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  1. #1
    BANNED Tangent Man's Avatar
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    Talking Hola, Wonder Fans! Introduce yourselves!

    We have a thread about forum changes, Rules & Regulations, but let's see one for what makes the forum experience--the members! Please take a moment and introduce yourselves. Share about yourself and your love for Wonder Woman!

    My name is Andrew. I live in Savannah, GA, and I work in our local Tourism industry. I'm gay, a proud uncle of a beautiful niece and two adorable nephews, and the papa of the cutest cat!

    My first experience with Wonder Woman happened in a used bookstore in a sleepy GA college town owned by my Mom's best friend. At age 3, I saw a comic book cover with a colorful, powerful, black-haired beauty and I was hooked for life! The Lynda Carter series debuted around this time and intensified my love for Wonder Woman! Over the next 3 years, I spent Friday nights watching Wonder Woman (the notable exception was opening night of Star Wars), Saturday mornings watching Superfriends (and The Shazam/Isis Hour), and many hours in between reading multitudes of comic books.

    The cancellation of the show broke my heart, and John Schneider was a comely, but not quite as satisfying, replacement! I saw Wonder Woman trade her Eagle bustier for the Double W. Shortly thereafter, I traded Diana for the X-Men. As I neared adolescence, I identified with Claremont's outcasts, since I often felt that way myself. Shy, awkward, liked reading instead of sports or fishing, four-eyed, and eventually horrified that the kids in the playground probably meant me when they uttered the word "Faggot".

    Yeah, the X-Men were my speed then, since I FELT like a mutant...and at least I wasn't called a "sissy" for liking them!

    Eventually came the Crisis, though, with an intelligent reimagining of Diana by the wondrous George Perez. The new story brought a mature depth, rich mythology, and gorgeous art! Diana showed strength, innocence, wisdom, and power! After high school, I reclaimed Wonder Woman as a queer icon, even as I claimed my own sexual identity. Since then, I've stuck by Wonder Woman, loving or questioning many different interpretations.

    Admittedly, not the biggest fan of Azzarello, but that's more about what he did to her mythos. Hey, still love Wonder Woman herself, though! I'm glad that others here do, too! I

    I can't wait to hear from everyone else!
    Last edited by Tangent Man; 04-30-2014 at 10:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member Vanguard-01's Avatar
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    The name's Erik. I live in Florida.

    My first experience with Wonder Woman? I read comics as a kid and ended up taking a long hiatus for several years. I was exclusively a Marvel boy at the time, so once one of my friends convinced me to get back into comics, I naturally went back to Marvel books.....only to find the Marvel Universe I had known and loved as a kid had turned into a hideous mockery of everything I had loved about it previously. My friends had told me about the Civil War event that was happening, and it sounded absolutely awful to me. But, still, I held out hope. I was SURE that after Civil War was over everything would go back to the way it was supposed to be. I was SO sure, in fact, that I made my first Marvel purchase in years by buying Civil War #7 so I could just see this story end and watch as everything turned out alright in the end. I didn't even READ the book first. I just bought it and took it home to read it.

    Suffice to say, I was..........disappointed. The Marvel Universe was destroyed for me. Characters I'd known and loved for years were unrecognizable to me. The world was a dark and horrible place, and the heroes of the Marvel Universe flat-out FAILED to set everything right at the end. Hell, the REAL heroes flat out surrendered and/or went into hiding. I was shocked. Then, as I kept reading, my shock turned to anger. My anger turned to seething and enduring hatred. A hatred that has endured to this day. I don't know if I'll EVER learn to appreciate Marvel ever again.

    So, as I was increasingly unhappy about Marvel, I turned my attention elsewhere. I had always known about DC Comics, but I'd never given them much thought. So, I started on the most obvious books I could think of: Superman, Justice League, Teen Titans.......I had just enough money to buy one more. I saw Wonder Woman on the shelves. I won't lie to you, I think my main motivation for picking it up was seeing her on the cover and thinking "Well, at least she's hot." So I picked her up too. I didn't know a lot about her, obviously, but I started doing my research: reading back issues and visiting comic web sites for information about her.

