Bruce-54 (for 5 years straight, he refuses to accept his age)
Dick- 28
Jason- 23
Tim- 18
Damian- 13-14
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Bruce-54 (for 5 years straight, he refuses to accept his age)
Dick- 28
Jason- 23
Tim- 18
Damian- 13-14
[QUOTE=Arsenal;4388995]Woods run as the artist of RHO ends soon, he just said he’s working on the last 4 pages now.[/QUOTE]
(Sorry, I wanted to post the following already a few days ago but somehow I never found the time)
That was unexpected. But Woods seems to end on a high note, at least judging by the two panels he has posted in the last days. Especially the first one is so beautiful. I wonder what happens story-wise between the [URL=""]first[/URL] and [URL=""]second[/URL] panel posted on Twitter.
I don't think a lot of time passes since it's the same background. But Jason switches from being wary, even reaching for one of his guns, to a rather relaxed pose (kneeling?). He even seems a little baffled while the other person holds something above his head. I'm not even sure if the other person in the first and the second panel is the same one.
My first guess for the hidden person in the first panel was Penguin. The long black object could be his cane.
My second guess was Damian who holds his katana. RH:O could continue the story that TT Annual started.
But my favorite option would actually be Melissa, the FBI special agent that was introduced in #26, the first issue Woods drew. It would be kind of fitting if she'd also show up in his last.
It was also shown in RH:O #29 that Melissa uses a cane (at the moment).
I have no idea about the second panel. Is that supposed to be a new character? I don't associate the design and chain with any character I know.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4396789](Sorry, I wanted to post the following already a few days ago but somehow I never found the time)
That was unexpected. But Woods seems to end on a high note, at least judging by the two panels he has posted in the last days. Especially the first one is so beautiful. I wonder what happens story-wise between the [URL=""]first[/URL] and [URL=""]second[/URL] panel posted on Twitter.
I don't think a lot of time passes since it's the same background. But Jason switches from being wary, even reaching for one of his guns, to a rather relaxed pose (kneeling?). He even seems a little baffled while the other person holds something above his head. I'm not even sure if the other person in the first and the second panel is the same one.
My first guess for the hidden person in the first panel was Penguin. The long black object could be his cane.
My second guess was Damian who holds his katana. RH:O could continue the story that TT Annual started.
But my favorite option would actually be Melissa, the FBI special agent that was introduced in #26, the first issue Woods drew. It would be kind of fitting if she'd also show up in his last.
It was also shown in RH:O #29 that Melissa uses a cane (at the moment).
I have no idea about the second panel. Is that supposed to be a new character? I don't associate the design and chain with any character I know.[/QUOTE]
Going by the hand, the chain and the iron bar (that's what I think the blurred thing in the first panel is), I think that, whoever they are, they're sitting in a swing, in some playground. And, whoever will be, they are wearing some fancy gloves.
Finale Episode of season 2 of the Red Hood Fanseries. I really enjoyed it sofar, hope there will be a season 3.
Wondering why no ones discuses the series here.
[QUOTE=JoeZ;4396656]Yes, for me it's something like:
Bruce 35-36
Dick 22-24
Jason 20-21
Tim 16
Damian 13-14[/QUOTE]That seems to be what the writers a going for, even if it makes on sense for Jason to be that much older than Tim and so close in age to Dick, and to for Tim beeing that close in age to Damian.
Technically it should be (based on pre flashpoint) either be something like :
Bruce 39
Dick 25
Jason 18
Tim 17
Damian 10
or if we really have Damian aged up to 13:
Bruce 42
Dick 28
Jason 21
Tim 20
Damian 13
[IMG][/IMG][/QUOTE]Whats interesting is that the guns were so far not part of Jason's new costume.
[QUOTE=Zaresh;4396901]Going by the hand, the chain and the iron bar (that's what I think the blurred thing in the first panel is), I think that, whoever they are, they're sitting in a swing, in some playground. And, whoever will be, they are wearing some fancy gloves.[/QUOTE]
That's a creative point of view. I like that. It also explains the positioning of the stranger's arm in the second panel while Jason is kneeling in front of him/her.
[QUOTE=Aahz;4397049]Wondering why no ones discuses the series here.[/QUOTE]
I'm really bad at watching any kind of series. Normally I give up after a few episodes, so I don't even start watching most series nowadays.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4397155]I'm really bad at watching any kind of series. Normally I give up after a few episodes, so I don't even start watching most series nowadays.[/QUOTE]It's a pretty fun series. and I thing they get the characters (Jason, Tim and Damian) pretty well.
