[QUOTE=Sergard;4625471][URL="https://twitter.com/fade_bottomjay/status/1183403471451484166"]Fade[/URL] (birthday gift for JJMK)
[URL="https://twitter.com/akkiyamia/status/1183045013757804545"]remina[/URL] (Dick and Jason)
I really want to make a lewd joke on fade's work but can't think of a really good one. Like I wanna make one about cherry but that's strawberry.
Remina's work, they look like shojo manga princes. Their hair is black but uncolored, and with that style, they remind me of those neat and curly-haired blonde brother princes or young noblemen love interests.
[URL="https://twitter.com/dextersoy/status/1183474030617223171"]Dexter Soy[/URL]
[URL="https://twitter.com/starlightdevil/status/1183731385644847105"]Javechan[/URL] (for Fade - sorry, I got it wrong in the last post. It's Fade's birthday, not JJMK's)
Artwork was inspired by Fade's Siren!Jason.
[URL="https://twitter.com/_Sae0000/status/1183750080655814656"]Sae[/URL] (adult Damian and Jason)
[URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B3khiRDgSZo/"]Joseph O'Hanlon[/URL]
[URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kpm0wBq6f/"]Felipe Trindade[/URL]
With the rumors for 5G growing stronger, what are you guys hopes (and fears) for Jason's future?
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4627281]With the rumors for 5G growing stronger, what are you guys hopes (and fears) for Jason's future?[/QUOTE]
Hope: Red Hood/Outlaws won't be influenced (too much) by all that big changes going on.
Fear: Morrison 2.0 trainwreck
[QUOTE=Sergard;4627309]Hope: Red Hood/Outlaws won't be influenced (too much) by all that big changes going on.
Fear: Morrison 2.0 trainwreck[/QUOTE]
Pretty much this. I fear that they make back Jason into his take pre-FP. But I don't think that will happen.
If there's some serious timeskip, maybe they may associate him to other character, like they did with Batwoman in Detective Comics. Not that I'm enthusiastic with him sitting in the back as a supporting of other character, but it could be way worse. Look ad Bruce in Batman Beyond: that's not a bad place to be.
I'm not really following the 5G discussions. Is there already a rumor for the next Wonder Woman?
I'm scared that Artemis has to leave the Outlaws because she'll be a supporting character in Wonder Woman.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4627363]I'm not really following the 5G discussions. Is there already a rumor for the next Wonder Woman?
I'm scared that Artemis has to leave the Outlaws because she'll be a supporting character in Wonder Woman.[/QUOTE]
Rumor, yes. Artemis, no.
And its not Donna or Cassie either. The biggest rumor is that its some new rando in her comic that's supposed to take over.
I don't know if is that I've grown jaded, but this whole 5G idea fails to interest me. When I want to read Batman or Superman, I want to read about Bruce and Clark, not about any rando they picked up from a hat.
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4627281]With the rumors for 5G growing stronger, what are you guys hopes (and fears) for Jason's future?[/QUOTE]
Hopes: Once the 5G stuff is done, Jason/the Outlaws end up better than they were before
Fears: We end up with something that's worse than TentaTodd or Morrison's Red Head Marketing Major
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4627411]I don't know if is that I've grown jaded, but this whole 5G idea fails to interest me. When I want to read Batman or Superman, I want to read about Bruce and Clark, not about any rando they picked up from a hat.[/QUOTE]
I feel you. No one can really replace Bruce as Batman, Clark as Superman, etc. in main continuity. DC could retire the current Justice League and re-brand Dick's Titans the new Justice League with the respective changes in identity and it would still feel wrong to me.
But concerning this topic I've seen this comment in the DC 5G discussion thread. And it makes sense to me.
[QUOTE=leo619;4627391]Some of the fans here don't seem to understand the purpose behind this. This isn't meant for classic comic book readers. Like ANAD, which help Marvel branch into finally producing semi-successful to successful new characters for Marvel, this is meant to attract new readers with a diverse setting of new characters that aren't given the chance with the current reading demographic. Now if some classic fans actually enjoy the new books that they would release from 5g, more power to you, you break the mold. But DC definitely isn't doing this for classic readers, they know full well that classic readers prefer the status quo. But that same status quo is limiting the ability to reach new audiences and is causing their sales to be even worse than when it was during New 52.
So it's perfectly understandable to be upset about your prefer characters being replaced (though it sounds like the books will continue to be release, it's just more like a JSA based universe while 5g would be the current universe) but let's not pretend like 5g is meant for the classic comic book fan. It's not.[/QUOTE]
Gonna quote myself from that thread
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4627528]I don't follow Marvel closely, but a quick glance at last month's solicits shows me that all the classic characters are back already, headlining their usual books. And this is after what, Marvel's fifth rebranding in the last eight years? Using a stablished character as a crutch to introduce more diversity or variety in the roster has been proved to never work in the long term and in the current status quo of DC, where no one is really happy with their direction, this will only further alienate the core fanbase for a spike in sales that will plummet in a few months. It happened with DCYOU already, it happened with most of Marvel's relaunches, it will happen again.