    I quickly learned what an amazing character Wonder Woman was. A warrior who desires to end conflict and bring about world peace. A compassionate, merciful woman who saves the lives of friend AND foe alike. A redeemer who shows people a better way. An inspirational figure who encourages people to be more than they are. In short? The perfect balm to make me forget all about the Marvel Universe and its dark, depressing, hateful crap.

    I couldn't get enough of her. I still can't. Even her less-than-stellar runs appeal to me on at least SOME level. I'll never understand WHY the rest of the world has yet to realize how awesome this woman is. She was there for me during a very unpleasant time in my life, and she has my loyalty for life. And any writer who portrays her as weak, stupid, violent, incompetent, and/or in any way NOT the most powerful and important woman in all of comics earns my lasting enmity.

    Yeah, I'm a Wonder Woman fan, and if you don't like it? Screw you!
    Last edited by Vanguard-01; 05-04-2014 at 06:37 PM.
    Though much is taken, much abides; and though
    We are not now that strength which in old days
    Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,
    One equal temper of heroic hearts,
    Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
    To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

    --Lord Alfred Tennyson--

  3. #3
    Fantastic Member tx peppa's Avatar
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    Hi ya'll. I'm Patricia or just Pat. I'm from San Angelo, Texas.

    I'm a huge Rogue fan but since Marvel allowed her to be killed I have my other hero Wonder Woman who i have on my dashboard of my suv to remind me i can be strong everyday too like her. I'm also digging her boyfriend.
    I wanta be Rogue when i grow up.

  4. #4
    Amazonian Warrior aegisbearer's Avatar
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    Shalom, y'all! I'm from Florida, and I'm a writer of Greek mythology fantasy novels, two of which are out now (and the third will be out in January 2015). Huge Wonder Woman fan since I was 8 (over 30 years as a die-hard fan!).

    I'm looking forward to what happens with the future of Wonder Woman, both in the comics and in the movies. I can't guarantee I'll be on the boards a lot, but I will be around.

  5. #5
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    Brett, 47, Australia, kids Xander and Gwen, writer, teacher, science specialist, like Jimenez, don't like neck snapping, Steve Trevor is awesome, Tom Tresser is even more awesome.

    That's enough for you to go on with.

  6. #6
    Extraordinary Member AmiMizuno's Avatar
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    Angela, Become a Wonder Woman fan in watching many cartoons featuring her mainly Super Friends.

  7. #7
    Fantastic Member bob fett's Avatar
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    I'm a sucker for a strong female lead who can kick ass,and look beautiful doing it.Diana does it for me everytime.

  8. #8
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    Dshipp17 back. But my name is David. I'm a Christian. I'm a scientist by trade. I like Wonder Woman, the X-Men, the new She-Hulk, Dejah Thoris, Red Sonja, She-ra, and lots of comics. I'm interested in employment law. I'm in real estate and stock investing; my first cash out is on process.

  9. #9
    Fantastic Member devil leonx's Avatar
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    Hello All! Just a another Fan of the first greatest and most beautiful female Superhero of them all! Feels like I did this yesterday before the forum reset Is anyone a fan of the new 52 Wonder Woman??

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Hi I'm Cheetah. I joined around the time of the reboot. Nice to be finally a part of the community

  11. #11
    Astonishing Member
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    I'm Silvanus, but I'm not actually a Roman deity or nature spirit; I just wanted a pronounceable name that included the letters of my old CBR name, slvn.

    My real name is Brian, but I'm not actually Azzarello, though I've been asked that more than once; I just like his run of Wonder Woman, and I enjoy defending it against some of its smart critics around here. (But a couple of them seem to be missing since the reboot--AmericanWonder and RMan, where are you?)

    Some people figure that if you're a fan of Azzarello's run you probably followed him to the book, but I hadn't read most of his stuff (though I did like Architecture and Morality, his satire on attempt to rationalize the silliness out of a comicbook universe, a lot) before teh New 52, and I haven't even read all of his non-Wonder Woman stuff since. I've liked Wonder Woman since I was about seven or eight (1974-75), when someone gave me a Giant-Sized Edition of Marston's early issues. My interests in Wonder Woman and in mythology fed each other. I've gotten away from comics books a few times then, but I also find my way back, and when I come back I try to catch up on Wonder Woman's stories.

