[QUOTE=Arsenal;4513502]So do y’all think Jason is done with Event: Leviathan or will he continue to pop up in the last 3 issues.[/QUOTE]
I hope he's done. Sadly, can't say the same for Damian though. Or what Bendis is calling Damian.
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[QUOTE=Arsenal;4513502]So do y’all think Jason is done with Event: Leviathan or will he continue to pop up in the last 3 issues.[/QUOTE]
I hope he's done. Sadly, can't say the same for Damian though. Or what Bendis is calling Damian.
[QUOTE=Arsenal;4513502]So do y’all think Jason is done with Event: Leviathan or will he continue to pop up in the last 3 issues.[/QUOTE]
If I'm not mistaken, he's shown in the cover for issue #4 or #5? So I guess the story isn't done with him yet.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4513507][URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ImrZtn2C4/"]Christopher Castillo[/URL]
Ooh. Spider-Man cover reference
[QUOTE=Zaresh;4513546]If I'm not mistaken, he's shown in the cover for issue #4 or #5? So I guess the story isn't done with him yet.[/QUOTE]
Issue #5. But the solicitation doesn't mention Jason.
[I]From the Eisner Award-winning team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev, it's the reveal of the biggest mystery of the summer. Who is Leviathan? And what is their true goal? You're going to find out here! Plus, Lois Lane had a whole other team working this story the entire time, and-oh man!-someone found something! [/I]
By the way, wasn't Silencer supposed to appear in Event Leviathan #3?
Well that was a little more than just 'competent'. Okey doke then.
[QUOTE=Aahz;4513493]What Deathstroke did was way more ridiculous then what Jason did here, and it was also way more awesome since you could actually understand what was going on in that fight.
In the fight in Event leviathan Jason accuracy with the guns, and when redirecting the Arrow seems kind of over the top, but you see Bruce, Dick and Damian do stuff like that quite often, so it is believable for me that he can pull that of.
Manhunter is not really a highly trained fighter, so that Jason can take her in an one-on-one fight is also plausible.
Green Arrow shoots only two arrows at him, and one seems actually to do what it was supposed to do and to block Jason's gun. And we have seen Jason already pre crisis doing well in fight against the (imo more capable) post OYL Grren Arrow.
In the Fight with Batman and Robin you can't tell what is going on, but it looked more like Jason somehow got away that he actually beat them in Hand to hand combat.
Only the Plastic Man thing doesn't really make sense for me, since that guy is basically invulnerable to martial arts, guns and falling from building. And could imo easily taken Jason down, if his powers had been used properly.[/QUOTE]
Pretty much this, some of the fighters are either not in Jasons league or aren't even around to do much.
Like you said, the biggest seemingly 'op' moments feel like they come from the plastic man moment, which may have been better illustrated if they actually showed that the arrow was some kind of 'trick arrow' that incapacitated him, as is, he really should have been able to bounce back from that.
And the Batman and Robin scene, which is confusing, though I will add that here in this moment:
It looks like Bruce is taking the brunt of the fall for both Damian and Jason, which actually makes that dialogue between Bruce and Damian in the beginning (as incohesive as it is) where Bruce denies 'letting Jason off the hook', make a bit more sense.
and in this scene:
I don't think it's implying that he bested them in direct hand to hand combat, more so that the water gave Batman a disadvantage.
As confusing as the art makes it to be, I'm pretty sure that last panel with Jason is implying that he has flipped Bruces cape and is incapacitating Batman and Robin by pushing their heads under the water with the added weight of the cape.
I still would liked to see the aftermath of that however, and how he ultimately got away from them, rather than a 'annnnnd et cetera black screen'.
I think the best part of the issue was the conversation between Jason and Lois, it was certainly the most well written part compared to the conversations in the fortress, which all feel way too jumbled, and at least it kept my favorite trend of the last issue going, which was Jason using his detective skills and knowledge. Haven't seen that being used in a long time.
I've read Event Leviathan #3.
I still love Maleev's style and I'm not mad at Bendis' slow pace, for me it's actually relaxing to read while the atmosphere in the story is still tense.
I liked the references to Batman Under the Red Hood: on the cover, a big chasing scene, Red Hood (and others) crashing through a glass ceiling and Red Hood getting away after giving a hint while the chasers are left behind wondering about the true identity of a character.
There are some details I wonder about too but at this point I'd rather like to wait and see how the story progresses and concludes. I'm not even sure, but I could imagine that there's a traitor among the "detectives". The group acts very unorganized (and more like a group of bullies considering that they didn’t have any evidence when confronting Jason, they based their case solely on prejudice).
I also don't think they trust each other - why should they? Lois Lane's father could be Leviathan, Batman could be somehow involved (Jason mentioned that Bruce had imagined something similar in issue #2), Damian's mother is another Leviathan, Green Arrow should be suspicious too (Damian blames Roy's death for Jason turning into Leviathan, but Green Arrow was also affected by Roy's death), no one knows Manhunter, the Question always stays in the background and is not even in the same room with the others in #3, and Leviathan seems to be very interested in Plastic Man. The scene in the morgue could have been a play-act or Plastic Man has secretly switched sides afterwards.