You want to diversify your characters? Appeal to a new fanbase? Then diversify your output with new books, new lines. DC's recent approach with subsidiary lines for young adults and kids is the perfect way to reach a newer audience, replacing a well-known character for literal unknowns, is not.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but the real value of these characters isn’t in the year or two they will be headlining so-so selling comics. It’s the IP they generate out of it. It’s Natalie Portman as Thor and the Batwoman and Falcon Captain America series. DC and Marvel need to generate IP to remain viable. Batman only really generates an adaptable story every couple of years - look how often Under the Red Hood gets retold - and don’t have the infrastructure to tell brand new stories with new characters the way say Shōnen Jump does, so they’ve got to keep putting new twists on old characters to make money. ‘What’s it like to be black Batman?’ is an easy hook for adaptation that doesn’t need masses of lore to back it up, in the same way ‘what if Robin went bad?’ is.
[I]A short comic for Bruce and Jay playing video games!! Pls Pls Pls watch Lego Batman Family Matters to have more sweet moments[/I]
[QUOTE=Swallowtail;4627609]Yes, but the real value of these characters isn’t in the year or two they will be headlining so-so selling comics. It’s the IP they generate out of it. It’s Natalie Portman as Thor and [B]the Batwoman and Falcon Captain America series[/B]. DC and Marvel need to generate IP to remain viable. Batman only really generates an adaptable story every couple of years - look how often Under the Red Hood gets retold - and don’t have the infrastructure to tell brand new stories with new characters the way say Shōnen Jump does, so they’ve got to keep putting new twists on old characters to make money. ‘What’s it like to be black Batman?’ is an easy hook for adaptation that doesn’t need masses of lore to back it up, in the same way ‘what if Robin went bad?’ is.[/QUOTE]
Series that failed to keep steady sales and were canceled.
Really, if you want new characters to use in videogames, cartoons or whatever, there's absolutely no need to introduce them by replacing well-known and loved characters first.
The first one of this bunch is very good. Dynamic, fun looking, and also picturing some awesomeness with Jason rescuing Jason. It's a great piece.
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4627680]Series that failed to keep steady sales and were canceled. [/QUOTE]
Their TV series, not their comic series. If comic sales were the only thing taken into consideration RHATO probably wouldn’t still be chugging along. Heck, you could cancel the whole line and replace it with DC superhero girls. That outsells everything but Killing Joke.
And there is no conceivable way DC have to create heat on a character then making him Batman for a while. Nothing else they could do even comes close.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4627309]Hope: Red Hood/Outlaws won't be influenced (too much) by all that big changes going on.
Fear: Morrison 2.0 trainwreck[/QUOTE]
Pretty much, hopefully Rhato will just continue along as it usually does during these kinds of 'big shakeups'. I feel like being constantly on the outskirts has its benefits.
[QUOTE=Swallowtail;4627953]Their TV series, not their comic series. If comic sales were the only thing taken into consideration RHATO probably wouldn’t still be chugging along. Heck, you could cancel the whole line and replace it with DC superhero girls. That outsells everything but Killing Joke.[/QUOTE]But you don't really need a comic for a TV series.
Just look at Legends of Tomorrow, the team and some of these main characters don't exist in the comics.
If they want to do a Batwing Series or Movie, it doesn't really matter much if he had ever been Batman in the comics (unless they managed to write a really amazing story), since the majority of the viewers has anyway never read the comics.
[QUOTE=Aahz;4628659]But you don't really need a comic for a TV series.
Just look at Legends of Tomorrow, the team and some of these main characters don't exist in the comics.
If they want to do a Batwing Series or Movie, it doesn't really matter much if he had ever been Batman in the comics (unless they managed to write a really amazing story), since the majority of the viewers has anyway never read the comics.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but Legends was launched as "Hey look, a show about Canary and Atom and Captain Cold and all the minor characters you like from the first couple of seasons of Arrow on the Flash" for a whole season before they got bored with its premise and it went out and became it's own weird thing. We're in this heavily IP driven environment at the moment, where screen-writers are actually told, "Hey could you go and turn your script into a graphic novel first so we can say it's based on something" in order to sell your script. Having something be from the comic give it legitimacy. Comics are a very small slice of the pie in terms of WB's overall sales, so they need to bring added value. That means every now and then you pull a stunt like this. Black Batman will get mainstream news coverage. It will mean Luke-as-Batman merch and a Luke-as-Batman TV animated movie. It's the same reason Barbara will stay Batgirl. Because no comic is going to be worth as much to the company, as all those red-headed barbie dolls AT&T sells to little girls.
