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  1. #31
    Fantastic Member devil leonx's Avatar
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    I have to say this is one friendly thread! been a while since I have seen that.

  2. #32
    Amazing Member TeenWonder's Avatar
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    The name is Aleksanteri (Alexander), I come from Finland.

    My very first experiences with Wonder-Woman were from DC Animated Universe, especially from Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. Always saw her as extremely interesting and strong character in her own right, seeing how she was extremely independent for a comic book woman. No need for Superman or Batman to save her, so I always saw her as extremely powerful character since many other female protagonists I had previously seen, were always extremely stereotypical women and they rarely affected the story. With Wonder-Woman in DCAU she had her own epic story arcs which made me like her even more.

    So that is my first impressions on Wonder Woman, it wasn`t until years later when I bought the first issue of New 52 Wonder-Woman run written by Brian Azzarello and oh my god I loved it. The plot was great, the characters were all deep and interesting and overall it gave me this sense of an epic adventure with Greek gods in it, just the way I had always wanted my Wonder-Woman story to be. I had read few issues before but they mainly resolved around with her being just in the human world so I never was too interested in that but with the Greek God mythos in Wonder-Woman I certainly began to love the comic book version of her. Azzarellos run is still one of my favorites in the New 52 and I can`t wait to get the last graphic novel from his run. Along with that I also began to read Straczynskis Wonder Woman Odyssey which was certainly interesting different kind of take on the character.

  3. #33
    Fantastic Member devil leonx's Avatar
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    Hello everyone , names Irving pleasure to meet ya all, I come from California I kind of have a hard time saying what my first experience with Diana is....the first thing that comes to mind is the Super friends cartoon I think and it was a random episode not sure what happened but Cheetah was in it and Diana fought her and beat her she had some scheme. it was fun and I enjoyed it but I was a kid I liked anything plus she was a pretty lady lol!

    BUT if I had to say my first big experience I think it was the Infinite crisis comic book and the fall out the trinity had especially with her killing maxwell lord. Than later on in IC, she ends up saving batman from making a mistake with the gun after Alex shot Night wing I think. than her kicking but in the first episodes in justice league was pretty awesome and I remember how touched I felt when Superman died it seemed and she was gonna knock Toy mans head off!

    Those are my first big experiences I would say, there are others that I love such as the animated movie and I enjoyed Brian new 52 take on Diana, kind of did not like she was not clay any more but now shes a full on demi god and I like that aspect. I wish she was a daughter of a amazon and a Titan not too many of those no??

    what is everyone favorite Wonder woman moment that captures her completely in your guys opinion? I am sure there are many!

  4. #34
    Fantastic Member devil leonx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanguard-01 View Post
    The name's Erik. I live in Florida.

    My first experience with Wonder Woman? I read comics as a kid and ended up taking a long hiatus for several years. I was exclusively a Marvel boy at the time, so once one of my friends convinced me to get back into comics, I naturally went back to Marvel books.....only to find the Marvel Universe I had known and loved as a kid had turned into a hideous mockery of everything I had loved about it previously. My friends had told me about the Civil War event that was happening, and it sounded absolutely awful to me. But, still, I held out hope. I was SURE that after Civil War was over everything would go back to the way it was supposed to be. I was SO sure, in fact, that I made my first Marvel purchase in years by buying Civil War #7 so I could just see this story end and watch as everything turned out alright in the end. I didn't even READ the book first. I just bought it and took it home to read it.

    Suffice to say, I was..........disappointed. The Marvel Universe was destroyed for me. Characters I'd known and loved for years were unrecognizable to me. The world was a dark and horrible place, and the heroes of the Marvel Universe flat-out FAILED to set everything right at the end. Hell, the REAL heroes flat out surrendered and/or went into hiding. I was shocked. Then, as I kept reading, my shock turned to anger. My anger turned to seething and enduring hatred. A hatred that has endured to this day. I don't know if I'll EVER learn to appreciate Marvel ever again.

    So, as I was increasingly unhappy about Marvel, I turned my attention elsewhere. I had always known about DC Comics, but I'd never given them much thought. So, I started on the most obvious books I could think of: Superman, Justice League, Teen Titans.......I had just enough money to buy one more. I saw Wonder Woman on the shelves. I won't lie to you, I think my main motivation for picking it up was seeing her on the cover and thinking "Well, at least she's hot." So I picked her up too. I didn't know a lot about her, obviously, but I started doing my research: reading back issues and visiting comic web sites for information about her.

