PM.

  2. #197
    Cosmic Curmudgeon JudicatorPrime's Avatar
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    Created this for another site, but figured that I might as well post here, too. Her name is Dragon Mist, an Amalgam universe composite of Misty Knight and Moondragon.

    Origin Story

    Misty Knight was bitten and infected with the evil essence of the Dragon of the Moon as a child. The venom ravaged her tiny form, ultimately resulting in her losing an arm. The possession also awakened Misty's latent mutant telepathic and psychokinetic abilities. If you've seen the movie, The Exorcist, then you have a tiny inkling of the sheer hell that Misty endured.

    Misty's parents, after years of trying various methods to cure her, stumbled upon the legend of the mystical city of K'un L'un and the purifying powers of Shao-Lao, the mortal enemy of the Dragon of the Moon. Misty's parents would make the ultimate sacrifice in the journey to K'un L'un, perishing in the attempt. Recovered by the monks of K'un L'un, Misty was cured of the Dragon of the Moon's influences and ultimately trained to be a living weapon against the forces of evil.


    *Tactile telepathy, pre- and post-cognition
    *Telekinesis that works in conjunction with Dark Force "shadow-kinesis" acquired from the Dragon of the Moon; whenever she uses this power, an ebony energy dragon manifestation appears
    *Enhanced healing, including the ability to heal others
    *Psionic energy negation, permitting her to cancel the psionic powers of others in her vicinity
    *Superhuman physical attributes including longevity, strength, stamina, speed, senses, reflexes, mental processing and reaction time courtesy of the blood of Shao-Lao that flows through her
    *Misty is also able to speak in the ancient tongue of the dragons. Because she is infused with Shao-Lao's blood, she is revered as the mighty dragon itself and has the ability to mystically summon and control all lesser dragons
    *A vicious "Dragon Venin" which is 99.9% lethal to even someone with the Wolverine's healing factor; Misty can deliver the toxin a number of ways, but her favorite is to create a mist which causes those around her to instantaneously drop dead

    Weapons & Paraphernalia

    *Misty owns one of the mystical Shadow Cloaks that allows her to teleport and houses various weapons
    *Misty was gifted a prosthetic arm called Spell Breaker comprised of unknown, nigh-indestructible materials by the priests of K'un L'un. The arm has several mystical abilities of its own, including the ability to punch through magical shields and deflect magic-based energy assaults.


    *On Amalgam Earth, as a child Dragon Mist's parents established an arranged betrothal to Apocalypse. The covenant was broken when Misty killed Apocalypse on the night of his "proposal." She is still referred to as "The Black Bride" and/or "The Ebon Empress" by those who are loyal to Apocalypse.
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  3. #198
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    Hmmm wow, that is quite a diverse power set.

  4. #199
    Julian Keller Supremacy Rift's Avatar
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    I forgot to share this guy. Recipro the Shadow-Stealer is an Arakki umbrakinetic. He can also steal any shadow and add them to his arsenal. He used thousands of shadows to create hos own floating island.
    Quote Originally Posted by JB View Post
    Hellion is the talk of the boards and rightfully so.

  5. #200
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    I always wanted a mutant who had the power to turn into anything they touch.

  6. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pascal View Post
    I always wanted a mutant who had the power to turn into anything they touch.
    I've always liked that power, less in the Absorbing Man, but quite a bit in Amazing Man from DC, or Mutants & Masterminds' Knock-Off (who could not only turn into rock or metal by touching rock or metal, but also water, air, or even light!). Such a versatile power! Touch metal, now I'm a tank. Turn into air, now I'm flying and intangible. Turn into light, now I can fly around and blind people!

    (It's also fun to limit it by a theme. A mutant who can turn into solid, liquid or gas forms, but only those she's already composed of. Solid bone. Liquid blood. Gaseous breath. Not quite as tough as turns to metal, nor as sneaky as turns to water, but still has much of the same utility, along a much tighter theme.)

    But I also want the opposite, a mutant who can turn anyone they touch into *them.* Sort of the anti-Rogue. "Instead of stealing your memories, I replace yours with mine. Every time they hit someone in a fight, that person turns into another copy of them and starts fighting on their side! Tag, you're it! And you. And you two. And anyone you touch, too, because everyone I touch also gets my *power,* to turn anyone *they* touch into a copy of me!

    Too bad, like Rogue, it only lasts 1:60, so if I smack you for a second, it lasts about a minute, and if I really hold on for a whole minute, it lasts an entire hour.

    Hopefully, unlike Rogue, it can't become permanent if I hold on to long..."
    Last edited by Sutekh; 04-29-2023 at 10:19 AM.

  7. #202
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    Hmmm... well I did Elizabeth Stillwell earlier... but what of the rest of the Clan Akkaba council? Yeah, we still have 8 more of them. Hmm... this one is a short, slender guy who's presumably an adult, but MUCH smaller than Margaret Slade.


