Guys, have you heard about this:
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Guys, have you heard about this:
[QUOTE=kaimaciel;4230231]Guys, have you heard about this:
they already cut the lines from new age of heroes to green arrow and titan
Yeah, seems like everything that was gonna get cut ha already been cut.
[QUOTE=kaimaciel;4230231]Guys, have you heard about this:
[URL=""]RIP DC COMICS - CUTTING THE LINE[/URL][/QUOTE]I find it wired that they reference the number of comics in December and January in the article, since DC pushed all comics that would have usually been published in the last week of December, one week back to the first week of January, so both month are nor really representative for DCs usual out put.
I don't think that RHatO is immediate danger, since they just changed the direction of the book half a year ago, therefore I think they will let it run a little bit longer.
But I'm wondering if we will soon see some sort of line wide relaunch, similar to the DCYou, once the have finally wrapped up Dooms Day Clock.
[URL=""]hian0508[/URL] (from last year but I don't think it was posted in the old appreciation thread)
@Aahz: Sorry, I searched for a better resolution of the mentioned UtRH character design. But so far I couldn't find anything.
That gap in Jason's height though. :p
@G-Potion: The gap is my favorite detail.
More fanarts
[QUOTE=G-Potion;4231181]That gap in Jason's height though. :p[/QUOTE]
I know, right? It's a nice touch.
And [URL=""]here's some fun observation[/URL] about Tim's left hand on Jason Fabok's Detective Comics 1000 Batman universe artwork. It's a little slash-y (but more on the humorous side). That's why I only post a link (and because I'm too lazy to create a new post).
And [URL=""]here's some fun observation[/URL] about Tim's left hand on Jason Fabok's Detective Comics 1000 Batman universe artwork. It's a little slash-y (but more on the humorous side). That's why I only post a link (and because I'm too lazy to create a new post).[/QUOTE]
Ha ha. People sometimes, oh.
So, uh, just me or is the forum kind of out of wack right now?
No. I'm having problems too
[URL=""]DamagedRed[/URL]: [I]"Dead Robins' squad, unite."[/I]