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  1. #61
    Extraordinary Member vitruvian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Username taken View Post
    More controversial opinions:

    I read Avengers and X-men comics. Some of us are Marvel fans and don't subscribe to the absurd division of fan bases
    Is that really controversial? I've always read Avengers, X-Men, a bunch of other Marvel, a bunch of DC (less now since New 52 but still some, really liking Multiversity), and a fair amount of Dark Horse/Image/Independents. I was a huge Claremont/Byrne fan back in the day, and am actually quite enjoying most of Bendis' work on the X-titles despite the occasional nitpick.

  2. #62
    Astonishing Member Captain M's Avatar
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    Avengers Arena is the best thing ever.

  3. #63
    Astonishing Member Of Atlantis's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention one big one

    It really bothers me when it's really obvious when anyone except the writer gets involved with stories, like when Quesada forced OMD and had JMS be the fall guy. Or when Axis retconned Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's ancestry and had Remender take the heat. It's unfair that the writers have to "make something work" so to speak and they take the blame for it. Would really appreciate more creative freedom for the writers instead of working out a predetermined plot.

  4. #64
    Astonishing Member Overhazard's Avatar
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    Well, okay, here we go.

    Guardians 3000 is the best space book marvel has currently. It's challenging, interesting sci-fi, not goofy sci-fi like the other space books marvel has these days. I like goofy, but sometimes you want more meat. Dan Abnett has done more with the Guardians in five months than Bendis has in two years.

    I like Captain Marvel, but it doesn't really feel like Carol's book is going anywhere.

    Fan wars are stupid, but I feel like Richard Rider fans got slapped in the face with Bendis half-explanation as to why he didn't escape the cancerverse.

    Chris Yost should write Spider-Man after Slott leaves the book. He's earned it.

    I like inhumans more than mutants.

    If I come up with anymore I'll post them.

  5. #65
    Astonishing Member Myetche's Avatar
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    *Everything about the X-Men books is just one contradiction and double-standard after another, and nothing actually gets done towards improving mutant/human relationships because all the mutants are too busy trying to kill each other. Any character that isn't directly connected to Xavier, Magneto, Cyclops, Jean Grey, or Wolverine (especially "18-book-appearances-per-month" Wolverine) is relegated to background/crowd filler and are often the first to die when the mutant battles need casualties, which ruins a lot of actually interesting characters. This applies to all superhero teams, but the X-Men are the worst at it

    *I'm all for Inhumans replacing mutants. The mutants had many chances and they blew it time and time again. Let's give another superpowered minority a chance to shine, if only for a while.

    *I never saw the appeal of the original Runaways. Personally, I think it's their idea that "all adults are evil boogeymen who can't be trusted" that turns me off. Also, I think people only like Molly because "OMG, look at my new silly hat! Ain't it silly?!".

    *Kamala Khan should NEVER join ANY superhero team for the reason I stated at the end of the first point. She needs to be more like Spidey in that she'll temporarily work with teams only if absolutely needed, but is otherwise a complete solo-act.

    *"Squirrel Girl beats everything" is a joke that needs to die.
    Last edited by Myetche; 03-03-2015 at 11:10 AM.
    She is Kamala Khan... The Magnificent Ms. Marvel!

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Overhazard View Post
    Guardians 3000 is the best space book marvel has currently. It's challenging, interesting sci-fi, not goofy sci-fi like the other space books marvel has these days. I like goofy, but sometimes you want more meat. Dan Abnett has done more with the Guardians in five months than Bendis has in two years.
    I doubt you're alone on this one. Hardly anyone is enjoying Bendis' Guardians, and Abnett's one of the best sci-fi writers out there.

  7. #67
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    Deadpool is a boring, unfunny, annoying character and the less he's featured the better. There I said it and I welcome your slings and arrows! Not really, please be nice!

  8. #68
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    Comic Books are fun.

  9. #69
    The good kind of noise SpiderOrange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitewolf View Post
    Deadpool is a boring, unfunny, annoying character and the less he's featured the better. There I said it and I welcome your slings and arrows! Not really, please be nice!
    I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this. He's never done or said anything funny to me. I don't get the draw.
    "This. Right here. This is where my life officially jumped the shark." Miles Morales
    "No, that was back on Cowboy world", Ultimate Cartoon Spidey
    ASM Vol 3, #12

  10. #70
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    Peter Parker doesn't need to have the suckiest life to be relatable

    Grant Morrison's handling of the Emma/Scott affair was shoddy and offensive especially when you take into account that Emma basically took advantage of him while he was suffering from PTSD.