  8. #203
    Julian Keller Supremacy Rift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    I've always liked that power, less in the Absorbing Man, but quite a bit in Amazing Man from DC, or Mutants & Masterminds' Knock-Off (who could not only turn into rock or metal by touching rock or metal, but also water, air, or even light!). Such a versatile power! Touch metal, now I'm a tank. Turn into air, now I'm flying and intangible. Turn into light, now I can fly around and blind people!

    (It's also fun to limit it by a theme. A mutant who can turn into solid, liquid or gas forms, but only those she's already composed of. Solid bone. Liquid blood. Gaseous breath. Not quite as tough as turns to metal, nor as sneaky as turns to water, but still has much of the same utility, along a much tighter theme.)

    But I also want the opposite, a mutant who can turn anyone they touch into *them.* Sort of the anti-Rogue. "Instead of stealing your memories, I replace yours with mine. Every time they hit someone in a fight, that person turns into another copy of them and starts fighting on their side! Tag, you're it! And you. And you two. And anyone you touch, too, because everyone I touch also gets my *power,* to turn anyone *they* touch into a copy of me!

    Too bad, like Rogue, it only lasts 1:60, so if I smack you for a second, it lasts about a minute, and if I really hold on for a whole minute, it lasts an entire hour.

    Hopefully, unlike Rogue, it can't become permanent if I hold on to long..."
    Have you ever seen Miraculous Ladybug? One of the villains, Reflekta, can turn peoplw into other versions of herself.
    Quote Originally Posted by JB View Post
    Hellion is the talk of the boards and rightfully so.

  9. #204
    Astonishing Member Arachne's Avatar
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    LOL I love Miraculous, and that episode was hilarious. Who knew Cat Noir could walk in heels?

  10. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rift View Post
    Have you ever seen Miraculous Ladybug? One of the villains, Reflekta, can turn peoplw into other versions of herself.
    I have not, but that sounds pretty cool! I mainly imagined this character as 'the Reverse Rogue' and came up with it as part of a 'negative X-Men.'

    Reverse Cyclops, for instance, instead of having eyes that shot stuff out when he opened his eyes, sucked stuff in uncontrollably when he opened his mouth, like there was a black hole in there, and had to wear a special mask over his mouth to keep the vortex from destroying stuff if he got face punched or stepped on a Lego or something and his mouth cracked open.

    And I don't have any idea what powers Reverse Wolverine would have (probably exactly like Omega Red, death aura and floppy arm-tentacles rather than regeneration and stiff claws), but he would say of Reverse Cyclops, "And there's our fearless leader, who has the mutant power to suck really hard..."

    Last edited by Sutekh; 04-30-2023 at 10:57 AM.

  11. #206
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    your reverse cyclops sounds like the one version of Xorn whose face pulled the world around him inside his face.

  12. #207
    Julian Keller Supremacy Rift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    I have not, but that sounds pretty cool! I mainly imagined this character as 'the Reverse Rogue' and came up with it as part of a 'negative X-Men.'

    Reverse Cyclops, for instance, instead of having eyes that shot stuff out when he opened his eyes, sucked stuff in uncontrollably when he opened his mouth, like there was a black hole in there, and had to wear a special mask over his mouth to keep the vortex from destroying stuff if he got face punched or stepped on a Lego or something and his mouth cracked open.

    And I don't have any idea what powers Reverse Wolverine would have (probably exactly like Omega Red, death aura and floppy arm-tentacles rather than regeneration and stiff claws), but he would say of Reverse Cyclops, "And there's our fearless leader, who has the mutant power to suck really hard..."


    Or Miroku from Inuyasha, except his black hole is on one of his hands.
    Quote Originally Posted by JB View Post
    Hellion is the talk of the boards and rightfully so.

  13. #208
    Ultimate Member marhawkman's Avatar
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    Let's do #6 now. He's the only one other than the named characters who we actually see manifest powers.

    Hmm stabby metal arm...

  14. #209
    Astonishing Member Mutant God's Avatar
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    Name: Samuel Stark
    Codename: Iron King or Iron Head
    Power: Technopathy, Red Metal skin, and Energy Manipulation
    Bio: The son of Tony Stark and Emma Frost who comes from the future to stop a plot by the Orchis

  15. #210
    Better than YOU! Alan2099's Avatar
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    (Formerly "Sleepy Hollow" until team mates started calling him "Sleepy"

    Ichabod (realname: Alvin "Vince" Reader) is a brooding, grungy teenager with a love of all things dark and mysterious, Ichabod tends to be aloof and introverted, preferring the company of his own thoughts and solitude rather than large groups. Despite his goth aesthetic and antisocial tendencies, Ichabod is a good person at heart, and often goes out of his way to try to befriend whoever he seems to be the biggest outcast of the group.

    When Ichabod uses his powers, his head turns into a flaming energy form capable of flying and shooting fireballs. During this time, his body fades away, basically looking like somebody has just decapitated The Human Torch.

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