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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member Global Honored's Avatar
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    Default Marvel Comics Recommendations

    New to Marvel? Just getting into a character or team and want to read back over their best back issues? Need to know where to start or what collections to pick up?

    Well here is the best place to ask for MARVEL recommendations and also give your input on comics you dig and think other fans will too.

    Proceed with the requests and recommendations!

  2. #2
    All-New Member
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    Default Comic recommendations for a particular taste

    I had a topic up yesterday, but it seems the site has been redone and all the posts are gone! So I'll try to summarize what I said then, here. Here are things that I'm looking for:

    -I need a comic that, while it doesn't need to be FULL of violence, I need it to not be too cartoonish. If people are fighting, there needs to be blood, if someone's about to win, I'd prefer they not get tossed in jail or fly off into out space and preferably get pulverized or killed brutally (READ: it is not necessary, I'm only saying final battles are always more epic. I'll read any comic). These are superpowered or weaponized people, it needs to be realistic.

    -I'm a big fan of Batman comics, and of course particularly love the joker. Due to Arkham City, I also like szaz. Disturbed bad guys are a plus. I also randomly read X-Force and loved it.

    - realistic art is more preferable. I read All-Star Superman, and while the story was very good, the art style was a little too cartoony for me. Again I enjoyed the read, and as another example I also read "killing joke", which the art was leaning towards the "outdated" (IMO, doesn't mean it's bad) style, but the story was so good that it didn't matter.

    - story matters most. Anything I've said can be reduced if it is a good story, I'm just trying to narrow it down.

    -not too much outer space please. I can handle things going on near earth, but if a comic is mostly way out there and generally always there, it's going to need a very interesting story or it's going to lose me.

    - I love the x-men, avengers, batman, Nightwing, wolverine, his son dakken (I NEED to find those comics, especially where they fight), magneto, cyborg, death stroke, Teen Titans (liked the CN show a lot, comics are probably different). They are all great, I've seen them in so many forms of games and movies, I want to read the best of the source material, the comics. IMPORTANT!!: I have read pretty much none of the comics of anyone I mentioned above, so recommendations for them are very welcome.

    I'm open to all recommendations, these are only what I prefer. As I said, I enjoyed AS-Superman, but disturbing enemies and heroes with personal problems are more interesting. Punisher and Batman more than Superman and Wonderwoman. I WILL read supes if it's good, not crossing anything out. Any ideas?
    Last edited by TheDarkKnight16; 04-30-2014 at 06:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Astonishing Member FanboyStranger's Avatar
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    Daredevil: Born Again.

  4. #4
    Incredible Member CrazyOldHermit's Avatar
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    Dunno if you saw my post in the last thread:

    Garth Ennis' Punisher MAX is right up your alley.

    The violence is orgasmic. Strangulation with barbed wire, fingers getting hacked off, jumper cables on someone's balls, an arm getting chopped off with an axe, cheeks being bitten off, eyeballs getting torn out, hands getting lopped off with machetes, a man being grabbed by the ankle and smashed against the ground until he's a pulpy mess, a man tied to the chair and set on fire, a woman being thrown face first into a reinforced window until it pops out of the frame and Nick Fury beating a man with a belt. All that on top of the typical shootings and bombings. It's amazing.

    The artwork is very good as well. Three of the ten arcs are drawn by Goran Parlov and while his art is cartoony it's a messy kind of cartoony. The rest of the artwork is very detailed and realistic, with Leandro Fernandez in particular delivering some stunning work.

  5. #5


    The new Elektra series might be to your liking. The art is great and violence goes hand in hand with the title character.

  6. #6
    forging evil plans victorxd1999's Avatar
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    Like I said before, Remender's Marvel stuff especially Venom and Uncanny X-Force. Warren Ellis' Thunderbolts. Avengers arena/Undercover by Hopeless and Thor god of thunder by Aaron

  7. #7
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    Default Completely fallen behind on Marvel books, recs?