In the second season they have Jason travel the multiverse trying find a way back to his own earth to rescue Damian and Tim from the Court of Owls. And in comparison to season 1, I think stepped their game quite a lot.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4395700]You are not the only one. When RHatO Rebirth was announced, I was more than a little skeptical about Bizarro. The information that I had found about Bizarro made his character look very goofy. And I personally prefer darker and more serious stories with a lot of emotion and just the right amount of humor here and there. But in the end Bizarro turned out to be a great character. I'm glad that RHatO has [B]its own Bizarro and not the Bizarro from Bizarro World.[/B]
I love that line from the Grundy fight too. It's fun but also shows Bizarro's determination to protect his little family of outlaws while said family is worried about Bizarro's declining health. So much emotion in one scene. I love it.
I didn't notice the "S" thing, could be because of different artists, or something metaphorical when smart Bizarro is in fear of turning back into his old self. I'll reread the Bizarro Reborn arc later.
I would have been pretty mad if Artemis had been immediately turned into Jason's new love interest. I definitely preferred Jason's and Artemis' platonic friendship for a long time. I'm not a fan of that mentality that a guy and a woman on the same team need to fall in love with each other. But the idea of Artemis and Jason grew on me. So I'm glad that it needed 25 issues until Jason finally got his kiss.
The current story arc has some recurring side characters from the New52 arc. It would probably be an advantage if you knew some stuff from the old run. So maybe keep that in mind when you read Red Hood: Outlaw Vol 2 (if DC does not change the title again).[/QUOTE]
I'm honestly not very knowledgeable when it comes to Bizarro from the comics or otherwise. I know what he is but my only real exposure to him prior to this was from Smallville.
Good to know, if something comes up I will know to find whatever issues from the N52 that gives me some backstory, without having to go through the entire run.
In other news, I just saw that Curran Walters wants to play Jason in the new Batman movie. Honestly I would be okay with that because I really liked his portrayal in Titans. A bit violent yes, but still pretty good.
[QUOTE=gohei_;4398020]I'm honestly not very knowledgeable when it comes to Bizarro from the comics or otherwise. I know what he is but my only real exposure to him prior to this was from Smallville.
Good to know, if something comes up I will know to find whatever issues from the N52 that gives me some backstory, without having to go through the entire run.
In other news, I just saw that Curran Walters wants to play Jason in the new Batman movie. Honestly I would be okay with that because I really liked his portrayal in Titans. A bit violent yes, but still pretty good.[/QUOTE]
Honestly, you’ll probably only need the first Volume of the New 52 RHATO run.
Little fancomic by evinist. Basically Bruce has turned into Pikachu and the Robins try to understand what Pikachu Bruce is saying. I only post the two pages with Jason ([URL=""]page 5[/URL] and [URL=""]page 6[/URL]) because the first four pages have some Detective Pikachu spoilers.
Decided to read some old post Crisis/Pre FP Red Hood stuff and I forgot how bad some of it was, especially his later appearances.
[QUOTE=Arsenal;4398844]Decided to read some old post Crisis/Pre FP Red Hood stuff and I forgot how bad some of it was, especially his later appearances.[/QUOTE]
I think I could rant for hours about how Jason was editorially mistreated after Batman: Under the Hood, especially when compared to Dick, Tim and Damian.
Looking on the bright side: There isn't much to catch up for new fans. Basically everything between BUtH and New52 can be ignored. Countdown is also interesting, but Donna, Kyle and Jason can't remember their little adventure together. So it's not necessary to know the story for the current universe. And even then Rebirth is an even better starting point than New52, but that's just my own opinion because I adore Artemis and Bizarro.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4399066]I think I could rant for hours about how Jason was editorially mistreated after Batman: Under the Hood, especially when compared to Dick, Tim and Damian.
Looking on the bright side: There isn't much to catch up for new fans. Basically everything between BUtH and New52 can be ignored. Countdown is also interesting, but Donna, Kyle and Jason can't remember their little adventure together. So it's not necessary to know the story for the current universe. And even then Rebirth is an even better starting point than New52, but that's just my own opinion because I adore Artemis and Bizarro.[/QUOTE]
It's definitely a better starting point. Where Rebirth Jason start as someone who fights the Gotham underworld, his origin recap, and the book's visual style fits better with the idea of Jason both in fandom and as established by Under The Red Hood.
