Poll Results

View Poll Results: What is your opinion of the way James Tynion IV writes WW in JLD?

  • ***** 5 stars. Excellent! In character and power some of the best WW writing I've read.

    8 53.33%
    1. brettc1,
    2. Circe,
    3. Gaius,
    4. JLH,
    5. NYCER,
    6. Red obin,
    7. spidey&wondy,
    8. Vordan
  • **** 4 Stars. Very good. A few tweaks and it would be perfect.

    4 26.67%
    1. Alphaxman,
    2. Dr. Poison,
    3. rayray1127,
    4. SonOfBaldwin
  • *** 3 Stars. I like it. She pulls her weight and I'm okay with her character.

    3 20.00%
    1. Celgress,
    2. Serpis,
    3. SteveGus
  • ** 2 stars. Poor. Her character or her use in the story leaves me feeling let down.

    0 0%
  • * 1 Star. Awful. She doesn't act or sound right and is a lame duck for getting things done.

    0 0%