    I quickly learned what an amazing character Wonder Woman was. A warrior who desires to end conflict and bring about world peace. A compassionate, merciful woman who saves the lives of friend AND foe alike. A redeemer who shows people a better way. An inspirational figure who encourages people to be more than they are. In short? The perfect balm to make me forget all about the Marvel Universe and its dark, depressing, hateful crap.

    I couldn't get enough of her. I still can't. Even her less-than-stellar runs appeal to me on at least SOME level. I'll never understand WHY the rest of the world has yet to realize how awesome this woman is. She was there for me during a very unpleasant time in my life, and she has my loyalty for life. And any writer who portrays her as weak, stupid, violent, incompetent, and/or in any way NOT the most powerful and important woman in all of comics earns my lasting enmity.

    Yeah, I'm a Wonder Woman fan, and if you don't like it? Screw you!
    Its great seeing people can still see an amazing character! I think most people have a problem with a strong sensitive female character and that may be why many people do not get her...perhaps its the costume to a degree.....but i love her suit do not go adding pants or other things....seems just wrong....than again I admit I like the female form....... also I notice a big number of ladies do not like Diana it seems...that makes me sad...or perhaps I just been to bad

  5. #35
    Fantastic Member devil leonx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmiMizuno View Post
    I have been a Wonder Woman fan for a while. My name is Angela, and I'm working on being a animator. I hope to one day do a Wonder Woman Series
    Hello Angela and that is a fine goal!! I have been wishing for a Wonder Woman animated series...I feel its just begging to be adapted and I am so sad it has not happened yet.

  6. #36
    Wonder Moderator Gaelforce's Avatar
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    A bit behind - welcome new folks Good to see fans finding their way to us!
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  7. #37


    I've always respected the character of Wonder Woman, but it's only recently that I really became a fan. I think it was the double-whammy of the Wonder Woman animated movie from a few years ago and the amazing Robert Valley Wonder Woman DC Nation shorts that brought me around. I was pretty heavy into comics back in the mid-'80s to early-'90s, but then got out of it. Now I'm back thanks to the convenience of the Comixology app. I started reading the current Wonder Woman series and was very impressed with it. So I decided to go back to her origins and get the early Sensation and Wonder Woman comics from the 1940s. Now I've bought every issue issue of the first run through 1986 that Comixology has available, and I'm working on the second run, the George Perez reboot from '86. I plan on buying every issue of Wonder Woman available digitally. I'm also buying the current Sensation Comics and Wonder Woman '77 (I was a teenager when the TV series was originally airing and had a crazy crush on Lynda Carter.) I love seeing what different writers and artists do with the character. To me she's the most interesting of DC's holy trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

  8. #38
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    My name is Drew I was born in 1970. I am a 45 year old male and I have been in love with Wonder Woman (especially Lynda Carter!) since I 1st saw WW on 1973 Super Friends cartoon! "Who is the beautiful brunette in the star-spangled bathing suit, tiara, and boots?" I wondered! I was hooked My 1st WW comic book came after that a green cover with a shrunken WW being held by tweezers! And of course in 1975 when I started kindergarten LYNDA CARTER debuted and I said "You mean Wonder Woman is REAL?!" I have been in love with Lynda for 40 years now. I don't remember seeing many of the WW TV episodes during their original run. I do remember getting a quesy feeling in my stomach WW TV nights having to watch it with my parents! I watched ALL the Super Friends episodes and loved WW on them but did not read many WW comics. *My favorite WW comic is Vol. 1 #230 "Claws of the Cheetah" introduced me to Priscilla Rich Cheetah (my favorite Cheetah and WW villain!) was set in 1940s and would have made a PERFECT ABC World War II Wonder Woman episode! Why was Cheetah never on the show? Baroness and Fausta were! #230 also introduced me to my favorite WW artist Jose Delbo! I hated when WW TV series was cancelled! CBS moved it to another night away from Diff'rent Strokes. Incredible Hulk ran another 3 years on CBS! I liked George Perez 1986 WW revamp but it still wasn't perect WW and I quit reading after he quit writing. Wonder Woman hasn't been same since. I watched her on JLU, Young Justice, and Brave and Bold cartoons and her DVD cartoon movie. And collected every WW action figure there's ever been and some dolls. I own WW TV series on DVD. Why hasn't there been a live-action WW TV show since 1979?! Lynda can never be replaced, but c'mon Xena Warrior Princess? Gal Gadot may be ok in upcoming movies but some kids today don't even know who Wonder Woman is! Forget New 52! 2015 is 40th anniversary of 1975 WW TV movie there better be a flood of Lynda Carter Wonder Woman merchandise! Same for WW's 75th in 2016! Wonder Woman was 1st comic book super heroine and still the best! She will always be my favorite heroine thanks especially to Lynda Carter! You're a wonder, Wonder Woman!