    Besides Marston's, my favorite run before Azzarello's was Rucka's. I also think Eric Luke's run seems to be somewhat underrated. I don't think I'll be able to dispassionately judge Azzarello's run until it has been over for awhile, but in all honesty, I haven't enjoyed Wonder Woman as much since I was a kid with that Giant Sized Edition, and I've never anticipated each new issue as much. It's not just a comic, it's a quirky curriculum--it's led me to google and learn about a rambunctious London soccer club, the reputation of gin, the Siberian Taiga, and a schizophrenic rocker, among other things.
    Last edited by Silvanus; 05-12-2014 at 06:26 AM.

  12. #12


    Hello everyone! It feels good to be back!

    About me.... Uh... I'm greek and a big DC fan.

  13. #13
    Not a Brony. -_-
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    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada


    Greetings everyone. My real name is Rob. (Go figure.) I am in Ontario, Canada and I've been a fan since the Perez reboot in 1987.

    My first exposure to her was probably like that of most fans, that of the Superfriends (or any animated story). I watched some of the live action television series with Lynda Carter but it didn't inspire me then, and still doesn't now. Through comics, I first noticed her in the Justice League.

    I was always more of a Firestorm fan, but gradually my interest shifted towards Diana as my favourite character. George Perez really developed the long lost amabassador to man's world concept. Diana's mission drove the book for a long time. Here was a character who was a woman first and a warrior second. Try and solve a problem through dialogue but when that failed, finish the problem with measured force.

    Now it seems the warrior aspect is first and foremost and the feminine part of her character is recessed. That said, I am enjoying Azzarello's run on the title. I like the updated origin with her as the daughter of Zeus. Very rich ground for storytelling. The best thing about Azzarello's tenure is the fact that the book hasn't been hijacked by every stupid crossover that DC comes up with. (Sometimes the Bat titles are painful to read because of crossovers).

    I'm not too thrilled with the depiction of her character in the DC OAV Justice League: War. Specifically the naivete of the character and obliviousness to proper conduct, such as threatening an ice cream vendor by pointing her sword at him and demanding a sample. However, I couldn't complain about the action and the fight sequences. Lets hope they improve her character for the next Justice League video.

  14. #14
    Extraordinary Member Dr. Poison's Avatar
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    I'm Dr. Poison(formerly Power Guy). My first name is Vince and I hail from Green Bay, WI but I've lived in a few different cities over the course of my life, most notably New York City and Chicago. I've been a Wonder Woman fan since the late 70s as I grew up watching the live-action TV show along with the Super Friends cartoon. I'm a big fan of the more classic elements of Wonder Woman's world such as Steve Trevor, Cheetah, the Invisible Plane, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Giganta, Dr. Psycho, Queen Clea, and obviously, Dr. Poison. I'm really enjoying Charles Soule's Superman/Wonder Woman book. I'm happy to be interacting with Wonder-fans old and new.
    Currently(or soon to be) Reading: Absolute Power, Batman/Superman: World's Finest, Birds of Prey, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Justice Society of America, Shazam, Titans, & Wonder Woman.

  15. #15
    Amazing Member Jay Kay's Avatar
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    Okay--name's Jared, 25, in Arizona. My first experience with the character was probably from the Justice League cartoon. I remember liking her well enough there--the "stranger in a strange land" thing with her was neat and she always had some great, badass moments.

    The first book that really got me interested in the character--and don't laugh--was Dark Knight Strikes Again. Yes, Miller's take on her in All-Star Batman & Robin was...a bit grating (though I think he was building up a character arc for her, but sadly I don't think we'll ever see it), but she was strong, regal, caring and compassionate. The moment that I think really sold me on her was where she kept her daughter out of the battle with Brainiac, telling her to "see what her mom can do," and then we get a double page spread of her riding a Pegasus and throwing down lightning, like a modern Greek God making her presence felt. Between that and the big scene afterward where she helps the dying Captain Marvel, I had truly learned to love the character.

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