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4627281]With the rumors for 5G growing stronger, what are you guys hopes (and fears) for Jason's future?[/QUOTE]
Very new to DC comics and not super familiar with the Generation stuff. Could someone give a super quick rundown?
[QUOTE=cc008;4628730]Very new to DC comics and not super familiar with the Generation stuff. Could someone give a super quick rundown?[/QUOTE]It seem as DC will basically do what Marvel did recently with "All new all Differnt" and have all their big Characters pass their mantles to new Characters.
In case of Batman it seems like Luke Fox (Batwing) will take over.
[URL="https://twitter.com/VirtualMocking1/status/1183851338960179200"]Virtual_Mockingbird[/url] (Red Hood and Red Robin)
[URL="https://twitter.com/nuu__t/status/1184025625067061249"]@nuu__t[/URL] (Tim and Jason)
I got my hands on the "Anatomy of a Metahuman" book, and it was pretty weird to see the Dark Trinity mentioned in the Bizarro entry, mainly because the rest of the book only references events up to Darkseid War, so the brief Rebirth mention is so out of place.
[QUOTE=cc008;4628730]Very new to DC comics and not super familiar with the Generation stuff. Could someone give a super quick rundown?[/QUOTE]
The Generation stuff is pretty new.
DC has revealed a "new" timeline at a convention at the beginning of this month. [URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?129874-DC-s-quot-new-quot-timeline-revealed-at-NYCC"]Here's[/URL] a thread about it. The main information is that DC has structured the history of their comic universe into four Generations, and each Generation is subdivided into Years, although I don't think that "Year" actually means "365 days". Otherwise Bruce Wayne/Batman would be 60+ years old by now. We are currently in Generation 4 Year 5. (just for comparison: Generation 1 is 25 Years long and Generation 2 and 3 are 15 Years each.)
So far, there are only rumors about Generation 5 (short: 5G) starting soon. And the main rumor is that all the big heroes (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Green Lantern) will step down and their mantles will be passed to new/lesser known characters. Rumors say that the 5G Batman will be Luke Fox and the 5G Superman will be Jon Kent. [URL="https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?129970-DC-5G-the-Replacements"]There's[/URL] a thread (mainly speculation) about that topic too.
As Aahz has mentioned, Marvel has done something similar in the past already. The main target group are new readers. So since you are pretty new to DC, as you have mentioned, 5G might be something for you (if 5G really happens).
There is still some stuff I personally don't understand (I also don't follow Marvel comics, so I don't know how they handled their stuff):
When does Generation 4 end and when does Generation 5 start? Generation 2 and 3 have 15 Years each. So I'd imagine that Generation 4 will also have 15 Years. Does that mean that 5G is set 10 Years in the future?
Will there be Generation 4 and Generation 5 comics? What will be considered the "main universe"? Or will every comic have a time jump and missing years will be addressed in flashbacks?
Finished cover for 39
[I]Viking Jason and his dog for Inktober Day 6: Husky. (PS his dog's name is Saga, after the Norse goddess of stories) #JasonTodd #RedHood (couldn't decide which hairstyle I liked best)[/I]
[I]#inktober2019 #batober #jasontodd day11 snow[/I]
Titans season 2 episode 7 "Bruce Wayne" will debut on Oct. 18, 2019.
[QUOTE]Tensions are running high at Titans Tower after their most recent encounter with Deathstroke. Kory attempts to learn more about Conner Kent, and Rose tries to help Jason cope with his near-death experience, while the old Titans keep getting mysterious reminders of a past they’d rather forget. As Dick sets out alone to track down Deathstroke, a familiar voice begins to haunt him – taunting him and attempting to guide him back to being the leader the Titans need. With all the strange ongoing happenings and Dick’s continuing to keep the team in the dark, both Jason and the Titans reach a potential breaking point.[/QUOTE]
Finished cover for 39[/QUOTE]
Whoa. 10char
[QUOTE=cc008;4630006]Whoa. 10char[/QUOTE]
Yep. It's pretty good.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4627067][URL="https://twitter.com/starlightdevil/status/1183731385644847105"]Javechan[/URL] (for Fade - sorry, I got it wrong in the last post. It's Fade's birthday, not JJMK's)
Artwork was inspired by Fade's Siren!Jason.
Ah. Classic two art styles of Jason. Hunk and Twink.
Finished cover for 39[/QUOTE]
I'm really getting bored of the crowbar
[URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B3r9NqhhXDs/"]Peejay Catacutan[/URL]
[URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B3sQIFzh6fO/"]Chris Johnson[/URL]
[URL="https://www.instagram.com/p/B3run5kCpQl/"]David Messina[/URL]
[I]Red Hood #41[/I]
I can't wait to see that costume go. I look at him and I see a MK ninja, not Jason.