  9. #39
    Fantastic Member devil leonx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dcdrew View Post
    My name is Drew I was born in 1970. I am a 45 year old male and I have been in love with Wonder Woman (especially Lynda Carter!) since I 1st saw WW on 1973 Super Friends cartoon! "Who is the beautiful brunette in the star-spangled bathing suit, tiara, and boots?" I wondered! I was hooked My 1st WW comic book came after that a green cover with a shrunken WW being held by tweezers! And of course in 1975 when I started kindergarten LYNDA CARTER debuted and I said "You mean Wonder Woman is REAL?!" I have been in love with Lynda for 40 years now. I don't remember seeing many of the WW TV episodes during their original run. I do remember getting a quesy feeling in my stomach WW TV nights having to watch it with my parents! I watched ALL the Super Friends episodes and loved WW on them but did not read many WW comics. *My favorite WW comic is Vol. 1 #230 "Claws of the Cheetah" introduced me to Priscilla Rich Cheetah (my favorite Cheetah and WW villain!) was set in 1940s and would have made a PERFECT ABC World War II Wonder Woman episode! Why was Cheetah never on the show? Baroness and Fausta were! #230 also introduced me to my favorite WW artist Jose Delbo! I hated when WW TV series was cancelled! CBS moved it to another night away from Diff'rent Strokes. Incredible Hulk ran another 3 years on CBS! I liked George Perez 1986 WW revamp but it still wasn't perect WW and I quit reading after he quit writing. Wonder Woman hasn't been same since. I watched her on JLU, Young Justice, and Brave and Bold cartoons and her DVD cartoon movie. And collected every WW action figure there's ever been and some dolls. I own WW TV series on DVD. Why hasn't there been a live-action WW TV show since 1979?! Lynda can never be replaced, but c'mon Xena Warrior Princess? Gal Gadot may be ok in upcoming movies but some kids today don't even know who Wonder Woman is! Forget New 52! 2015 is 40th anniversary of 1975 WW TV movie there better be a flood of Lynda Carter Wonder Woman merchandise! Same for WW's 75th in 2016! Wonder Woman was 1st comic book super heroine and still the best! She will always be my favorite heroine thanks especially to Lynda Carter! You're a wonder, Wonder Woman!
    Welcome Drew!! always good to learn others share the same passion!

  10. #40
    Wonder Moderator Gaelforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dcdrew View Post
    My name is Drew I was born in 1970. I am a 45 year old male and I have been in love with Wonder Woman (especially Lynda Carter!) since I 1st saw WW on 1973 Super Friends cartoon! "Who is the beautiful brunette in the star-spangled bathing suit, tiara, and boots?" I wondered! I was hooked My 1st WW comic book came after that a green cover with a shrunken WW being held by tweezers! And of course in 1975 when I started kindergarten LYNDA CARTER debuted and I said "You mean Wonder Woman is REAL?!" I have been in love with Lynda for 40 years now. I don't remember seeing many of the WW TV episodes during their original run. I do remember getting a quesy feeling in my stomach WW TV nights having to watch it with my parents! I watched ALL the Super Friends episodes and loved WW on them but did not read many WW comics. *My favorite WW comic is Vol. 1 #230 "Claws of the Cheetah" introduced me to Priscilla Rich Cheetah (my favorite Cheetah and WW villain!) was set in 1940s and would have made a PERFECT ABC World War II Wonder Woman episode! Why was Cheetah never on the show? Baroness and Fausta were! #230 also introduced me to my favorite WW artist Jose Delbo! I hated when WW TV series was cancelled! CBS moved it to another night away from Diff'rent Strokes. Incredible Hulk ran another 3 years on CBS! I liked George Perez 1986 WW revamp but it still wasn't perect WW and I quit reading after he quit writing. Wonder Woman hasn't been same since. I watched her on JLU, Young Justice, and Brave and Bold cartoons and her DVD cartoon movie. And collected every WW action figure there's ever been and some dolls. I own WW TV series on DVD. Why hasn't there been a live-action WW TV show since 1979?! Lynda can never be replaced, but c'mon Xena Warrior Princess? Gal Gadot may be ok in upcoming movies but some kids today don't even know who Wonder Woman is! Forget New 52! 2015 is 40th anniversary of 1975 WW TV movie there better be a flood of Lynda Carter Wonder Woman merchandise! Same for WW's 75th in 2016! Wonder Woman was 1st comic book super heroine and still the best! She will always be my favorite heroine thanks especially to Lynda Carter! You're a wonder, Wonder Woman!
    Welcome aboard!
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  11. #41
    All-New Member AnaisStar's Avatar
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    Hi Im Chris. I live with my husband, a cat named Sydney (after Sydney Bristow from Alias) and our dog Hamlet/Hammie. We are outside of Boston currently.