I'm also not so mad at the majority of the chasing scene. Jason is known as excellent marksman. He hits Manhunter's staff and Lois Lane's mobile phone. Green Arrow shows the same level of aiming skill in this issue by hitting Jason’s gun at the beginning and Manhunter’s staff at the end. The real BatGod in this issue is Damian. He’s able to ignore the laws of gravity by reaching Jason mid-air – although Jason is way heavier than Damian and therefore should be falling faster. Under water Damian ignores laws of physics again. Damian does not have the muscle weight in order to be an effective fighter under water – but he still hurts Jason by kicking him in the face anyway.
But I understand the point in Plastic Man's case. Maybe the first arrow that hit Plastic Man does the same thing as the last one – shooting a sticky dragnet. I don’t know Plastic Man’s abilities and therefore can’t say if such a gadget would work on Plastic Man or not.
The dialogue between Lois Lane and Jason was interesting. The part with Amanda Waller and Leviathan looks promising (although I don't understand why Superman suddenly pops up and acts like a brainwashed watchdog).
[URL="https://toixx.tumblr.com/post/148795139586/very-nice-batboys-inspired-by-very"]toixx[/URL] (from August 2016)
Ok. You guys made me reevaluate the issue again. I guess I can believe he could really pull scaping them that easily if they acted that uncoordinated. Which, they did, definitely. The issue is still written very, uh, hard to follow. Maybe it's because I'm not a native, but I really had a lot of trouble following the structure of a lot of sentences. And Jason and Leviathan "we" for 'I' here and there didn't help (even if Jason was just imitating their speech patterns). Neither did helped that Bendis went for a very informal way of speaking, dropping half the elements in a lot of sentences. But I guess, as I said, that that is on me and my level in commanding English, and I'm nitpicking.
I'm wondering, didn't you guys get the feeling as if Oliver were kind of helping Jason in a roundabout way, but on purpose? Maybe he has realized already who Lev is and he's distracting them because they're observing their group. And I had the same feeling with Bruce somehow, as if he wasn't really pursuing Jason.
[QUOTE=Zaresh;4514343]Ok. You guys made me reevaluate the issue again. I guess I can believe he could really pull scaping them that easily if they acted that uncoordinated. Which, they did, definitely. The issue is still written very, uh, had to follow. Maybe it's because I'm not a native, but I really had a lot of trouble following the structure of a lot of sentences. And Jason and Leviathan "we" for 'I' here and there didn't help (even if Jason was just imitating their speech patterns). Neither did helped that Bendis went for a very informal way of speaking, dropping half the elements in a lot of sentences. But I guess, as I said, that that is on me and my level in commanding English, and I'm nitpicking.
I'm wondering, didn't you guys get the feeling as if Oliver were kind of helping Jason in a roundabout way, but on purpose? Maybe he has realized already who Lev is and he's distracting them because they're observing their group. And I had the same feeling with Bruce somehow, as if he wasn't really pursuing Jason.[/QUOTE]
it wasn't just you the dialogue is very bad
[QUOTE=Sergard;4514257]He’s able to ignore the laws of gravity by reaching Jason mid-air – although Jason is way heavier than Damian and therefore should be falling faster. [/QUOTE]Not necessarily, air resistance is also quite important for the falling speed, thats also often shown Parachuting scenes in action movies. But I doubt that the building was really high enough to pull something like that of, and with his cape, Damian would have probably have quite a heigh air resistance.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4514257]I donÂ’t know Plastic ManÂ’s abilities and therefore canÂ’t say if such a gadget would work on Plastic Man or not.[/QUOTE]Afaik his body is basically made of some sort of elastic or viscose plastic. His powers kind of a mixture of Elasticman and and Clayface. He is extremely elastic and can shape shift, and is invulnerable to almost anything apart from heat and chemical solvents. If he had wrapped himself around Jason. Jason wouldn't have been able to do much about it, without the right gadget.
[I]To celebrate Jay’s birthday, JJMK and I will make some postcards! We expect it to be 5$, including two postcards plus shipping fee (not selling individually).[/I]
postcard by JJMK
postcard by Fade
[URL="https://fade-works.tumblr.com/post/187027821370/happy-birthday-to-my-boy-jason-todd-love-you-so"]Here's[/URL] Fade's artwork without the sample text.
Still my favorite Red Hood costume.
More birthday artwork.
There are also artworks from the last years that I haven't seen before (it least I can't remember them).
[URL="https://twitter.com/20171214__/status/897727136164958208"]@2017121420171214__[/URL] (from 2017)
[URL="https://twitter.com/lemon_mango1/status/897502352566964224"]lemon_mango1[/URL] (from 2017)
[URL="https://twitter.com/4yottsu/status/1029751298055237632"]yottsu[/URL] (from 2018)
[URL="https://twitter.com/4yottsu/status/1029751298055237632"]4yottsu[/URL] (from 2018 - continuation of the artwork above)