New 52 Red Hood is more like Titans. You got sci-fi, bros being bros, aliens, outer space adventures, demons, it's too... out there compared to how Under The Red Hood defined Jason, and that's before they remade Jason's origin into something outrageous.
It's not what I expected a Jason Todd story goes compared to the image I have about him from pop culture osmosis. Even with the addition of superpowered characters that New 52 Outlaws also have, The Rebirth version fits that tone better.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4399066]I think I could rant for hours about how Jason was editorially mistreated after Batman: Under the Hood, especially when compared to Dick, Tim and Damian.
Looking on the bright side: There isn't much to catch up for new fans. Basically everything between BUtH and New52 can be ignored. Countdown is also interesting, but Donna, Kyle and Jason can't remember their little adventure together. So it's not necessary to know the story for the current universe. And even then Rebirth is an even better starting point than New52, but that's just my own opinion because I adore Artemis and Bizarro.[/QUOTE]Appart from UtRH the only stuuff worth reading from pre flashpoint are imo, his guest appearances in Green Arrow and Outlaws (even if the later is pretty short), Lost Days and to a degree Count Down.
Count Down is a pretty crappy story (and superlong) but it has few nice moments with Jason, even if the best stuff is probably the first few issues.
[QUOTE=Aahz;4399402]Appart from UtRH the only stuuff worth reading from pre flashpoint are imo, his guest appearances in Green Arrow and Outlaws (even if the later is pretty short), Lost Days and to a degree Count Down.
Count Down is a pretty crappy story (and superlong) but it has few nice moments with Jason, even if the best stuff is probably the first few issues.[/QUOTE]
Him and Donna talking cordially was pretty good. Both talking about how they died and came back, plus the two became friends back in NTT. So, Jason isn't really hostile to her. Especially compared to the Bats at the time.
I mean, Rebirth Jason wouldn't exist without N52 Jason and DC You Jason. Luckily for us, he has been one of the few characters in the DCU to have a consistent development over the years that have stuck. N52 took UtRH as starting point so it makes more sense to go from there to N52 than going into Rebirth.
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4399476]I mean, Rebirth Jason wouldn't exist without N52 Jason and DC You Jason. Luckily for us, he has been one of the few characters in the DCU to have a consistent development over the years that have stuck. N52 took UtRH as starting point so it makes more sense to go from there to N52 than going into Rebirth.[/QUOTE]
Especially since his relationship with Bruce is in a completely different place in the beginning of Rebirth than it was at the end of UTH so New 52/DC You helps ease that transition.
Dexter Soy has posted some interesting Batman design ([URL=""]part 1[/URL] and [URL=""]part 2[/URL]) on Twitter. It's probably Bruce Wayne, but I still feel it's a little Red Hood inspired.
Not a fan of the chin lamp and the teeth, but I like that the logo was moved from the chest to the face and that the mouth is covered. Overall, the design looks pretty unique.
[SPOIL]I miss Slade. Why are so many characters that I like dying left and right?[/SPOIL]
Bottom one looks hilariously OOC it's awesome.
More Slade Wilson and Arkham Knight Jason Todd by [URL=""]Paz[/URL]:
May numbers are out
> 117. RED HOOD OUTLAW #34 (DC) - 18,984 [117]
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4400557]May numbers are out
> 117. RED HOOD OUTLAW #34 (DC) - 18,984 [117][/QUOTE]
Well, back to the usual. April was a fluke, I guess.
[URL=""]Virtual Mockingbird[/URL]
[URL=""]Virtual Mockingbird[/URL]
Tim, Tim, Tim. Jason would probably spike it when he refills it.
[URL=""]Dexter Soy[/URL]: "I’ll be at the North Texas Comic Show this month. I’ll be signing and sketching at the @bigtimecollectiobles booth!"