    Cyclops and Storm are both excellent characters who suffer from bad writing from time to time.

    Kevin Smith's Evil That Men Do is a fairly enjoyable story if you leave out that stupid, stupid rape retcon

    Black Cat better as a hero

    Prowler deserves his own solo series

    Norman Osborn works better as a more sympathetic and tragic villain than a complete monster

  11. #71
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    Okay for real though.

    -The Inhumans should be able to play off of traditional X-Men sociopolitocal themes because no one has a monopoly on minority status and because of this paraphrased quote from Abraham Lincoln about General George McClellan:

    "If he is not using the army, I should like to borrow it for a while, provided they can actually be shown to something."

    -The fact that Dazzler is currently on speaking terms with Cyclops is rather disturbing.

    -I'm not very familiar with Silver-Age Gwen Stacy, but every version of her I've seen has been more 3-dimensional than any MJ I've seen.

    -I like Spider-Man and Storm as Avengers

    -The X-Men were never as good as they were when they were Astonishing.
    Last edited by ImprobableQuestion; 03-03-2015 at 12:00 PM.

  12. #72
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I also read both Avengers and X-Men .

  13. #73


    I love these threads. They spark such interesting discussions. Here are a few of mine.

    Tony Stark is better and more effective as Superior
    Beast is a complete hypocrite for condemning Cyclops for his inadvertent murder of Xavier, yet he willingly participates in the Illuminati
    Captain Marvel is better with longer hair and her old costume
    Nick Fury Jr. is superior to Nick Fury Sr.
    Wolverine does not belong or fit in with the Avengers
    The Avengers deserved to lose Avengers vs. X-men

    And finally...
    Peter Parker is not very likable and he's a very inept, irresponsible, selfish hero

    This is one that's actually fairly recent, but it's been brewing for a while now. Ever since Brand New Day, I find myself liking Peter Parker less and less. He's one of those characters that's just permanently regressive. It's not just because of his luck. He never seems to make any progress in his life or with his efforts as Spider-Man. His villains always seem to get stronger. His personal life never results in anything meaningful. Any time he ever accomplishes something, he seems doomed to mess it up. I can probably make some of the same criticisms towards Batman, but Batman has a clearly defined set of morals and he sticks to them. Peter just wings it. He's supposed to be so smart, but he never actually does anything to help the villains he fights or contain them. He never lets anyone else risk their necks for him, even when they want to. He tries to shoulder responsibility in a way that isn't responsible. It's downright self-deprecating.

    I know this is unpopular, but it is my opinion and I understand it's not shared by many.
    Join me on the official website for X-men Supreme, home of Marvel Universe 1015. Want a fresh take on X-men? Click below to enter the official home of Marvel at it's most Supreme!

    Or if you want, check out my YouTube channel, Jack's World.

  14. #74
    Amazing Member unfriendly's Avatar
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    Wolverine has generally been much more interesting as a less front-and-central character. His best appearances were in God Loves, Man Kills.

    Mutant Town is an amazing underexplored concept, and I'd love to see a comic that goes deep into the everyday lives of poor, non-human-passing, non-cool-powers-having mutants.

    The Scarlet Witch should have gone on trial for what she did, but that does not necessarily mean she should have been condemned outright.

    X-23 should have become Wolverine after Logan's death.

    Claremont's real masterpiece is Storm - at least, his up-until-Inferno version. (That's all I've read of Claremont.) Subsequent Storms have been mostly underwhelming, to say the least, although I do think Pak's doing a good job.

    Cyclops is the best.

    Logan should stay dead for at least as long as Jean did.

  15. #75
    Amazing Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by unfriendly View Post
    Wolverine has generally been much more interesting as a less front-and-central character. His best appearances were in God Loves, Man Kills.

    Mutant Town is an amazing underexplored concept, and I'd love to see a comic that goes deep into the everyday lives of poor, non-human-passing, non-cool-powers-having mutants.

    The Scarlet Witch should have gone on trial for what she did, but that does not necessarily mean she should have been condemned outright.

    X-23 should have become Wolverine after Logan's death.

    Claremont's real masterpiece is Storm - at least, his up-until-Inferno version. (That's all I've read of Claremont.) Subsequent Storms have been mostly underwhelming, to say the least, although I do think Pak's doing a good job.

    Cyclops is the best.

    Logan should stay dead for at least as long as Jean did.
    I just started the 2005 run, but I know Peter David's X-Factor is set in Mutant Town so that might be a good place to start if you haven't read it already. I'm only 6 issues in though so I don't know, but so far it's being featured fairly heavily.

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