Jason Todd: Robin, Red Hood, Arkham Knight Appreciation 2019
[SIZE=5][COLOR="#B22222"][CENTER]"I'm my own man! Me, Jason Todd!"[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[CENTER](Batman #408)
[I]Jason Peter Todd, born and risen in Lady City of Gotham's crudest part that came to become the second Robin, the Red Hood and the Wingman; the Arkham Knight of a different, grimmer universe; The Damned Prince of Gotham who suffered and died by the hand of the Clown Prince of Crime. But the young man whose sheer will and bad luck couldn't let him rest and who made his way back from the grave.
Vigilante, avenger: he fights for fairness, for setting the wrong right and for defending and protecting those who cannot fend themselves, and he will do so crossing lines into dark areas or delivering a brutal brand of justice. A daring and sassy adventurer who has traveled not only this world and the space, but other universes. A flawed man who fights not only the monsters out but also inside, who fears the ghosts of memories and suffers from them and despite that will fight back with determination. A man who can despise himself as much as he despises others; Who makes mistakes but also rights; Who can love as much as long for being loved, and hate as much as he loves. Who can lose himself in anger as well as in loneliness.
Jason Peter Todd is a complex character, product of a complex editorial history. This is his appreciation thread and this is how we come to appreciate and ramble about him.[/I]
(Thanks @Zaresh for writing the above introduction.)
[SIZE=4][COLOR="#B22222"]"Even back then, Batman wasn't sure if I was going to be a hero ... or [B][I]something else[/I][/B]."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
(Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth)[/CENTER]
[SIZE=3][B]Quick two-step introduction to Jason Todd/Red Hood[/B][/SIZE]
[B]Step 1[/B]: Watch [I]Batman: Under the Red Hood[/I]
[B]Step 2[/B]: Read the current Rebirth run of [I]Red Hood and the Outlaws[/I] (renamed [I]Red Hood: Outlaw[/I] with issue 27), trades:
[LIST][*]Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 1 - Dark Trinity[*]Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 2 - Who is Artemis?[*]Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 3 - Bizarro Reborn[*]Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 4 - Good Night Gotham[*]Red Hood: Outlaw Vol 1 - Requiem for an Archer[*]Red Hood: Outlaw Vol 2 - Prince of Gotham[*]Red Hood: Outlaw Vol 3 - Generation Outlaw (release date: 30-Jun-2020)[/LIST]
[URL="https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/behind-the-red-hood-an-oral-history-of-the-death-and-resurrection-of-batmans-second-son"]Behind the Red Hood[/URL] with Paul Levitz, Bob Schreck, Judd Winick, and Doug Mahnke ([URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?119829-Jason-Todd-Robin-Red-Hood-Arkham-Knight-Prince-of-Gotham-Appreciation-2019&p=4690298&viewfull=1#post4690298"]copy[/URL])
[SIZE=3][B]Families, Allies and Friends[/B][/SIZE]
"Someday I hope you'll come to look upon me as your [B]father[/B], and by then I hope I'll be able to speak to you with more patience and wisdom than I've demonstrated so far."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Bruce Wayne (Detective Comics #533)[/CENTER]
[U]Todd family[/U] ([URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?119829-Jason-Todd-Robin-Red-Hood-Arkham-Knight-Prince-of-Gotham-Appreciation-2019&p=4134444&viewfull=1#post4134444"]special moments[/URL])
[LIST][*][B]Willis Todd[/B] - Jason's father. Presumed deceased; but actually alive.
[CENTER]"So this is [B]Gotham[/B]. Your Home. You're gonna be everything I [B]never[/B] was. A [U]damned Prince of Gotham[/U]. I'm gonna keep you safe. Be a dad you can look up to."
Willis Todd (Red Hood and the Outlaws #23 [2016 - ])
[/CENTER][*][B]Catherine Todd[/B] - Jason's mother, presumed dead.[*][B]Faye Gunn/Ma Gunn[/B] - Willis' mother and Jason's grandmother
[CENTER]"I deserve my fate. I'll be fine. I've grown accustomed to the dark."
Ma Gunn (Red Hood and the Outlaws #25 [2016 - ])
[/CENTER][*][B]Faye Gunn[/B] - Jason's cousin
[CENTER]"I'm just trying to understand what she sees in you. She seems to think you're special."
Faye Gunn to Jason Todd about Ma Gunn (Red Hood and the Outlaws #22 [2016 - ])
[U]batfamily[/U] ([URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?119829-Jason-Todd-Robin-Red-Hood-Arkham-Knight-Prince-of-Gotham-Appreciation-2019&p=4133054&viewfull=1#post4133054"]special moments[/URL])
[LIST][*][B]Bruce Wayne/Batman[/B] - Jason's adoptive father, Jason and Bruce have a very complicated relationship with ups and downs
[CENTER]"Why do all the cub scouts in spandex [B]always[/B] say that? 'If I cross that line, there's no coming back.' I'm not talking about killing Cobblepot or Clayface. Not Riddler or Dent. I'm talking about [B]him[/B]. Just him. And doing it because .... because he took me away from you."