    I fell in love with Wonder Woman when I was very little when the show was on the air. I am currently rediscovering a lot of my favorite things from my childhood and that includes my love for Wonder Woman. I'm rewatching the show currently, and look into all the Wonder Woman things Ive missed over the years. I'm a newbie per say, just returning home. LOL

    Wonder Woman was also my favorite on the Justice League cartoons on Saturday mornings when I grew up.

    When I used to play with the neighbor kids (I must have been 5 or 6) I always played as Wonder Woman.
    Last edited by AnaisStar; 07-26-2015 at 11:34 AM.

  12. #42
    Astonishing Member Old Man Ollie 1962's Avatar
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    Hello. Folks call me JD. I am new to the boards. And I am indeed an admirer of Wonder Woman. How many remember Cathy Lee Crosby playing Diana before Lynda Carter? But let's face, Lynda Carter WAS Wonder Woman. I even remember when Gloria Steinem urged DC to make Diana more contemporary and cosmopolitan. I simply couldn't read the title until DC came to its senses and brought back the Diana we all know and love. I liked George Perez on the title. Gail Simone wrote some evocative stories as well. Brian Azzarello's run entertained me too. You see, I love strong, intelligent women with sound ethics and a take no prisoners attitude, coupled with compassion and a sincere desire to make the world a better place. But Wonder Woman hails from a land of warrior women. And when Diana snapped Max Lord's neck (Wonder Woman Vol 2 #219) it was a cold, pragmatic decision on her part. It saved countless lives and freed Superman from Lord's nefarious control. Many Wonder Woman fans were repulsed by Diana's brutality. I wasn't. I knew a sacrifice had to be made. Only a warrior who possessed the fortitude and conviction could do what had to be done in that dire situation. Now I certainly didn't cheer when Max Lord died, but I understood it necessity of his death. I actually mourned for Diana. She is such an honorable person. And Diana herself knows full well there is no honor in the taking of a life. She is a compelling, iconic character. I sincerely hope her forthcoming appearances on the big screen do her justice.

  13. #43
    Mighty Member warzon's Avatar
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    Hi everyone my name is Marty.i reside in Cincinnati ohio.and I'm a huge fan of THE WONDER WOMAN FAMILY.i love me some Diana/Donna/Artemis/Nu'bia/ just to namw a few.i've purchased the tv shows from the 70's and the animated movie that came out awhile back and love to watch them while im cooking.with that being only hope for Diana and her family is that we get some WONDER MEN in her family.SUPERMAN has supergirl.superwoman.power girl and BATMAN has the huntress.catwoman.batgirl.batwoman.WONDER WOMAN needs a wonder boy.wonder man to ad to her family.maybe even bring back the Olympian and Hercules as the champion.i just want my girl to have equal justice as her counterparts in the dc universe.LOVE U DIANA.

  14. #44
    Son of the Purple Ray blueray's Avatar
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    Good evening. Wonder Woman fan from the UK.

    As a young wiper snapper my step-son would frequently ask me 'who is your favourite superhero?' to which I would reply 'i don't know. Batman?' Or to tease him: 'Spiderwoman?' He's a bit old for those questions now but my answer would certainly be: 'Wonder Woman' This conversion was certainly baptised by the reading of George Perez's run through the trade paperbacks.

    Sure, I'd be a bit embarrassed to admit that Wonder Woman was my favourite character to anyone but I guess, anyone seeing my book collection and the Superfriends figurine that pouts powerfully beside it would know the truth - whilst sparing my blushes.

    I love Wonder Woman because of her history - the ups and downs. The glorious Golden Age - those original stories are simply the best: quirky and occasionally perverse - a real feeling that anything could happen no matter how baffling. The Justice League cartoon - Superfriends! The Perez run!

    I hope to see the Amazon princess return to glory! Hola!

  15. #45
    Extraordinary Member Dr. Poison's Avatar
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    Welcome to all of our new Wonder-fans!
    Currently(or soon to be) Reading: Absolute Power, Batman/Superman: World's Finest, Birds of Prey, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Justice Society of America, Shazam, Titans, & Wonder Woman.

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