    Was reading a fair few books (mostly X-Men stuff, Punisher and some of Daredevil & Hawkeye but I lost interest) last year but a while back I stopped reading comics for months and have only just been focusing on catching up on DC/indie/manga stuff till now. Any recs? From what I hear all the buzz is about Ms Marvel and Ghost Rider at the moment, though I don't know anything about the books other than seeing a few scanned panels here and there.

    Last thing I really enjoyed from Marvel was Gillen's Journey Into Mystery, though Young Avengers didn't look that interesting to me so I never bothered. Favourite DC books at the moment are Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing, Action Comics and Batman if that helps (would throw in a few more but I'm behind on Green Arrow and Red Lanterns too and Eternal and 'tec have only just gotten going).

  8. #8
    Astonishing Member
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    Off the top of my head:

    - Al Ewing's Loki: Agent of Asgard is a good spiritual heir to JiM.
    - Ellis's Moon Knight is a no-brainer (since you cited Batman).
    - Charles Soule's She-Hulk
    - Ales Kot's Secret Avengers? (Haven't read this one yet, but I imagine it's good)
    - All-New X-Factor, can't go wrong with PAD
    - X-Men Legacy vol. 2 was fantastic, and was basically a Vertigo X-Men. Si Spurrier now writes X-Force, which I haven't read yet.
    Last edited by Kid A; 05-01-2014 at 08:11 AM.

  9. #9


    Gillen's Young Avengers.

    Ewing's Loki: Agent of Asgard.

    Spurrier's X-Men: Legacy.

    Fraction's Hawkeye.

    PAD's All-New X-Factor.

    Spurrier's X-Force.

    Aaron's Thor: God of Thunder.

  10. #10
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    Heard a lot of good thing about Ewing's Loki and Spurrier's X-Men Legacy, so I'll give that a try. Had no idea Ellis was on Moon Knight at the moment, I was reading his Superhero Trilogy at Avatar Press last and I'll give that a bash.

    Don't know a thing about PAD's All-New X-Factor, what's the premise behind that?

  11. #11
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    I would suggest picking up Daredevil again, either from where you left off or the new #1. If anything, it's only gotten more consistent and focused with Samnee's art.

    X-Men Legacy is a stealth masterpiece and I hope people are still reading it in twenty years, for serious.

    In terms of current X-stuff, I dunno. I imagine by now you probably know whether you want to catch up on Bendis' books, which are a pretty big commitment. Maybe try Latour and Asrar on Wolverine & the X-Men? I haven't read it yet but I do love that cast and love-love-loved the book it's relaunching.

    Definitely try Ales Kot on War Machine and Secret Avengers. One of the most exciting new writing talents in comics right now.

  12. #12
    All-New Member Summers's Avatar
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    Default Coming over from X

    Ive drifted in and out of Avengers books, mostly for the big cross overs, Civil War, Secret Invasion AVX most recent. I haven't read anything avengers related post Marvel now. I picked up Uncanny Avengers & Avengers first issues. & plan on catching up with the rest of the MarvelU outside the X bubble, this summer. Are there any other books i should be reading alongside Uncanny Avengers & Avengers. I do plan on getting some solo books, but im going to try focus on getting through these 2 first.

  13. #13
    Spectacular Member Loulou's Avatar
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    New Avengers goes pretty hand in hand with Avengers, so I'd suggest that one too.

    I really liked Avengers Assemble too. From I think 9-25, most of the issues are written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, and I found them to be lots of fun. Particularly her first 5 and last 5.

  14. #14
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    I've heard that the first few issues of the new Daredevil were better than the first few from before, so yeah, I probably will just forget about catching up on the first run and skip to the #1 at some point.

    Not entirely sure if I want to catch up on the Bendis stuff either, I stopped reading before it hit... what was it, Children of the Atom, Battle of the Atom? Right after Frazer Irving had finished drawing some issues. Had great art but a lot of it was really a slow burn.

    I've picked up the first volume of Kot's Zero and read his Wild Children, Change and those couple Suicide Squad issues he did, so I'm not unfamiliar with him. I just really don't care at all about the cast in either books, so that's what's been putting me off giving those a shot.

  15. #15


    All-New Doop \m/

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