Since it came out in the sales thread, I'm going to compile sales numbers for the previous volumes
Red Hood And The Outlaws 1* $2.99 DC 50,501
Red Hood And The Outlaws 2* $2.99 DC 53,444
Red Hood And The Outlaws 3* $2.99 DC 45,126
Red Hood And The Outlaws 4* $2.99 DC 39,850
Red Hood And The Outlaws 5* $2.99 DC 38,304
Red Hood And The Outlaws 6* $2.99 DC 35,908
Red Hood And The Outlaws 7* $2.99 DC 34,767
Red Hood And The Outlaws 8* $2.99 DC 34,177
Red Hood And The Outlaws 9 $2.99 DC 48,798 (NoTO tie-in)
Red Hood And The Outlaws 10 $2.99 DC 37,044
Red Hood And The Outlaws 11 $2.99 DC 35,820 (Rocafort's last issue)
Red Hood And The Outlaws 12 $2.99 DC 34,439
Red Hood And The Outlaws 0 $2.99 DC 39,511 (Zero Month)
Red Hood And The Outlaws 14 $2.99 DC 37,710
Red Hood And The Outlaws 15 $2.99 DC 64,103 (DOTF Tie-In)
Red Hood and the Outlaws 16 $2.99 DC 59,621 (DOTF Tie-In)
Red Hood And The Outlaws 17 $2.99 DC 53,076 (DOTF Tie-In)
Red Hood And The Outlaws 18 $2.99 DC 37,731
Tynion Run
Red Hood And The Outlaws 19 $2.99 DC 36,630
Red Hood And The Outlaws 20 $2.99 DC 34,542
RHATO Annual 1 $4.99 DC 30,157
Red Hood and the Outlaws 21 $2.99 DC 32,416
Red Hood And The Outlaws 22 $2.99 DC 30,534
Red Hood and The Outlaws 23 $2.99 DC 28,821
B&R (Ras al Ghul) 23.3 $3.99 DC 49,452 (Forever Evil Tie-in)
Red Hood and the Outlaws 24 $2.99 DC 27,128
Red Hood And The Outlaws 25 $3.99 DC 30,632 (Zero Year Tie-in)
Red Hood And The Outlaws 26 $2.99 DC 25,382
Red Hood and The Outlaws 27 $2.99 DC 24,813
Red Hood And The Outlaws 28 $2.99 DC 23,236
Will Pfeifer fill-ins
Red Hood and The Outlaws 29 $2.99 DC 22,316
Red Hood And The Outlaws 30 $2.99 DC 21,718
Red Hood And The Outlaws 31 $2.99 DC 21,257
Lobdell's Second Run
Red Hood and the Outlaws 32 $2.99 DC 33,081
Red Hood And The Outlaws 33 $2.99 DC 20,669
Red Hood And The Outlaws 34 $2.99 DC 20,069
RHATO Futures End 1 $3.99 DC 48,002 (Future's End Tie-in)
Red Hood and the Outlaws 35 $2.99 DC 19,837
Red Hood and the Outlaws 36 $2.99 DC 19,245
Red Hood and the Outlaws 37 $2.99 DC 18,723
RHATO Annual 2 $4.99 DC 16,912
Red Hood and the Outlaws 38 $2.99 DC 18,014
Red Hood And The Outlaws 39 $2.99 DC 17,270
Red Hood and the Outlaws 40 $2.99 DC 17,110
For completions' sake, here are the numbers for the Convergence issues, finishing the story of Pre N52 Jason
Convergence Batman & Robin 1 $3.99 DC 56,720
Convergence Batman & Robin 2 $3.99 DC 50,271
Red Hood/Arsenal
Red Hood Arsenal 1* $2.99 DC 40,071
Red Hood Arsenal 2 $2.99 DC 26,829
Red Hood Arsenal 3 $2.99 DC 23,841
Red Hood Arsenal 4 $2.99 DC 22,113
Red Hood Arsenal 5 $2.99 DC 21,025
Red Hood Arsenal 6 $2.99 DC 19,857
Red Hood Arsenal 7 $2.99 DC 25,789 (Javi Fernandez first issue as Artist and Robin War Tie-in)
Red Hood Arsenal 8 $2.99 DC 22,900
Red Hood Arsenal 9 $2.99 DC 22,341
Red Hood Arsenal 10 $2.99 DC 17,707 (Dexter Soy first team up with Lobdell)
Red Hood Arsenal 11 $2.99 DC 19,711
Red Hood Arsenal 12 $2.99 DC 16,402
Red Hood Arsenal 13 $2.99 DC 16,389
The final two issues of RH/A have been the lowest selling issues starring Jason so far. I'm guessing the news about Rebirth and losing Soy as artist were big factors for that.
Also, with the news of Doomsday Clock becoming a non canon, self contained story, I'm guessing the same will happen to Three Jokers.
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4405468]Also, with the news of Doomsday Clock becoming a non canon, self contained story, I'm guessing the same will happen to Three Jokers.[/QUOTE]
Where did that news come from?
[QUOTE=Darkcrusade25;4405483]Where did that news come from?[/QUOTE]
Wow. Johns being pushed even further out.
I can't seem to understand the language in that interview that states that DDC would be non canon