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  1. #1
    Retired Admin (1998-2020) Matt's Avatar
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    Talking Doctor Who IV - Everything Whovian - Would you like a jelly baby?


    As most of you know, I love Doctor Who. I own an embarrassing amount of Doctor Who stuff and have even been able to meet a few Who actors.
    Luckily, I know that quite a few CBR Community folks are also Whovians - both classic series and modern. And, to be blunt, it doesn't matter in the least if you're a decades long fan who grew up with tales of the Zarbi or you only caught onto the series because you thought David Tennant was hot - if you like Doctor Who, then welcome!

    Let's face it, the series has had it's high points and low - but even some of the worst of Who possesses great redeeming features. I'm not a big fan of the 1996 movie, for example; the script was pretty bad while the Eric Roberts version of The Master was embarrassing. BUT I still maintain that the 1996 theme and the TARDIS interior were both fantastic, while McGann put in a pretty strong performance considering what he had to work with.

    So come on in, tell us who your favourite Doctor is. Your favourite theme! Your favourite companion! Best story! Share your Who collection, that would be pretty great!
    "Let me guess. My theories appall you, my heresies outrage you, I never answer letters, and you don't like my tie!"
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  2. #2
    Fantastic Member areacode212's Avatar
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    Never met any Who actors, but I did get to see them filming "The Angels Take Manhattan" two years ago, which was pretty thrilling. I've been a fan since catching some 5th Doctor episodes on Canadian TV in the 80s, so as much as some fans give "Warriors of the Deep" and "Time-Flight" a lot of crap, they have a special place for me.

    Favorite Doctors: from the classic era, Davison, Tom Baker and Pertwee are my favorites (though I like all of them, except McCoy). From the new era, I'll go with Matt Smith as my favorite, despite any issues I have with the Moffat era (and I have many).

  3. #3
    Superior Spider-Fan SpOck's Avatar
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    My favorite Doctors are Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Christopher Eccleston, and Matt Smith. I like all of them, though.

  4. #4
    Mighty Member Vworp Vworp's Avatar
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    I think Helen A would approve of the new forum.

    Happiness will prevail!

    As for me, been a fan for... let's say some years. I've met a few Docs at signings and stuff. And I saw both Pertwee and Colin Baker in 'The Ultimate Adventure' stage play, waaaaaay back when. Fave Docs; Old Who - Sixie; New Who - Eleven.

    Oh yeah, and I was in Trafalgar Square last year when they were filming for DotD. Which was cool.
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  5. #5
    All-New Member Quarterwolf's Avatar
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    I love Doctor Who and Torchwood. I started with the 9th Doctor and have seen every episode since. I also watched all of Torchwood. I love them both and also hated Gwen. what a whiny Character. She was to be our point of view character? I loved Ianto and Jack. My favorite companions were Rory, Martha and Amy, in that order.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The angels have the phone box...

  7. #7
    BANNED Crimson Knight's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    Any clearer idea than Autumn 2014 for Season 8 to begin?

  8. #8
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Favorite Doctor- Tom Baker

    Favorite Story- The Impossible Astronaut/ Day of the Moon

    Favorite Companion- Amy & Rory

    I watched a few classic episodes on Netflix, and enjoyed it, although in retrospect it may be better to watch it in some kind of order. I caught up on the relaunch around Series 4.

    And since then I've also seen more classic episodes, which seem to get better the more familiar I am with the characters. I particularly enjoyed the five serial stretch from the Deadly Assassin to the Horror on Fang Rock (which also included the Talons of Wang Chieng and Robots of Death.)
    Thomas Mets

  9. #9
    Ultimate Member Deathstroke's Avatar
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    I'm still hoping that I'll be able to meet Colin Baker in November.
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    "I can't complain. I got to be Jim Morrison for the first half of my life, and Ward Cleaver for the second half." - Warren Zevon.

  10. #10
    Surfing With The Alien Spike-X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Knight View Post
    Any clearer idea than Autumn 2014 for Season 8 to begin?
    Nothing more specific than August so far, I don't think.

  11. #11
    Wally 'Ginger' West fan
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    Along one of the Birkeland Currents that traverse the Milky Way. I forget the exact cross streets.


    Favorite Doctor...oh man....Um... I really love Two's , Ten's , Eleven's ,
    That's the lovely thing about the Doctor. No matter what mood I'm in for the day I can find a Doctor who fits it.

    (Licorice sticks. I was wanting to do all the Doctor's, but there is a three smilie limit! Confused Five, big grin Four...)
    Parental care is way exhausting. Gained insight into what my parents went through when I was a baby. Not fun, but what ya gonna do? (Read comics, obviously.)

  12. #12
    Spectacular Member king mob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Knight View Post
    Any clearer idea than Autumn 2014 for Season 8 to begin?
    No, Don't expect any more firm news to come out for the next few months til probably around July. Broadcast dates are still around the August bank holiday weekend but it won't be before that. As for filming they're around halfway or so through the series filming so very much on schedule which is exactly what the BBC want so they can have an unbroken series to broadcast later this year.

  13. #13
    BANNED Crimson Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spike-X View Post
    Nothing more specific than August so far, I don't think.
    Ah, that's a shame to hear, would've liked something more solid, scratch cross the ol' calender, but, sure, at least that's something.

    I'm betting early, or middle, August - though part of me wants to say possibly late too, so shows how up in the air it is for me, ha ha!

    Thanks anyway, Spike-X, I appreciate it.

  14. #14
    All-New Member
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    My favorite Doctor Who is Matt Smith.

    I thought he did an amazing job at convincing us that he was an alien, not just an eccentric human. He was great at acting both young and old at the same time. And I thought he really was a maniac capable of anything, not just other people saying that.

  15. #15
    BANNED Crimson Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king mob View Post
    No, Don't expect any more firm news to come out for the next few months til probably around July. Broadcast dates are still around the August bank holiday weekend but it won't be before that. As for filming they're around halfway or so through the series filming so very much on schedule which is exactly what the BBC want so they can have an unbroken series to broadcast later this year.
    Hopefully it won't be too much longer, at least, until some episode titles roll in, official photos, from within show, or something big - like Davros or the Master returning!

    Am glad to know that, truthfully I am, as the breaks weren't too good through Seasons 6 and 7, so hopefully, if only Season 8, or for a fair bit of Capaldi era, will be bunch of well written, good acted, each week, episode series.

    That's be nice.

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