[img]https://i.imgur.com/CCwYRXB.jpg[/img][/QUOTE]Does anybody know whom they have fused with Ravenger.
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[img]https://i.imgur.com/CCwYRXB.jpg[/img][/QUOTE]Does anybody know whom they have fused with Ravenger.
[QUOTE=Aahz;4742523]Does anybody know whom they have fused with Ravenger.[/QUOTE]
I almost want to say Lady Shiva, but I'm not sure.
[QUOTE=Aahz;4742523]Does anybody know whom they have fused with Ravenger.[/QUOTE]
That was the one that had me stumped.
The thigh high 'boots' along with the fully body outfit stopping at the chest reminded me of Artemis, but the green color doesn't make sense then, unless it's referring to her Requiem outfit which just feels needlessly convoluted. The thigh high boots and green color also reminded me of Cheshire, but I thought she was more known for here short skirt/robe combo.
[URL="https://twitter.com/xjanetk/status/1207637676863541249"]JANET KINTON[/URL]
[URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B6RHIU-AVv7/"]Ace Continuado[/URL]
artwork by Yasmine Putri ([URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B6O47PfhrXG/"]source[/URL])
[QUOTE=Sergard;4743181]artwork by Yasmine Putri ([URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B6O47PfhrXG/"]source[/URL])
Damn, she can make anything look cool.
Jason looks oddly femenine though. Must be the way he's standing, looks like he's posing on a Beauty contest or something.
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4743288]Jason looks oddly femenine though. Must be the way he's standing, looks like he's posing on a Beauty contest or something.[/QUOTE]
It's a contrapposto pose. It does put an emphasis in curving the body in a gentle arc, but it's a very classic pose for males across the history of art.
It's a relaxed and "casual" pose, but it's meant to also give a feel of movement. It is very common in fashion photography, too (see wiki article for more).
[QUOTE=Zaresh;4743364]It's a contrapposto pose. It does put an emphasis in curving the body in a gentle arc, but it's a very classic pose for males across the history of art.
It's a relaxed and "casual" pose, but it's meant to also give a feel of movement. It is very common in fashion photography, too (see wiki article for more).
I see what Dark means though. If you don't focus right, the symbol on the chest ends up making it look like Jason is wearing something out of Wonder Woman's wardrobe.
[QUOTE=Jackalope89;4743411]I see what Dark means though. If you don't focus right, the symbol on the chest ends up making it look like Jason is wearing something out of Wonder Woman's wardrobe.[/QUOTE]
Ah, I see now. Yeah, but maybe it has more to do with how the symbol is drawn. Pecs aren't drawn that curvey, I think. It's more like the symbol is weirdly curvey.
I thought the obsevation was because of the slight S curve that Jason's body is drawing with his head-shoulders-waist-hips.
What should Jason's next arc be?
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4743288]Jason looks oddly femenine though. Must be the way he's standing, looks like he's posing on a Beauty contest or something.[/QUOTE]
He's standing the way a Hollywood badass female character with a gun and katana would look, with the hip cocked to one side
[QUOTE=Zaresh;4743195]Damn, she can make anything look cool.[/QUOTE]
I love the gun and sword combination.
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;4743577]What should Jason's next arc be?[/QUOTE]
Jason, Artemis and Bizarro reconnecting while Jason is dealing with Alfred's death and the fact that Ma Gunn is his grandmother.
Also some bonding time between Rebirth Outlaws and Generation Outlaws.
Blog time!
So today I counterargued someone in Reddit that said that Morrison's redhead Jason and Winick's Jason's had more in common than Winick's and Lobdell's. I can't believe people think that that redhead has anything to do with Under the Hood's Jason in anything but the name. I don't get it. I know Lobdell's is different than Winick's, but, as much as Morrison's? Even when Judd Winick came back for the character in that Dickbats run (chapters 24 to 26; I looked it up), I recall his part like kind of making fun of the way he was written when that run began (yet nothing unrespecful or breaking too much the character at the time, if memory serves me right).
I mean, I read Batman and Robin a long way back, but I think I'm not missremembering it that much. Or am* I? I had a lot of fun reading that run, but Jason wasn't a reason why; that part, I think I remembered it right. I hadn't read anything between that and Under the Hood (prior to B&R. I was reading some Batman's sagas* in order), so I even got to have a much clear contrast when I got to that point. And Dini's take, which was before it, but I read afterwards, was much more like Winicks, and definitely, something very similar to what we got with Lobdell. In my memories.
Maybe I should reread Batman and Robin.
Pre and Post Crisis Robin Jason have more common than UTRH Jason and Red Head Jason do.