Jason Todd to Bruce Wayne (Batman #450)
[/CENTER][*][B]Alfred Pennyworth[/B] - the Wayne-butler and grandfather-figure to all Robins
[CENTER]"Come back to us, you [U]prince of Gotham[/U]."
Alfred Pennyworth (Red Hood and the Outlaws #18 [2011-2015])[/CENTER]
(Red Hood and the Outlaws #29 [2016 - ])[/CENTER]
[U]Allies and Friends [/U]
[SIZE=4]"One day your heart will shine brighter than the dark fury inside you. And that day will be [B]glorious[/B]."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Ducra (Red Hood and the Outlaws #5 [2011-2015])[/CENTER]
[I]current outlaws[/I]
[LIST][*]Artemis of Bana-Mighall/Artemis Grace[*]Bizarro
[CENTER]"Bizarro am not perfect. But Red Him show me how and me promise to be the best Bizarro me can be."
Bizarro (Red Hood and the Outlaws #7 [2016 - ])[/CENTER]
[*]Devour[*]Cloud Nine[*]DNA[*]Doomed[*]Babe in Arms[*]Mombie
[I]former outlaws[/I]
[LIST][*]Roy Harper/Arsenal
[CENTER]"Remember that voice you heard in your head? 'Don't do it, dummy!' That was me."
Roy Harper (Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2 [2016 - ])
[I]further allies/friends[/I]
[CENTER]"I suppose I should [B]congratulate[/B] you. The first human in a thousand years to survive [B]the cleansing[/B]. But I still can't tell if it's because you're worthy or just so damned stubborn."
Ducra (Red Hood and the Outlaws #5 [2011-2015])
[/CENTER][*]Dog[*]Bunker[*]Wingman[*]Suzie Su + sisters[*]Essence[*]Sa'ru[*]Simon Amal/Crux[*]Bronze Tiger[/LIST]
[U]Lost during reboot[/U]
"Fact is, really, the only other sidekick I ever met was the second Robin. Everyone says bad things about him but if you ask me, he was cool."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Eddie Bloomberg (Teen Titans [2003-2011] #42)[/CENTER]
[LIST][*]Eddie Bloomberg[*]Harvey Bullock[*]Nocturna[*]Kyle Rayner[*]Donna Troy[*]Scarlet[*]Sheila Haywood[/LIST]
[CENTER]"Jason tried ... to rescue me ... we almost ... made it ... so close ... he turned out ... to be such a ... good kid ... all his problems ... and he ... still ... turned out good ... he's ... much better ... than I deserve ... much better ... he threw ... himself ... in front ... of me ... in front of me ... he took ... the main brunt ... of the blast ... such a ... good boy ... must have ... really ... loved his ... mother ... his ... his ..."
Sheila Haywood (Batman #428)[/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR="#800080"][SIZE=4]"Come on, Jason. With dad dead we only have each other. Let's not fight."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Joker's Daughter (Red Hood/Arsenal #11)[/CENTER]
[LIST][*]Joker[*]Black Mask[*]Untitled[*]Ra's Al Ghul[*]Joker's Daughter[*]Penguin[*]Underlife[*]Solitary[/LIST]
[B]Upcoming Appearances[/B][/SIZE] (outside of [I]Red Hood and the Outlaws[/I])
(Jason Todd/Red Hood by Jason Fabok for [I]Three Jokers[/I] story)[/CENTER]
[LIST][*]Jason Todd in the [I]Young Justice[/I]-cartoon[*]Jason Todd's fate in [I]Batman Beyond[/I][*]Geoff Johns' [I]Three Jokers[/I] mini-series[*]Jason Todd in Gordon Murphy's [I]White Knight[/I] Vol. 2 or 3 (maybe)[*]Tom Taylor's [I]Unkillables[/I] mini-series[*]possible confrontation with Leviathan by Brian Bendis[*]Red Hood TV series (rumor)[/LIST]
[B]Old Thread[/B]
[URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?364-Jason-Todd-Robin-Arkham-Knight-Red-Hood-Appreciation-2018"]Jason Todd: Robin, Arkham Knight, Red Hood Appreciation 2018[/URL] (actually 2014-2018)
[B]Other stuff[/B]
[URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?120845-The-Jason-Todd-Reread-(pre-and-post-crisis)"]The Jason Todd Reread (pre- and post-crisis)[/URL]
[URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?119829-Jason-Todd-Robin-Red-Hood-Arkham-Knight-Prince-of-Gotham-Appreciation-2019&p=4148957&viewfull=1#post4148957"]Sales Statistics[/URL]
[URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?119829-Jason-Todd-Robin-Red-Hood-Arkham-Knight-Prince-of-Gotham-Appreciation-2019&p=4284270&viewfull=1#post4284270"]Recommended fanfics[/URL]
[B]DC Forum Appreciation Thread rules:[/B]
1) No negative comments about the honoree(s) of this thread. It's an appreciation thread, not a non-appreciation one.
2) No negative discussion about any competitors of the honoree(s) of this thread. No ifs, ands, or buts. Find another non-appreciation thread to do that, just not here.
3) No negative comments about other versions of the character. For example, if you like the DCU version of Cyborg, but hate the DCnU version (or visa versa), just appreciate the earlier version and keep your comments about the latter to yourself.